Getting soil in bulk.


Well-Known Member
I'm trying to get ffof to supplement my outdoor holes. Usually I've ordered 1 or 2 bags online.
This year I want 10-13 bags.
At $50 each online I really don't wanna spend that much.

Does anyone have their local nurseries special order it?
I'm in a slightly legal but still totally illegal state so I'm nervous to ask

If not, I'm just gonna make my own soil


Well-Known Member
I buy a local organic humus base for less than $2 a bag. 40 lb bags. A whole pallet is cheap.

Walmart carries some no name organic bags. They have no name top and potting soil for $3.00 or less. They have no fertilizer in them. They make a good base.


Well-Known Member
I'm trying to get ffof to supplement my outdoor holes. Usually I've ordered 1 or 2 bags online.
This year I want 10-13 bags.
At $50 each online I really don't wanna spend that much.

Does anyone have their local nurseries special order it?
I'm in a slightly legal but still totally illegal state so I'm nervous to ask

If not, I'm just gonna make my own soil
don't be nervous to ask its spring time, they be happy to make sale.go get pro mix cheap .


Well-Known Member
A local COOP around here just started selling the types of soils that are popular on the RIU. Fox Farm 2 cubic ft $18 a bag. And Amazon Bloom 1.6 cu ft. $14 a bag. I like both actually. Amazon needs to be amended for drainage imo tho. You might try talking to them about a discount for a skid or whatever.

I haven't tried it, but you can probably get you a scoop of good soil or a couple loaded in your truck from the COOP or a nursery for much less. Have to check to see if you like what's in it.

Have you thought about just getting a few scoops of compost to amend your outdoor?


Well-Known Member
I'm trying to get ffof to supplement my outdoor holes. Usually I've ordered 1 or 2 bags online.
This year I want 10-13 bags.
At $50 each online I really don't wanna spend that much.

Does anyone have their local nurseries special order it?
I'm in a slightly legal but still totally illegal state so I'm nervous to ask

If not, I'm just gonna make my own soil

Yea that amazon link is 17$ for 3 gallons, that is INSANE.

Try craiglist, if your in cali there has to be some hydro store or nursery that stocks FFOF for bulk prices. 10$-11$ for 1.5 cf bags should be what your lookin for..

Ask if you can get them tax-free too (you'll have to pay cash). You'll be surprised how many places will exclude taxes on purchases like that, specifically hydro stores and nurseries.