germination / start help


Well-Known Member
My cabs specs are in another thread I posted a while ago called, "overheating issues." Its temp is always perfect at 78. (Fixed my overheating). I'm using 4 cfl 100 watt equiv, 25 w; 1 cfl 100 wat equiv 30w. For the space, its good. I put books beneath the cups an inch away from lights.

The soil dries easily so I feel I water once a day using small mist on soil. I tried the papertowel method and started to get the white stuff coming through so I planted. 6 cups full of bag seeds 1/4 inch deep. Its in some indoor potting soil.

I've kept the cups on a 18-6 light cycle for 4 days and still nothing popping. Should I water and put in dark until something pops? I just don't get why not 1 seed sprouted or anything. What could be wrong?


Well-Known Member
Aw thank you. I feel silly now. I've been on the site studying advanced gardening and missed a basic thing. So I put clear wrap on each cup with some water on the soil. Ill give it until the morning, check, and repeat. ill post a journal or topic once I've got some sprouts. Thank you again. Rep +.