Oldest seeds you’ve popped & how?

I've been doing some spring cleaning and going through some old boxes to make a Goodwill run and I came across another bag of old seeds. I'm pretty sure it's just some brick weed from the 90's which would make it some Mexican Dirt weed. But grown and dried properly there might be something there if I can get any to grow.

Update on my sprouts is just that, they sprouted, oh, at least yesterday.
But last i looked the roots were 1/4" on 3 out of about 15 seeds I put
on a plate in a napkin. So, I was happy about it, got out the old Canon
and snapped some pix, and then the fight started. Win10 updates kind
of changed how i access pix and well, they didn't come out and what
did generate didn't show the images. I tried twice, even did video and
can't get them to move via usb from the PowerShot SD1300 IS to my desktop.
Sheeit, windows can piss you off. In 12 or so years of having the Canon i
never had a prob until now. I've even uploaded some buds a few months
ago, but not w/win10's new updates, plus it fucked up my Canon too.
I could use one of my antique smart phones, but windows updates fucked
those up years ago. So anyhow, I'm a get some solo cups, regular old bagged
packaged garden soil, and transfer my babies anyway.

I took a screen print of image from Canon's system. Better than nothing:
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I guess i should journal this. Anyhow, I solo cupped about 7 seeds in
regular ol' potting soil, with tap water. They're set in holes w/a stick
and covered w/about 1/4" of soil. Sprinkled water w/salt shaker. We'll see.
Dude I’ve popped some 30 year old seeds with this tried and true recipe. Sand paper them lightly and scuff them to penetrate the shell. Then get some holy water and a shot glass. Works 60% of the time every time.