germination question/problem


Active Member

i'm not an absolute beginner but I have a beginner's question lol. I have 2 feminized pineapple punch seeds that are giving me trouble germinating. I have heard you can crack the seed and make it germinate. Has anyone does this successfully? If so can you give me your method? Thank you!


Active Member
I heard rubbing the end of the seed where the tap root sprouts from with sand paper can help - i wouldn't recommend cracking the seed tho..
How long have you been trying to germinate? What's the temperature, is it too cold or hot? I had some seeds that took over a week to germinate fully, but I think because it was too cold.


Well-Known Member
If the seed hasn't germinated, its going to be real sketchy trying to force it to do so. Its easy to screw up but what the hell, it wasn't gonna sprout anyway right?

Get a magnifying glass and fine edged razor blade/xacto knife, whatever. Begin halfway between the top and tip of the seed and carefully put a split in the casing heading toward the tip of the seed. If you slip and the blade pushes in, plant embryo is dead by abortion.

Good luck with your beans

*Edit* I forgot man, whittling most of the seed casing away is another way to go.


Active Member
thanks for the input guys I really appreciate it. What I did was take the tip of a small sharp knife into the tip of the seed and cut it open just a bit about 1 hour ago, I just looked at it and I see the seed breaking open with the white root tip becoming visible.