Getting older and reflecting on the past


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure how to start this , or where I'm going with it .

Way back when I was 19 I went to a party . It was a pretty darn lame party . Wasn't any booze and no one else smoked.
Just about the time I was getting ready to make like a tree and leave this brunette walked in the door and wow she was like the most perfect beautiful thing I had ever seen .
I'm not sure why I stuck around she was way out of my dating league. But I did . A half hour or so later I snuck out the back door and sparked one up .
Wonder of all wonders this goddess came out and asked if I'd share .
We got high and had some laughs , of course I didn't make a move cause she was way to hot for my homely self .

A few months go by I'm at a friends Halloween party and she shows up walks right up to me like she's known me for years and just starts chirping away .
Half an hour and a couple drinks later and we are making out in my car . I dint think life could get much better .
Over the next couple weeks we went on three maybe four dates and wow did we hit it off ... life got better every day it seemed .

Till one Tuesday afternoon I came home to my crappy little efficiency apartment after work to find her inside surrounded by a pile of boxes with a big smile on her face ... surprise I'm moving in she said .

Surprise no you are not I replied . Those must have been the exact wrong words to utter because her face went from that of an angel to that of a hell spawned demon .
Faster then I could process exactly what was happening she grabbed a knife off the kitchenette counter a flew at me at what seemed to me to be warp speed knife flailing away ...
I managed to block the first few stabs but luck wasn't with me for long , she got me once in the side twice in the hip and lost her grip on the knife when it stuck in my thigh bone .. I imagine it was getting slippery by then what with it being covered in my blood and all .

Seizing the opportunity I punched her in the face just as hard as I could and before she hit the floor I was out the door making my escape .
Bleeding like hell and starting to feel a bit woozy I made it to the managers apartment and got her to call the cops .
while I was doing so this absolutely gorgeous hell spawn was setting my couch on fire ....

Cops show up arrest her and give me a ride to the hospital. Typical drama plays out from there ... court , trial etc etc etc ..
She gets 3-5 years for attempted murder and arson . Life goes on ...

So why am I telling you all this at 3:56 am ...

I'm not sure , it's been well over 30 years since then . I smoked a joint and she just popped into my head .
Haven't really thought about her in over a decade .. funny thing is I didn't even think about the bad part of our very short relationship.
I was just thinking about the laughs we had smoking that first joint together .
Not to long past all that I found myself living in Akron , off of Grant street not to far from downtown . Had a job at a pretty big lumber yard type of place .
Was out doing shady stuff one evening and met this dude a real tweaker type of guy he had wrecked his car and was hung up on the curb , tire was just spinning on the wet grass.
I gave him a push and he gave me a couple joints and a business card .
Hands down the best weed I had ever smoked at that point in life ..
Next day I called that number cause I wanted more of the good stuff .
Of course it's a pager number cause you had to be rich to have a cell phone in '93 .
Set the meet at his place , I get there and this dude is sucking on a glass dick with about an eight ball of dirty stinky yellow chicken feed biker meth . Just tweaked out of his gourd.
It wasn't a nice place either , a real rat's fukin in the corner type of place .
But the dude had the real deal 90's pvc pipe hydro set up with about 50 plants going .
Dang that was good weed , but fuk was it a stressful experience.
Shady,shady,shady about the third maybe fourth time I was there the meth lab was going and I abandoned ship .
I'm not sure how to start this , or where I'm going with it .

Way back when I was 19 I went to a party . It was a pretty darn lame party . Wasn't any booze and no one else smoked.
Just about the time I was getting ready to make like a tree and leave this brunette walked in the door and wow she was like the most perfect beautiful thing I had ever seen .
I'm not sure why I stuck around she was way out of my dating league. But I did . A half hour or so later I snuck out the back door and sparked one up .
Wonder of all wonders this goddess came out and asked if I'd share .
We got high and had some laughs , of course I didn't make a move cause she was way to hot for my homely self .

A few months go by I'm at a friends Halloween party and she shows up walks right up to me like she's known me for years and just starts chirping away .
Half an hour and a couple drinks later and we are making out in my car . I dint think life could get much better .
Over the next couple weeks we went on three maybe four dates and wow did we hit it off ... life got better every day it seemed .

Till one Tuesday afternoon I came home to my crappy little efficiency apartment after work to find her inside surrounded by a pile of boxes with a big smile on her face ... surprise I'm moving in she said .

Surprise no you are not I replied . Those must have been the exact wrong words to utter because her face went from that of an angel to that of a hell spawned demon .
Faster then I could process exactly what was happening she grabbed a knife off the kitchenette counter a flew at me at what seemed to me to be warp speed knife flailing away ...
I managed to block the first few stabs but luck wasn't with me for long , she got me once in the side twice in the hip and lost her grip on the knife when it stuck in my thigh bone .. I imagine it was getting slippery by then what with it being covered in my blood and all .

Seizing the opportunity I punched her in the face just as hard as I could and before she hit the floor I was out the door making my escape .
Bleeding like hell and starting to feel a bit woozy I made it to the managers apartment and got her to call the cops .
while I was doing so this absolutely gorgeous hell spawn was setting my couch on fire ....

Cops show up arrest her and give me a ride to the hospital. Typical drama plays out from there ... court , trial etc etc etc ..
She gets 3-5 years for attempted murder and arson . Life goes on ...

So why am I telling you all this at 3:56 am ...

I'm not sure , it's been well over 30 years since then . I smoked a joint and she just popped into my head .
Haven't really thought about her in over a decade .. funny thing is I didn't even think about the bad part of our very short relationship.
I was just thinking about the laughs we had smoking that first joint together .
This was a wild ride lol, i had no idea where the story was going. First i thought it was about regret, then about finding love and how life finds a way, then shit got real lmao. This ihas been one of my fav reads on this forum, thank u
Neighbor Woman wanted to have sex.

I was thinking she was already in a relationship with a guy that had went back to his wife and this woman was making his life he'll.

She told me she had this guy put in prison for rape and the sex was consensual.

My answer was an easy get away. Wrong this woman made my life very bad.