Getting a Divorce


Well-Known Member
I think he is trying to say......who knows. I am enjoying the shit out of my new place, weather is nicer and so is all the eye candy. Made it to the beach 4 times yesterday which is more than I have been all last year. Moving my big stuff in today, been sleeping on a giant love sac(quite comfortable). I have everything I need including dispensarys and pipe shops like 5 mins from my house by foot. Any RIUppers ever want to chill in PB hit me up!

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
I think he is trying to say......who knows. I am enjoying the shit out of my new place, weather is nicer and so is all the eye candy. Made it to the beach 4 times yesterday which is more than I have been all last year. Moving my big stuff in today, been sleeping on a giant love sac(quite comfortable). I have everything I need including dispensarys and pipe shops like 5 mins from my house by foot. Any RIUppers ever want to chill in PB hit me up!
Glad yur alright mang....i went thru this about 6 years ago..took a lil while to adjust but realized how much better it was being happy lol. Cash Money Ho'z my brother!


Global Moderator
Staff member
I think he is trying to say......who knows. I am enjoying the shit out of my new place, weather is nicer and so is all the eye candy. Made it to the beach 4 times yesterday which is more than I have been all last year. Moving my big stuff in today, been sleeping on a giant love sac(quite comfortable). I have everything I need including dispensarys and pipe shops like 5 mins from my house by foot. Any RIUppers ever want to chill in PB hit me up!
Enjoy the view - I'm envious of that.
Pics or it ain't happening.


Well-Known Member
its mseven blocks from the beach but here is a couple pics, one from the other evening the other was yesterday around noon. I'm def starting to get the whole "lonely feeling". I have found that I have no friends anymore and the only two I do have(roommates) are out of town. I am going crazy with boredom, been trying to make friends but everyone else seems so turned away by me.. Ive already asked a few girls over for dinner but I dont feel like I should be yet...I guess I am just reaching for comfort but I cant even seem to attract the ugly's. It never helps that I'm broke, but I have sent out 20 resumes this week so who knows. Right now Im just sitting at home about to watch the base ball game and have a beer. The 3rd pic i what happens when I get bored with a stack of AC/DC lp's. ttyl RIU!
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Well-Known Member
You will be okay bro, after the smoke clears you will find that you have grown from the experience. Plus when you find your next girl you will be a happy man that things worked out as they have. Best advice i can give is friends, hang with your homies often they will help you deal. :)


man with wall art like that how can ya ever be lonely, now all ya need is a nice green monster sittin in the corner (conversation piece)


Well-Known Member
i am so sorry to hear, ak. i would be devastated if my wife left me.

hope the new house and settings help you start fresh again.



King Tut
So I haven't read much other than OP, but I offer you my cyber-ear. Been there, done that. I have my 11 year old son and a second wife. Learned many things through the process. Would be willing to give my 2 cents, but maybe not here. PM me if you want to talk.

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
I am also with you my brother .... my attempt is to keep things in Perspective ...




Active Member
its mseven blocks from the beach but here is a couple pics, one from the other evening the other was yesterday around noon. I'm def starting to get the whole "lonely feeling". I have found that I have no friends anymore and the only two I do have(roommates) are out of town. I am going crazy with boredom, been trying to make friends but everyone else seems so turned away by me.. Ive already asked a few girls over for dinner but I dont feel like I should be yet...I guess I am just reaching for comfort but I cant even seem to attract the ugly's. It never helps that I'm broke, but I have sent out 20 resumes this week so who knows. Right now Im just sitting at home about to watch the base ball game and have a beer. The 3rd pic i what happens when I get bored with a stack of AC/DC lp's. ttyl RIU!
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Been a long while since your last post, hope everything is going ok for you man! Try and keep yourself busy and occupied, a job of some description would help, work helped me heaps, earning good money working as much OT as I could, seeing friends and contacts there, staying occupied. I have been going through all of this the last 6-8 months and its alot messier with kids involved and courts and other agencies.


Active Member
Pacific Beach?! You win. Glad to see you got shit straight. Funny how many people are still offering condolences. Haha