Girl Scout Cookies RDWC Scrog Grow


Active Member
Training has started! They're really filling out now. Current stats: 5.9 pH, 660 ppm, 67 degree nutrient solution



Active Member
if your running PH perfect, why are you soo adiment on ppm's and PH. I am running the same shit right now, the entire 1liter grandmaster lineup from advanced. I refuse to use their microbials though, I think they suck and cause problems. I would rather add tea instead. I have a 6 in 1 meter similar like yours, only mine has ATC,PH,PPM,EC,CF. I do have it in the epicenter, however it's just a reference to values and makes it a tab bit easier to monitor plants. But with advanced nutrients I have found not to believe what the ppm's read. The buffers, aminos, b vits, chelators,all these have a value too and your reading that on the meter. Basically I read my plants, meter and water level. average all 3 into ventilaton,temp and RH. That's what tell me how much to push. if SHE STARTS TO BURN, THEN JUST INCREASE RH. or spay with water/b-52/superthrive/seltzer


Active Member
The plants look amazing without a doubt but it seems by the looks of the nugz its no where near the real GSC strain. Im having problems finding the right pheno or exact strain myself so im curious where you got the seeds from? The real GSC grow veganically by The Hemp Center is the San Francisco bay area is almost blue in color accompanied by bright orange hairs. Now if your temperatures where above 60 degrees during the flowering process then that might explain the lack of dark color but seeing no orange hairs and what seems like a pretty good yield leads me to believe that particular plant is far from the original strain. GSC was a very low producing plant and it seems like you might get a few ounces out of that.

sky rocket

Well-Known Member
The plants look amazing without a doubt but it seems by the looks of the nugz its no where near the real GSC strain. Im having problems finding the right pheno or exact strain myself so im curious where you got the seeds from? The real GSC grow veganically by The Hemp Center is the San Francisco bay area is almost blue in color accompanied by bright orange hairs. Now if your temperatures where above 60 degrees during the flowering process then that might explain the lack of dark color but seeing no orange hairs and what seems like a pretty good yield leads me to believe that particular plant is far from the original strain. GSC was a very low producing plant and it seems like you might get a few ounces out of that.
Are you referring to dsa or supchaka grow?


Active Member
The reason I like to keep a close eye on ppm's and pH is becuase I've had serious nute burn issues on prior grows where I went by advanced nutrients calculators. Rather than putting my full on trust in what advanced has to say, I would rather stay on the low side and make sure nothing goes wrong. Could they handle more nutrients, probably, am I going to give them 4mL per litre, I don't think so. That shit is potent! That being said, tikitoker, I would love to see some pics of what you've got going on.


Well-Known Member
I personally don't like to force nutes on my plants. I try to give my plants what they need and not a bunch of extra. K.I.S.S


Active Member
My clones came off craigslist. How could they not be legitimate?!
Ahhh I see, yeah craigslist can be hit or miss especially when it comes to clones. Ive been using The Single Seed Centre for a few years now and they offer the GSC from Cali Connection or Animal Cookies from BC Bud Depot. Ive been wanting to grow the GSC for sometime now i just cannot find a reliable seed im willing to spend 30 bucks on. None the less, plants looks pretty good and i would like to see a few pics of the bud after its dried and cured, maybe some color will come out then. Good luck with everything and i hope they turn out alright,


Active Member
Alright everybody, I'll post another pic in a little bit but I need some solid advice on when to switch to 12/12. The largest girl in the front is obvioulsy up through the screen and has since been trained around a bit. The back girl is just now poking through the screen and has yet to have any real training but the bud sites are there and just need a little push to get up through that screen. The girls are super bushy with some massive (nearly and inch in diameter) main stems which is pretty good for their age. I'd say that roughly 50% of my screen is filled or about to be filled with bud sites. Now everything i've read says veg till around 60-70% full then flip to flower. However, I know that once I do flip to flower I'm going to get some pretty serious and rapid growth as the plant stretches. As I have not grown GSCs before I don't quite know what the extent of the stretch will be but with all the other indica strains i've grown you can surely bet on them at least doubling in size. So, this all being said, do you think I should stick it out and continue veggin the plants and really get that screen filled, or should I simply induce flowering now and rely on the stretch to fill the rest of the screen out? I don't want to let them go too long as I've heard an out of control Scrog is something that you just don't want to have to deal with. At the same time I don't want to screw myself out of a massive yield by having flipped prematurely. Opinions? It'd be great if someone had a picture of their scrog when they flipped to flower as a point of reference, so if that's you reading this, post it!


Active Member
My GSC has just about doubled in height since I flipped them and they're finally starting to slow down but I think they'll have another 6" in them or so. I didn't have much height to work with but I'm deff getting pushed to my limits with height. Expect them to double plus a little bit. First pic is the day before flower and the second is from yesterday.



Active Member
Alright, here's the pics. Bumped the nutes up to 800 as well. Looking awesome newby, those are gonna be some sexy ladies once they plump up!



Active Member
They're really starting to fill those up pretty nice. You gonna flip soon so they don't get too massive? Thanks man, I'm getting real anxious wanting them to start getting their buds formed and bulk up. How are they responding to upping the ppm's?


Active Member
All things gravy so far, they seem to have responded positively to the bump in nutes, settled at 820 ppm and 5.7 pH. And yea, I think I am going to be flipping em soon, it's gettin to be a jungle in there! I did a minor trimming yesterday taking off some of the older fan leaves and some of the growth that won't have a chance to reach the screen. I didn't take off too much though as I'm waiting to see how they react to their flip to flower. Can't put that shit back on the plant once it's been taken off so I tread lightly. It did make quite a difference freeing up some space though, gives all those little underlings a golden opportunity to make something of themselves. When I topped the plant it gave me two MASSIVE main stems and there's got to be like 4 auxilary stems that are now making their way to the screen since they now have adequate light and space to grow. All in all, I'm pretty happy with the way things are turning out so far. I'll post another pic later, the girl in the back is really starting to push through now and I expect with the bump in nutes they're going to have quite a vigorous week of growth. One thing that's interesting to note is that I've noticed some preflowers forming with some baby pistils, they're saying to me, yo gimmie dat high pressure sodium meng! And I will happily oblige.. Newby, my girls seem to have caught up to yours size wise :) Love seeing those pics though! If this shit is half as good as everything I've read about it then we should be in for some serious personal enjoyment in a couple months.