gettin caught form posting?

dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
is it realistic for say if you post up pics of your growroom and you have alot of plants and shit and then have the cops find you from here?
cause they can track ip addresses and shit and if you use your home comp then boom they have your grow spot

is this possible or has anyone known of this happening?
im real high and thought of this so it might sounds dumb but just a thought


Global Moderator
Staff member
Here's a good example of what not to do.
But, if not for a snitch he still would be growing.
A snitch is your worst enemy.

Posting Pot Pictures Lands Man In Jail

Police Learn Identity Of 'Sticky Mango,' Arrest 21-Year-Old

POSTED: Thursday, November 12, 2009
UPDATED: 5:54 pm EST November 12, 2000

Jacksonville Sheriff's Office booking photo of Justin Bauder​

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. -- Police said it was the photos of marijuana plants he posted on the Internet that got him busted.Justin Bauder, 21, of Jacksonville, was arrested Wednesday and charged with cultivation of marijuana, possession of marijuana and drug paraphernalia and public nuisance.Police said they got a tip that someone calling himself Sticky Mango had posted pictures on a Web site of the five marijuana plants he was growing. According to the police report, he also posted step-by-step instructions on how to construct an indoor grow room.When officers learned that Sticky Mango was Bauder and searched his apartment, they said they found one marijuana plant growing in a closet, along with packaged marijuana, loose buds, a bong, a pipe and a scale.The arrest report says Bauder admitted he had been growing the marijuana plants for about two months.


Here's a good example of what not to do.
But, if not for a snitch he still would be growing.
A snitch is your worst enemy.

Posting Pot Pictures Lands Man In Jail

Police Learn Identity Of 'Sticky Mango,' Arrest 21-Year-Old

POSTED: Thursday, November 12, 2009
UPDATED: 5:54 pm EST November 12, 2000

Jacksonville Sheriff's Office booking photo of Justin Bauder​

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. -- Police said it was the photos of marijuana plants he posted on the Internet that got him busted.Justin Bauder, 21, of Jacksonville, was arrested Wednesday and charged with cultivation of marijuana, possession of marijuana and drug paraphernalia and public nuisance.Police said they got a tip that someone calling himself Sticky Mango had posted pictures on a Web site of the five marijuana plants he was growing. According to the police report, he also posted step-by-step instructions on how to construct an indoor grow room.When officers learned that Sticky Mango was Bauder and searched his apartment, they said they found one marijuana plant growing in a closet, along with packaged marijuana, loose buds, a bong, a pipe and a scale.The arrest report says Bauder admitted he had been growing the marijuana plants for about two months.

A lot of the people posting have medicinal grows, the ones that don't just hope not to make enemies. Remember, discussion of growing isn't illegal

dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
damn that really sucks
i used to live in jacksonville about 5 years ago haha
i was to young to even know what weed was
that would be really unfortunate to go down like that

discussion of growing isnt illegal
thats a good little note haha

what if you said "i have a little plant"
your still just talking about it but saying that you actually posses it
it that illegal?

and with people on here being patients
what about a couple years ago when medi was more on the dl
theres no way that most people posting were medi patients


Active Member
Fuck the tax paided government and all your laws against mary jane. Grow that shit spread the buds spread the seeds freedom for all. Don't let them stupid greedy cocksuckers win fuck them and there corrupt government system. I've smoked weed for 30 years everyday so if your a cop reading this you can suck my balls and lick my ass all day long.


Well-Known Member
If you're worried about IP tracking, use Firefox with the Torbutton extension. Torbutton blocks browser plugins such as Java, Flash, ActiveX, RealPlayer, Quicktime, Adobe's PDF plugin, and others: they can be manipulated into revealing your IP address. I use this combo if I need to worry about IP tracking and either Chrome or IE the rest. If I'm being really paranoid I open up a VM and use the Firefox+Torbutton combo I have installed on it.


Active Member
If you're worried about IP tracking, use Firefox with the Torbutton extension. Torbutton blocks browser plugins such as Java, Flash, ActiveX, RealPlayer, Quicktime, Adobe's PDF plugin, and others: they can be manipulated into revealing your IP address. I use this combo if I need to worry about IP tracking and either Chrome or IE the rest. If I'm being really paranoid I open up a VM and use the Firefox+Torbutton combo I have installed on it.
Should people be worried about IP tracking?


Active Member
If you're worried about IP tracking, use Firefox with the Torbutton extension. Torbutton blocks browser plugins such as Java, Flash, ActiveX, RealPlayer, Quicktime, Adobe's PDF plugin, and others: they can be manipulated into revealing your IP address. I use this combo if I need to worry about IP tracking and either Chrome or IE the rest. If I'm being really paranoid I open up a VM and use the Firefox+Torbutton combo I have installed on it.
Like!!!!!!!! a lot