Germination Help


Well-Known Member
Some ppl tell me i put the seeds under a light others in the dark, whats the fastest way to get them to pop in the paper towel?


Active Member
what i just did and has great results (10 out of 10 seeds)

was to soak the seeds in water in a coffee cup covered with something to keep the light out overnight, then moved them into a moist paper towel and let them sit inside a coffee cup with a lid to keep moisture in... by the next day all of the shells had cracked


Well-Known Member
seads dont need any light to grow... at all... The only thing I remember from highschool science...
I use a small face towle and put it on a pie dish covered by a bowl placed ontop of my computer screen like colin 10/10
planted a handfull of bagseed that way and hardly any didnt sproute...


Well-Known Member
New here but I did this and had great success germinating.

Seeds in wet paper towel.
Wet paper towel inside a zip lock back.
Place zip lock bag in between two plates.
Place two plates in a dark place.

Good luck ..


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
I just put a moist (not wet) papertowel on a small plate, lay the seeds on it, cover with another moist papertowel and then put another plate the same size over top. I then put it in a cupboard and check on it everyday for moisture content, Wthin 3 to 4 days you will see a root. Be gentle with them when planting them too, plant root down.


Well-Known Member
just to make it can follow all of these methods and still not get success, as i didnt with 5 seeds. the main thing...i the quality of the seed.

im not really sure what my issue was...BIG BANG strain from the legends Greenhouse Seed Co. and i did step by step paper towel seeds have cracked...some i had to help with a steril razor blade...but none have grown a decent tap root at all...its almost been two wks. I have another order for seeds on the way, but i refuse to throw these 5 away yet.

pray for them!


Well-Known Member
Nobody talks about temperature, Which is crucial for happy babies. I like 70-75, put them in water for 12 hours, then into towels, but change water and towels everyday to prevent mold from growing. Put in a dark warm closet shelf . Do not touch seeds with hands, use tweezers to move and plant them


Well-Known Member
Guys, um, its a weed. You are all taking it out to the spa, giving them body rubs....people don't get treated as good as these seeds are.

Maybe this is the problem? We treat the things that make us feel the best like gold; but its seeds and not people.

What happened????


Well-Known Member
I've germinated a couple seeds over the last couple weeks:

Heat makes a difference. Cold seeds=nothing; warm seeds=happy babies

what I do is just toss them in some moist papertowel as explaned above and put them on top of my ps2 that I just leave runn for a couple of days. The plate that they are on stays nice and warm which is crucial to getting your seeds to spout. I think I also read somewhere that if the seeds are warmed in the begging there is a greater chance of them being female... don't quote me on that though.. anyway thats just what I do.