Getting a little too friendly wth dealers.

phil deese

Active Member
when she said you should stop by sometime to see how good it would work you should have said "I'm Here Now!" What Could She Do But Say Yes Or No?
You Would Already Know The Answer To Your Question!! If She said no, Fuck It She Brought it up, Right? all you wanted was some weed anyway. If she said yes, Beat It Down good and it's yours whenever you feel like it!!:hump:


Well-Known Member
im just trying to tell the boy to go ASAP and sex that bitch up, I hate to see a pussy go to watse specially when she practically put the condom on his dick with her mouth and he still didnt hit it, just trying to be a good citizen:mrgreen:
Im married by the way with children:blsmoke:

but drink the whisky, the same thing that makes your dick soft is the same thing that will make it really hard to cum and sure you wanna enjoy it but I recommend beating it down real good on the first time even if you dont get much from it.

my wang always works no matter how drunk i am, but it makes the difference between 30 seconds of pure action if its the first time fucking that gurl or an hour or more of beatin that pussy like a drum until it sounds like you are murdering someone in the room trying to get a your nut out:mrgreen:, man I beat up some pussy so bad they was walkin out the door hobblin holdin up their up their yeasy piss flaps:mrgreen:

anyway im a married fat ass now who cant last longer than 1 min without collapsing in exhaustion:roll:

I just started a diet today:mrgreen: need to stop the munchies!!!!!

Stoned Bhudda

Well-Known Member
Pandabear, you clearley dont knwo wtf you're talking about.

I dunno guys, shes a good dealear, I dun wanna lose that privlage, and like I siad shes like that. Shes always been kinda flirty, but yeah, im going over there, and im gunna try and tap that ass. Im just gunna go for it. No beating around the bush, unless it goes that way... lol

I have some LSD, I wonder is she is goign to be intersted in that, cuz damn me and my ex found soem acid one day, and ohhh man... You can get some crazy ass ideas....


Well-Known Member
Good luck bro! Going against some of the advice on 'lines' to drop, and groping the girl, just treat like a human being and ask her for a coffee or something, out of her place and in the real world. Just my humble advice, but trust, i've never banged a minger!


Well-Known Member

If there's one thing i've learned about chicks its that they want their signals to be relatively subtle but they all mean the same thing......they want to get FUCKED.

If there's a chick who's letting her titties fly out in front of you, it means that she wants yer cock. And if she does slap you, you can say, "whatever, she was flashing me all day, wtf was i supposed to think?".

trust me on this one, how old is she?


Well-Known Member
dude nice situation,check it out right i gotta lot exp with woman not to brag but i have been around the block more than most. if this chick is feeling you,u gotta be the one playin hard to get not her that shit drives chick wild,personally i think that was a test for u had you gone for it you would got played like a video game son. the more the chick puts her self out there and the more you play hard to get. i have seen time after time a guy gets all trippy over a chick,start wine-n-dine them and buying them things and she just drags them along,and boom shes playin him,never show a chick ur true intension as soon as u do you have played ur self. goin back there now today wrong move you played urself. next time u peep this girl feel out the situation see whats up pay no mind to the tits in ur face the more you show her u are less interested the more she will try to get u interested ya dig? its always a game bro how much fun is a game if you know what the other player is gonna do?


Well-Known Member
dude nice situation,check it out right i gotta lot exp with woman not to brag but i have been around the block more than most. if this chick is feeling you,u gotta be the one playin hard to get not her that shit drives chick wild,personally i think that was a test for u had you gone for it you would got played like a video game son. the more the chick puts her self out there and the more you play hard to get. i have seen time after time a guy gets all trippy over a chick,start wine-n-dine them and buying them things and she just drags them along,and boom shes playin him,never show a chick ur true intension as soon as u do you have played ur self. goin back there now today wrong move you played urself. next time u peep this girl feel out the situation see whats up pay no mind to the tits in ur face the more you show her u are less interested the more she will try to get u interested ya dig? its always a game bro how much fun is a game if you know what the other player is gonna do?
ya man your right about that but the situation was ripe for him to kiss her. i didnt say for him to fondle her!!:mrgreen: i said if the kiss is getting hot and heavy then theres no harm in squeezing her ta ta's to give her some extra pleasure and to keep esclating this way until you are stopped. then be very gentlmanly and overly gentle and nice, dont ever act upset. she will let you go all the way the next time if you had a good attitude

but the first step is a good kiss to get her hot, Dear god man!! she said "you are trying to get me all hot and bothered" your next move should have been just to go in for the kiss, worst thing that will happend is she will pull back when you try to kiss her and then bam diss her

either she dont like you or she wants to play games.

to me once a gurl is kissing you, you are basically in the sack, if she dont put out within a week id toss her to the curb less you are trying to have a relationship with her and if you know she is not stringing you along



Well-Known Member
look her deep in the eye. without saying a word, reach out and take her hand. then stuff it down the front of your pants.

works every time. they don't really have much to say once they got it in their hand. lol

Stoned Bhudda

Well-Known Member
Of course FDDBLK would know..... lol I'm gunna go march over there tomorrow. Fuck it. Im calling her right now, I just gotta scrounge up $20

Stoned Bhudda

Well-Known Member
PANDABEAR you are horrible. I dated a beautiful girl last year, and we just neaver did it. Didnt fell the need to. All I have to say. lol just cuz Im a dde desnt mean im a horny fuck. But Im totally gunna nail this chick.