Gibberellic Acid and Hermies


Well-Known Member
hey I felt my ears burning so any ways Im using the 1000to 1 for the gib acid but have not sprayed yet dam busyness

just make sure you use good alocohol to desolve it

and to spray it I just use my hand pull a branch down and guard the rest of the plant spray light mist then WASH your hands


Well-Known Member
hermies only produce more hermies, there usless.

Not exactly true. But let me start off with how do they make fem seeds?

A self-pollinated hermie will more then likely generate hermie dominate seeds.

Now if you pollinate Plant A with the pollen from Plant B ( a hermie) you get a more stable fem seed.

Also for Plant A, Soma does light poisoning and if the plant doesn't become hemie, its a strong female and a good candidate to get pregnant.


Well-Known Member
There will still be a larger ratio of herms/mutants with any XX polinated seed batch, than with old-school breeding using decent genetics, but 2 females is better..
And since proper method can yield over 99% stamina free plants, I don't think 'useless' is the correct term..


Active Member
unfortunatley I haven't had a chance to try anything yet. I am trying a few different methods to see what works best. I will try the following methods.

a. Using ethylene gas from rotting apples in air tight container for a two week period with seeds.

b. Use tylenol to hydroponically fertilize male plants. The theory is that the pollen will only produce female seeds.

c. Use colloidial silver to force female plants to hermi.

I don't plan on changing PH, Nutes, lights as I believe that any stress will make a plant hermi and it doesn't particular matter of the method used. I will be using colloidial silver to force stress on the plant and make it hermi. No particular reason other than I think it would be cool to make.
Not sure what else I am going to try as these methods will take a good amount of time to perform them. I plan on posting the results as I get them. My goal is to put up some factual information based on my experiences.


Active Member
and D. Let a female plant grow a couple weeks after harvest to see if it will turn hermi automatically. Then collect the pollen pods and apply to female of next grow.


Well-Known Member
and D. Let a female plant grow a couple weeks after harvest to see if it will turn hermi automatically. Then collect the pollen pods and apply to female of next grow.
Just store it well. Pollen in nature doesn't last but several days. In the fridge it lasts a lot longer. (cutting it with baking flower makes it go further if ya need that)


Well-Known Member
I'd say it last longer then several days. I have pollin just sitting out now at room temp that was collected about 2 month ago. I used it the other day and it seems to have taken with no problems. I am not sure how long it last, but more then several days. I have been told that after you have a male or hermi in an area to make sure to wash that area good before your next crop cause pollin that is in that area can pollinate your next crop. How true that is I don't know. I have pollin sitting in a jar at room temp and I also have pollin stored in the frig just incase it does go bad sitting out, but it seems to be ok so far. I would say the reson it goes bad in nature is because it would get wet from landing on the ground or anywhere else it gets on. I would say as long as you keep it dry it will last awhile at room temp(what I found from my experience anyways), but I am still keeping some in the frig just incase sence I am going to use some on the next batch of seedlings so I can back cross. I did keep the parents alive by cloning just incase. I am sure it does start to go bad after along period, but I don'
t know how long that period is. Thats one reason I did leave some out at room temp. Wanna see how long it last. Probably be atleast a month and a half before I use it again if not longer.