Getting a Divorce

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
I'm 22. Never been married. Have been in a relationship for 3 years and it gets tough.

Love is evol....

And so is hope.

In reality, hope is the worst of all evils, because it prolongs man's torments.* ~Friedrich Nietzsche

And my other favorite.

Hope is the feeling we have that the feeling we have is not permanent.* ~Mignon McLaughlin

I'm a cynic though...sooooo...

Just keep on keeping on. Can't have no in your heart.

Do you...pick yourself up and make the logical you really want to HAVE to make it work? If I know one thing....relationships take work...not force.

Good luck my friend. Keep your chin up and just know that even though you aren't together doesn't mean you each still can't be happy.


Well-Known Member
Im not married, but I'm on the other side of the situation. I am currrently going through a break-up with my girlfriend of 4 years. The times we have shared are unforgettable and I love her so fucking much still... I told her yesterday that the relationship isn't working though. I feel as if I don't want to hurt her, I don't want to leave her for someone else but I just can't stand the relationship. She can be a bitch, always promises she will change, so do I. We fight ALL the time, and it's quite embarrassing sometimes when we are with friends. I have lost friends because of her, I have to think of how to go out with her and friends without it ending in an argument because she can't take a joke, when she is not there I always have a great time (but she wonders why I'd rather go see my mates instead to an invited event with her friends, like we can't be a couple). She is awesome at home, she looks after me well, cooks, cleans, buys me things I need, although I spend more on her and have a much bigger income. I am just not happy and it feels when we get to a low we promise each other we will be better but it just repeats itself, over the course of last weekend we sunk to a whole new low again, which is what provoked me to just say I've had enough. She was a wreck instantly and so was I, I couldn't believe I had said it, I couldn't just take it back because, I did mean it. Now I'm all fucked up because my family and hers will also be affected, we were all so close, my dog even loves her so much he makes some fucked up chewbacca sound in excitement when she comes home. I think I'm doing this so we can realise how much and how seriously we need to get our shit (her mostly, as in chill the fuck out, take a joke, enjoy life, she's too serious and fussy) together. She broke down begging me to stop going ahead with this, but nothing I've done before has worked, I'm hoping some time apart will help. With that being said though anything could happen between now and then, I can't promise I'd take her back or her take me back later, I could loose her forever, she could get knocked up, I could loose my mind and fuck shit up! I have no idea what I'm doing but I hope it just works out, or I hope she ends up happy in the end. I just don't want her to end up alone if shit was to end up on the bad side. I don't care about myself, I just want to be free of arguements, I just want to get away, and her to become the person she thinks she can be, I think I'm hoping for too much.


Well-Known Member
I'm 22. Never been married. Have been in a relationship for 3 years and it gets tough.

Love is evol....

And so is hope.

In reality, hope is the worst of all evils, because it prolongs man's torments.* ~Friedrich Nietzsche

And my other favorite.

Hope is the feeling we have that the feeling we have is not permanent.* ~Mignon McLaughlin

I'm a cynic though...sooooo...

Just keep on keeping on. Can't have no in your heart.

Do you...pick yourself up and make the logical you really want to HAVE to make it work? If I know one thing....relationships take work...not force.

Good luck my friend. Keep your chin up and just know that even though you aren't together doesn't mean you each still can't be happy.
in the nicest way, very well said. They do take WORK! At 22 ur very mature & hopefully ur relationship continues on for a happy & healthy long time if that is what u desire...and no doubt is will


Well-Known Member
Im trying to play catch up lol. I've noticed I have missed a few good ones, but it seems you and Kodank did JUST fine LOL
Well its the LION IN ME lol..................damn ..................EVERYBODY click on my sig it matches my avatar now.............snicker................Im a bad in childish bad not as in hood bad LOL


Well-Known Member
Well I pretty much told her that hey, your right I was wrong for a lot of things I did to you and as soon as I can move out I will be able to give her the space she needs. I am hoping the time apart will allow me to focus on myself and prove to her I can be a better man. Still trying to find a place, that seems to be the hardest part so far. Thanks for all your input RIU, its been a rough month and a really rough few days but I am starting to see what I need to do and how I need to do it. Im gonna have to quit smoking for a while so I can pass a piss test and get a real job. about to take another geography test. :peace:


Well-Known Member
Peach normally i might say your right but I know that I am the one who kept pushin, I was not there for here a lot and I was basically a bastard husband. I know I dont deserve this, but I also know I am not the victim here.

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
I thought today about 'love' as a chemical imbalance .... designed to perpetuate ... human evolution .... ?
Then I thought about My partners .... from past ..... I love them ALL ... in different ways.

Allow yourself to think IN these terms ... for two minutes ...
Vader gets glitchy ...
And move on ...




Well-Known Member
I don't know what it is about this song but it hits a certain spot in my heart. Maybe it will move you as well.
Life isn't always fair and relationships are a two way street that both people have to work at to keep things on a positive note.

You still love her and as long as you still have those feelings i suggest you keep at it till there is no hope. The balls in your court so what are you going to do about it?

You're not ready to let go, so DON'T.



Well-Known Member
Well a lot has happened since I started this and things are still over between us but, I just got a new placed in Pacific Beach 7 blocks from the beach. Pretty awesome!