

Hey guys, just wondering how you all germinate your seeds? I first germinated seeds I found in a deal I had of cherry pie I just put them in canna coco watered it and left them in my cupboard at 22°c for 3/4 days and they germinated pretty well I think, I shall add photos, the second lot I tried to germinate was Sweet tooth Auto from Barneys farm I did it the same way but added perlite to the canna this time and only on tap root came out with no further progress over the next 5 days then the tap root fell off, the other split but the root never came out, I left them over a week hoping they would sprout but no luck, I have no put my remaining sweet tooth auto and blue cheese auto between paper towels and made them damp in the same cupboard I did the others ones In and hoping they will work this time or I have wasted money on seeds
I don't fuck around with paper towel (personal preference). I almost get 100% germination rate using Rapid Rooters.
I didn't like the sound of it myself but 2 people I have spoke to now swear by it, il look into them for the next lot, thanks mate
I didn't like the sound of it myself but 2 people I have spoke to now swear by it, il look into them for the next lot, thanks mate
It totally works. I did it back in the day and had great results. I use Rapid Rooters now because they are super simple.
If I'm running autos, I throw them in a cup of water and put the cup in a cardboard box. then i put the box somewhere warm till the tap root pops. Then they go right into the final pot I'll use for them.
For non autos, I throw them right in soil in solo cups inside of a humidity dome. I dont like the paper towel method. I have seen root hairs get stuck in the paper towel and people have screwed their seedlings because of it.

I'm not saying it cant be done in a paper towel, I just dont like the idea. You can also get peat pucks & use those in a dome as well.
Here's what works for me every time.

Fold up a paper towel and soak it with warm water. Squeeze a bit of the water out, but leave it quite damp. Fold the seeds up in the paper towel, and seal it in a Ziploc bag to keep it from drying out. Put the bag somewhere warm - I like to keep it on top of my hot water tank - and in a couple of days, if the seeds are viable, you'll see tap roots. Once the root is about half an inch long, I plant them in ProMix seed starting mix in solo cups, and in a couple more days they should be breaking through. Don't plant them deep. I make a very small hole for them and cover them with a small amount of the ProMix.

Everyone has their own way of doing things, but this method has been extremely successful for me.

Good luck.
Hey guys, just wondering how you all germinate your seeds? I first germinated seeds I found in a deal I had of cherry pie I just put them in canna coco watered it and left them in my cupboard at 22°c for 3/4 days and they germinated pretty well I think, I shall add photos, the second lot I tried to germinate was Sweet tooth Auto from Barneys farm I did it the same way but added perlite to the canna this time and only on tap root came out with no further progress over the next 5 days then the tap root fell off, the other split but the root never came out, I left them over a week hoping they would sprout but no luck, I have no put my remaining sweet tooth auto and blue cheese auto between paper towels and made them damp in the same cupboard I did the others ones In and hoping they will work this time or I have wasted money on seeds

They should pop a tap root from 12 to 48 hours. Use h202 on tweezers then rinse in hot water. grab the case very carefully & remove from the paper towel. If it gets caught don't force the pull. Spray it with water then try again. Put the tap root face down in media of choice, then cover lightly with the same media & keep it moist. Make sure you wash your hands before touching anything or use nitrile gloves.
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I soak seeds in a glass of water for 12 hours and plant in soil. I don't use the paper towel method anymore. The way it sorta sticks to the paper I feel is ripping fiber roots. Plus it's just simple to get a small glass of water and pop it in soil
i've only done 2 methods and got 100% germination both ways. 1. paper towel method ( i do NOT SOAK!!! prior to using this method. i state this because many people do soak it before putting in the paper towels. this is basically just to soften the outside ) i put them in a wet paper towel you can wring it out if you want i've done that too and just put in a completely sealed ziploc or an slightly open ziploc and just tossed in the dark in my closet where it is warm. no heater no heat mat nothing. i check daily but usually after 1 full day they cracked and can be planted already. some go longer for a longer tap root but i don't do that.

2. planting seeds in soil. i just tried this with my current grow not bad tbh. didn't take very long almost the same amount of time to pop as if i were to do paper towel method. just put in soil, watered as normal and water for it to pop up.

not sure what the difference between rapid rooters and jiffy pots are but im sure you can use jiffy pots as well. i've seen many people using rockwool also so that is always an option.
Ok ... I’m gonna blow your mind with my FOOL PROOF method handed down from a Tibetan Monk .

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i like this method the most so far the only down side to it imo is you can't see the progress as it germinates so pretty much your second guessing if it will pop and if so when. but i guess if you buy from a good supplier you shouldn't even have this issue. i only buy from 1 seed bank no issues with seeds thus far
If seeds are stored properly ( viable ) they will pop as intended. Very little moisture will activate them.
BUT ...... if you have older stock ( they go dry ) and you have to “ work “ them slightly.....
Scuff them , long soaking , light bloom mix soak , Urb soak , Indole - 3 butyric , and about a thousand other ways to stimulate ( hopefully ) a germination.

You can do ANY of the above with a simple rapid rooter .... dipping in any of the above solutions for soaking.

If you really can’t stand it after say 3-4 days and “ have to snoop in on her “ , use a little toothpick to carefully dig around seed ( buried less than 1/4” ) to see if she threw a tap. If not , you may need to directly hydrate it .
let the seeds soak in a glass of water for about 24 hours to make the process faster and then put them in your media..paper towel method is just useless..nothing good can gives you!