Getting good at growing males?


New Member
I am on my third failed grow I have been smoking cannabis for 20 years and have never really tried to grow for reals before but I saw some micro grows and small grow boxes and figured I can do that. I have a box I am using CFL lights I have exhaust fans I have intake fans I a timer I have pots blah blah blah I got the basics I ended up with some bag seed and I admit the smoke wasn't that good but I figured what the hell lets try it. I sprouted plants started to grow I get to the size I want , I start my 12/12 and first 2 are male . Start over , bamn next 3 male , this go around I change things up a little making it better but I come home to today after 2 1/2 weeks of 12/12 and sure is shit, male plants. I'm so frustrated !!! Is it possible that I just had shit male seeds ?
I have been debating about getting online seeds , is it genetics or do I just suck? The plants grow they just end up male. So do I go ahead bite the bullet and buy seeds from a seed bank? Or should I give up? Advise , motivational speech , give me something , help me I want to grow my own so bad !


Well-Known Member
im on my 6th grow, and i still use bagseeds. i say about 50-75% of all bagseeds are males. i plant around 12 and end up with 4-6 females every time. sometimes more, sometimes less. for my 5th grow i only had 1 female out of 12 so it all just depends.


could have been exposed to pollen? if a male blows its balls all over you house that shit can be around for fuckin ages... people ship it around the world for cross breeding.... just an idea....


Well-Known Member
could have been exposed to pollen? if a male blows its balls all over you house that shit can be around for fuckin ages... people ship it around the world for cross breeding.... just an idea....
possibility not with me though, i get males out on the first ball i see.


Well-Known Member
I compliment you persistence. At this point I would buy some feminised seeds online if I were you. Good Luck and Happy Growing!


New Member
could have been exposed to pollen? if a male blows its balls all over you house that shit can be around for fuckin ages... people ship it around the world for cross breeding.... just an idea....

Each time I find a male I pull it out and reluctantly kill it before I start my next cycle I wipe every thing down each fan blade the walls the lights clean everything Is it possible that a few bits of pollen are causing these plants to turn male or could I have just ended up with a bunch of male seeds. I was thinking about getting some autoflower seeds. I don't know if that's cheating I am leaning towards the fact that the cannabis that the seeds came from was not that good and was just crap. So I think buying seeds is the way to go


sorry man... rethink on what i said before.... if you had pollen in the house it wouldnt make them all males instead it would make any females go to seed eventually.... so i dont think you have pollen... maybe just bad fucking luck.... go feminised.


Well-Known Member
Seeds are not predetermined on sex...the environment has an effect on whether the seed expresses as male or female. High stress leads to more males. So control temp, humidity, and color of light (more blue for veg...don't just use flowering lights for the whole grow) to give the best environment for females to grow.
Since you are growing with CFL in a micro environment, you should consider getting the book by seemorebuds. He provides step by step instructions with lots of good pics.


Well-Known Member
I just want to point out, there are only two ways to get seeds.

1) A male pollinated a female.

2) A female hermaphrodite'd and pollinated herself.

In low grade cannabis; seeds either come from under developed males hiding from the farmer in the mass grow. Or a female old in age or under stress pollinates herself. Either scenario produces unhealthy seed genes mostly resulting in males.

I always say if you cant afford to lose then go fem, otherwise you're welcome to take your chances. Clones work really well too, try taking clones from your female before you flower her, let those veg until the first batch is done. Clone, rinse and repeat.


bud bootlegger
I compliment you persistence. At this point I would buy some feminised seeds online if I were you. Good Luck and Happy Growing!
this.. stop messing about and get some guaranteed females from an established breeder and grow some buds.. :D


Well-Known Member
this.. stop messing about and get some guaranteed females from an established breeder and grow some buds.. :D
yup. Not everyone can have the luck I had with regs and non fems. Had an 10 pack of WW 8 were females. Germed one seed out of a bag and had a female. Germed three seeds a friend gave and had two females. Many times I would germ two and one would be female. Now I'm working with a WW x BB cut from the 'Dam so seeds be damned! lol


Seeds are not predetermined on sex...the environment has an effect on whether the seed expresses as male or female. High stress leads to more males. So control temp, humidity, and color of light (more blue for veg...don't just use flowering lights for the whole grow) to give the best environment for females to grow.
Since you are growing with CFL in a micro environment, you should consider getting the book by seemorebuds. He provides step by step instructions with lots of good pics.
Poppy cock... if that were the case then feminised seeds are impossible.... they spray the plant with a toxic substance that kills the male chromosome in the seed... its called colloidial silver and it is sprayed on a plant that is hermied and forced to pollinate itself... thus eliminating all the male parts and leaving only female.... Seeds are predetermined on sex... The catch is that given various environmentla factor such as temps and especially light leaks a plant can be stressed to turn male, female or hermie....


Well-Known Member
yep like someone else said here already, seeds are not predetermined.
their sex comes from environmental stress.
what spec of light are you using?
do you over/under water?
we need more info to give you helpful answers


Well-Known Member
Poppy cock... if that were the case then feminised seeds are impossible.... they spray the plant with a toxic substance that kills the male chromosome in the seed... its called colloidial silver and it is sprayed on a plant that is hermied and forced to pollinate itself... thus eliminating all the male parts and leaving only female.... Seeds are predetermined on sex... The catch is that given various environmentla factor such as temps and especially light leaks a plant can be stressed to turn male, female or herm....
he is talking about regular seeds.
fem seeds have a higher chance of herming on you than regular seeds but you are correct about fem seeds being all female genetics.
but the silver doesn't "kill the male chromosomes" it causes the plant to grow pollen and impregnates itself. so the seed is pretty much a clone of the mother, has only female genes but is more likely to herm under stress than a regular seed.
plants sex is environmentally influenced, look it up

oh and the silver isnt sprayed on an already hermed plant, its sprayed on a female to turn her into a hermaphrodite, so they can breed and make fem seeds. they dont need to spray a hermed plant... there would be no point.
they pick good females that have shown resistance to stress and herming because if they were to just breed with a plant that hermed itself early in flowering then she would pass that trait to her seeds, not always but theres a high chance.


wow... i was gonna get into some stuff there and realised the nature vs. nurture argument.... and given we are talking about "gender" its a no no.... but i still maintain that a seed has its own intent before sprouting.


Well-Known Member
yeah, you're wrong dude.
go read a bit more about it.
my seed bank told me this as well, wanna see the email?


bud bootlegger
also go re-read my last post, i added more
i liked your last post .. except the part about fem seeds being more prone to hermie than regular seeds.. you even say it in your post.. they test regular plants to make sure they're not going to hermie before being sprayed.. if they're not going to hermie without c.s., or any other chemical, than their seeds aren't going to hermie unless sprayed with the same chemicals..
it's only the introduction of said chemical that made them grow male balls, no chems, no balls.. same with their kids..
if i cut off my arm in an industrial accident, i wouldn't expect all of my kids to be with one arm.. only if my kids decided to be in an industrial accident, than they'd have one arm.. same with spraying plants with a chem and forcing them to go hermie.


fair enough... i was wrong.... but the whole idea of feminised seeds implies some level of predetermination as a cause for interference... otherwise it would always be a lottery... given the use of the colloidial silver there is without a doubt male and female genetics in every seed.... so yes you were right... i humble to your existence.... LMFAO!