

Well-Known Member
Never seen one..but know too many credible people that have to dismiss it.. I'm a believer.
no way,,,,credible or not,,,they were on acid or something,,,,or you wanna be on the Paranormal's next episode


Well-Known Member
Nah man.. I'm talking people from 20-70 .. Some have never used any drugs, none are religious...


Well-Known Member
I bet you never seen the Eiffel tower or The Sahara they exist?
I have heard many people talk about them and the places of which they saw them. I visited those places and not a thing happened while they flipped out. On 6 different occasions, so any thought of them is gone.


Well-Known Member
I had a buddy and his sister tell me all the time when about ghosts in their house for years.. I never believed em, this was when we were in high school.. Slept over there a few times in high school..never saw forward 15 years I'm working with a guy for 6 months n he'd tell me about how he's trying to sell his 3 flat..his wife won't sleep there anymore n she's been staying at her mothers ... His car was a piece of shit n he calls me one morning n asks for a ride, he knows I live ten minutes away... I didnt put it together til I seen the place..same house as my buddy n his sister grew up in. These people don't know each other.

I got more stories like that too.. That's why I'm a believer without ever seeing one.