
Never seen one..but know too many credible people that have to dismiss it.. I'm a believer.
no way,,,,credible or not,,,they were on acid or something,,,,or you wanna be on the Paranormal's next episode

my mom always swears that she saw her father after he had died.. she's the only person i know who makes such a claim.. can't get anymore credible than moms, but i'm still not sure i buy into it..
i'd love to be proven wrong, and think it'd be cool as poo to see a ghost..
my mom always swears that she saw her father after he had died.. she's the only person i know who makes such a claim.. can't get anymore credible than moms, but i'm still not sure i buy into it..
i'd love to be proven wrong, and think it'd be cool as poo to see a ghost..

it would be,,,,and after a bazillion years,,you would think someone would see one,,,,most of it is discredited,,,,some of it unexplained,,,,,,,,,,but we cannot be the only people on one planet in an entire Universe,,,,I still believe in aliens before god,,,and have seen neither
it would be,,,,and after a bazillion years,,you would think someone would see one,,,,most of it is discredited,,,,some of it unexplained,,,,,,,,,,but we cannot be the only people on one planet in an entire Universe,,,,I still believe in aliens before god,,,and have seen neither

i have the same line of thinking as far as aliens are concerned, and the way i look at it, not believing in a god, should make people think the possibility of aliens would be greater if you don't believe that god put us here and we're here in his image, yada yada yada..
imvho, i find it very narrow minded to think that we are so special in this vast universe that there couldn't be any other form of higher intelligence.. i like to think i'm not that arrogant personally ..
and i agree about ghosts.. you can't take a piss today without someone filming it on their latest, greatest iphone 48sp, so why no good images of ghosts? i guess it's like big foot is just blurry, it's not the photographers fault.. :)

i have the same line of thinking as far as aliens are concerned, and the way i look at it, not believing in a god, should make people think the possibility of aliens would be greater if you don't believe that god put us here and we're here in his image, yada yada yada..
imvho, i find it very narrow minded to think that we are so special in this vast universe that there couldn't be any other form of higher intelligence.. i like to think i'm not that arrogant personally ..
and i agree about ghosts.. you can't take a piss today without someone filming it on their latest, greatest iphone 48sp, so why no good images of ghosts? i guess it's like big foot is just blurry, it's not the photographers fault.. :)

not even higher intelligence,,,,just somethimg ,,or someone else
Aliens like ghosts have too many credible people who have had encounters..I'm a believer..

There is a triangle in Massachusetts that thousands of people have seen shit... Kinda like the Bermuda triangle where people disappear and many people ' lost time' ... Weird shit that can't be explained.
Aliens like ghosts have too many credible people who have had encounters..I'm a believer..

There is a triangle in Massachusetts that thousands of people have seen shit... Kinda like the Bermuda triangle where people disappear and many people ' lost time' ... Weird shit that can't be explained.

where about in mass. corso? i go up sometimes to visit the gf...
Aliens like ghosts have too many credible people who have had encounters..I'm a believer..

There is a triangle in Massachusetts that thousands of people have seen shit... Kinda like the Bermuda triangle where people disappear and many people ' lost time' ... Weird shit that can't be explained.

a believer in what,,,,,man,,,,god,,,alien,,,,what?
a believer in what,,,,,man,,,,god,,,alien,,,,what?

I absolutely believe in aliens, I've never personally seen any but millions of people have seen them or UFO's.. My ex girlfriend was a stewardess @ O'Hare and flights were halted a couple times because of UFOs.

Retired military men have given interviews about encounters, the government recovered crashed UFOs and aliens... How do you think technology moved @ a glacial pace and then BOOM!!! We go from black n white 250lb giant box TV's to Smart Phones and Mars Missions.