getawaymountain 2014 outdoor

View attachment 2983651View attachment 2983626View attachment 2983627View attachment 2983640View attachment 2983643we first put them on the tables with the wooden lathes under the bags so water can run off the tables under the grow bags and then we transplant into 10 gallon bags as they sex out then when the swamp dries up we put them on the ground (mossy areas) with the bottoms cut out of the grow bags and thats it till harvest


Your awesome man! If a picture is worth a 1000 words! I really appreciate the time and effort you spend educating me and all who read your threads.

Do you worry about frost when you first put them out? I'm looking at the dates on your pictures and see that your seedlings are outside on April 9th. Do you have a method of keeping them safe from frost in April?

One more Question for

You use 10 gallon bags... How root bound do they get? Have you ever tried 5 gallon bags? I've grown a bunch of plants in 5 gallon buckets but I'm wondering if I might have gotten bigger plants had I used bigger buckets.

I have no indoor growing abilities so I must wait for the weather before I can start. You seem to have plants started already, which I imagine will require a bigger bucket/bag.

I'm wondering if 5 gallon bags will be enough seeing I won't be starting plants until late April/ Early May. 5 Gallon bags would be easier to conceal but I don't want to stunt growth. What are your thoughts on container size? How are the roots when you cut the bottoms off the bags?

Your awesome man! If a picture is worth a 1000 words! I really appreciate the time and effort you spend educating me and all who read your threads.

Do you worry about frost when you first put them out? I'm looking at the dates on your pictures and see that your seedlings are outside on April 9th. Do you have a method of keeping them safe from frost in April?

One more Question for

You use 10 gallon bags... How root bound do they get? Have you ever tried 5 gallon bags? I've grown a bunch of plants in 5 gallon buckets but I'm wondering if I might have gotten bigger plants had I used bigger buckets.

I have no indoor growing abilities so I must wait for the weather before I can start. You seem to have plants started already, which I imagine will require a bigger bucket/bag.

I'm wondering if 5 gallon bags will be enough seeing I won't be starting plants until late April/ Early May. 5 Gallon bags would be easier to conceal but I don't want to stunt growth. What are your thoughts on container size? How are the roots when you cut the bottoms off the bags?

the dates on the camera is wrong. we start them and get them big enough to go out if they are the second batch and sex them outside but the early ones we start will presex and we put the females outside 3 ft tall we don't put anything outside till after the last full moon in may or up here ya will get hit with a frost .the pics of ones in the 5 gallon buckets have the bottoms of buckets drilled with 6 keyhole size holes ( 2 inch ) around the bottoms for the roots to take ahold of the swamp . and the roots in the 10 gallon bags are about ready to spread out and with alittle help from us when we cut the bottoms out of the bags and put them down in the moss , they take right off and grow really well and never dry out
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the dates on the camera is wrong. we start them and get them big enough to go out if they are the second batch and sex them outside but the early ones we start will presex and we put the females outside 3 ft tall we don't put anything outside till after the last full moon in may or up here ya will get hit with a frost .the pics of ones in the 5 gallon buckets have the bottoms of buckets drilled with 6 keyhole size holes ( 2 inch ) around the bottoms for the roots to take ahold of the swamp . and the roots in the 10 gallon bags are about ready to spread out and with alittle help from us when we cut the bottoms out of the bags and put them down in the moss , they take right off and grow really well and never dry out

Your Phenomenal man! Awesome doesn't do you justice! Like I said, a picture is worth a 1000 words.
Your Phenomenal man! Awesome doesn't do you justice! Like I said, a picture is worth a 1000 words.

thanks we took alot of pics over the years to show freinds how we do it in the swamps without taking them to the grow spots to see lol... we got a bunch of people that get plants and clones from us but don't know much about growing so it helps with getting the point across to them .
View attachment 2983651View attachment 2983626View attachment 2983627View attachment 2983640View attachment 2983643we first put them on the tables with the wooden lathes under the bags so water can run off the tables under the grow bags and then we transplant into 10 gallon bags as they sex out then when the swamp dries up we put them on the ground (mossy areas) with the bottoms cut out of the grow bags and thats it till harvest
yea I fucked up last year not knowing my area well enough, went straight in ground of the bat, in a semi swampy area, ended up having to dig em up and put em back in bags until later, last year was a sad year for me, very poor results to a tough year, but if nothing else I learned a valuable lesson
yea I fucked up last year not knowing my area well enough, went straight in ground of the bat, in a semi swampy area, ended up having to dig em up and put em back in bags until later, last year was a sad year for me, very poor results to a tough year, but if nothing else I learned a valuable lesson

home base under water 7,8,09.jpgya iv'e been right up to my knees in standing water in the swamps we use in the spring( i wear waders) but they dry up by late july and by harvest the moss is dry as hell and ya would never know there was standing water in may /june . i drowned my share of plants before figuring out how to beat the water problem . also on tables slugs don't swim lol...
It would be funny to half fill an old boat with pots and have a floating garden bed :) that would be a sight to see.

haha iv'e thought of building a floating platform for some spots i really would like to fill up but they don't drain ever but safe as hell as far as deer ,people etc . its a challange growing here for sure lol...
Somebody needs to manufacture 10 gallon grow bags with a camouflage pattern on the outside. A smart manufacturer could have different patterns, Pine forest blend, swamp blend... Why hasn't somebody thought of this yet? If I could find a 10 gallon bag with camo on the outside, I'd buy it in a heart beat.

The bags are made with white for the outside to reflect away heat but there freakin bright white! Black doesn't work as far as keeping them from being noticed. Camo bags would still be noticeable but it wouldn't be Glaring. My spot has a trail on the other side of a swamp, its not used much and by 4 wheelers when it is so camo bags would be ideal.

I just had another idea. Camo sheets of plastic. Like on the roll. I'd love to find something that could be wrapped around a bucket. I know, theres not a big market for camouflage buckets, grow bags, or sheets of plastic. YET! With states finally getting their heads out of the asses and legalizing weed there will be a market for them soon. Even when weed is legal people are still going to want to use stealthy methods to avoid being ripped off. Makes me want to go into the Grow Bag Manufacturing industry. Picture this type of add in High Times Magazine or on the net:

NorthernMan Industries Proudly Presents:
New Camo Grow Bags, come in 1 , 3 , 5, 10 gallon sizes!
Available patterns include: Northern Forrest, Eastern Swamp,
Everglades Greens, Rain Forrest Blend, Pine Needle Blend.

I would be an instant customer. Marketing genius, manufacturing That's not a bad invention, one of my better ones...
Just buy the brown (beige) colored bags and get yourself a can of black spray paint if is that much of a concern.
Somebody needs to manufacture 10 gallon grow bags with a camouflage pattern on the outside. A smart manufacturer could have different patterns, Pine forest blend, swamp blend... Why hasn't somebody thought of this yet? If I could find a 10 gallon bag with camo on the outside, I'd buy it in a heart beat.

The bags are made with white for the outside to reflect away heat but there freakin bright white! Black doesn't work as far as keeping them from being noticed. Camo bags would still be noticeable but it wouldn't be Glaring. My spot has a trail on the other side of a swamp, its not used much and by 4 wheelers when it is so camo bags would be ideal.

I just had another idea. Camo sheets of plastic. Like on the roll. I'd love to find something that could be wrapped around a bucket. I know, theres not a big market for camouflage buckets, grow bags, or sheets of plastic. YET! With states finally getting their heads out of the asses and legalizing weed there will be a market for them soon. Even when weed is legal people are still going to want to use stealthy methods to avoid being ripped off. Makes me want to go into the Grow Bag Manufacturing industry. Picture this type of add in High Times Magazine or on the net:

NorthernMan Industries Proudly Presents:
New Camo Grow Bags, come in 1 , 3 , 5, 10 gallon sizes!
Available patterns include: Northern Forrest, Eastern Swamp,
Everglades Greens, Rain Forrest Blend, Pine Needle Blend.

I would be an instant customer. Marketing genius, manufacturing That's not a bad invention, one of my better ones...
burlap is a good earth tone that'd blend in well. could wrap the bags in that.
Somebody needs to manufacture 10 gallon grow bags with a camouflage pattern on the outside. A smart manufacturer could have different patterns, Pine forest blend, swamp blend... Why hasn't somebody thought of this yet? If I could find a 10 gallon bag with camo on the outside, I'd buy it in a heart beat.

The bags are made with white for the outside to reflect away heat but there freakin bright white! Black doesn't work as far as keeping them from being noticed. Camo bags would still be noticeable but it wouldn't be Glaring. My spot has a trail on the other side of a swamp, its not used much and by 4 wheelers when it is so camo bags would be ideal.

I just had another idea. Camo sheets of plastic. Like on the roll. I'd love to find something that could be wrapped around a bucket. I know, theres not a big market for camouflage buckets, grow bags, or sheets of plastic. YET! With states finally getting their heads out of the asses and legalizing weed there will be a market for them soon. Even when weed is legal people are still going to want to use stealthy methods to avoid being ripped off. Makes me want to go into the Grow Bag Manufacturing industry. Picture this type of add in High Times Magazine or on the net:

NorthernMan Industries Proudly Presents:
New Camo Grow Bags, come in 1 , 3 , 5, 10 gallon sizes!
Available patterns include: Northern Forrest, Eastern Swamp,
Everglades Greens, Rain Forrest Blend, Pine Needle Blend.

I would be an instant customer. Marketing genius, manufacturing That's not a bad invention, one of my better ones...

Some people have had success with doctored burlap. Stay safe.
I like the burlap idea, could even make small slits and stick some twigs to break up the straight outside edge of the bucket or bag. I was sort of joking about the camo bags but I would buy them if they were available, I didn't know they came in beige, that's not a bad idea either. You may think your spot is great but I have had the misfortune of running into some rippers on a camping trip in early September in Vermont.

These bastards stopped by our camp site and boldly stated that they were on the search for weed crops. Had the balls to ask us if we'd seen anybody acting suspicious in areas off the trail. These bastards were outfitted, they had backpacks,waders, folding hand saws, the works. They were carrying a laptop using google earth to search out swamps and sunny spots were they might get lucky. I told them they were pushing their luck stealing somebodies crop which might be the way they make their living, and they could get shot doing it. One asshole told me that this was the way they made their living and the "Hippie-ass farmers need to be worried they don't get shot!"

They proudly displayed their guns, each was carrying a pistol and said they weren't worried. One of them told us that people they know use jackets with DEA on the back to scare away the farmers when they raid (steal) their crops.

You guys can have the best, most out of the way place but that's just the places these type of assholes trudge into looking to swipe your hard earned bud after you spent the whole season producing it.

I figure if these bastards are to lazy to grow it themselves they will be to lazy to cross a swamp UNLESS something catches their eye and draws their attention. I'm not going to grow a crop for some Asshole to steal if I can possibly help it. Those guys put a fear into me of just what we are up against guerrilla growing. I'm missing my farm just thinking about them. Remember this, Rippers are to lazy to grow their own crop and spend all season doing it, but they are motivated enough to search for your crop in September and October and will happily trim your weed and sell it or smoke it depending on how much they find.

All of you growers, think if you were a determined enough asshole you know enough to find a crop if you decided to look for one? Scary thought isn't it, almost discouraging. I just don't want to make it easy for anyone to spot my crop.

When I grew my big field my neighbor asked me for permission to hunt on the back 40 of my land. He told me he had been hunting back there all his life and there was no way I could say no without having him hate me. I told him it would be alright for him but asked that he not bring friends along. He asked me why thinking I was concerned about safety. I said "It has nothing to do with safety, I don't want strangers walking through this field of weed we are standing in!" He nearly shit his pants, I was in my back yard which also happened to be my weed field and when he spotted me while I was watering he decided to come over and visit to ask permission to hunt. He was standing in a field surrounded by weed but because I grew bunch of different strains and didn't have them in rows it looked to the untrained eye to be a field of common weeds, not a field of dreams. I figured I had no real choice but to lay it on the line. He realized that I totally put myself at his mercy so he could continue to hunt and he told me that he would keep my secret and he did. He knew the last thing I wanted was him coming through my yard and field and because I was honest with him he was a great neighbor.

Moral of the story, Hide in plain sight, you never know who will come or when their coming, don't make it easy for them!

Here's a pic of the field the neighbor was standing in, to him it was a field of weeds.

Field of Dreams.jpg

I know I use this pic again and again, its my pride and joy pic for 1 and its the only pic I have of my field, all my good pics of my grow and harvest are stuck in the hard drive of a broken computer, This is all that remains of my Field of Dreams.
SURVEY SAYS ding ding ding ding BURLAP! I wouldn't have thought of it, I love you guys and this site. By the time I'm ready to go outside I should have it all figured out!

I just realized I've been posting all this stuff on your thread. I thought this was going on the thread I started about small pots until I just spotted its on your thread. Sorry about that.