Girl Scout Cookies RDWC Scrog Grow


Active Member
Damn they've been growing quite a bit! Ya they're right about the same size as mine, I think mine just hit 2 ft or are shy from it. You should get some major growth in the next two weeks and they'll be passing mine up with ease. Ya we deff should have some very high grade stuff. When I had this strain outdoor last season they got very very bushy and only about 4 ft tall and were super frosty. I still got some and it always knocks me on my ass for the night.


Active Member
Thanks drifter, yours are looking great btw, nice and green, just what we like to see! I'll post some more pics later, not a whole lot has changed since the flip but I figure since I'm keeping such a thorough log of this grow I might as well be keeping a daily reference! Not to mention I wouldn't want to deprive anyone of the chance to catch a peek of what's going down. Gotta have those pics!


Active Member
Alright, got some new pics for everybody. They're growing steadily, I've been taking off fans where applicable to allow more light to reach all the budsites. They're really starting to fill in though and I'm expecting a burst in growth any day now. Currently they're running on mostly veg nutes with some connoisseur thrown in. Currently at 870 ppm but it might be a bit strong for them as pH has dropped slightly to 5.6 and ppms have bumped up slightly from 850. While there is absolutely no yellowing or signs of burn, the drop in pH and rise in ppms tells me that the nutrient solution is just a tad too strong and they're consuming more water than nutrients. Anyway, not a huge deal, once I swap the solution out for the full bloom nutes in a few days things should be back to optimal. But naturally, I'll keep you all posted!



Active Member
Ok quick update, swapped out the nutrient solution for their bloom nutes. Coincidentally I managed to mix a bloom solution that matched the 870 ppm veg solution I had in there, let's hope they like it and drink that shit up! Full steam ahead.



Active Member
They're coming along very nicely! Expect a big stretch out of them, my GSC plant just hit 31"! And they were only 14-15" when I flipped her. The other one unfortunately hermed on me so I pulled it :/ kinda sucks but I put two purple diesel in her place.


Active Member
Yea they really are filling in quite nicely! I love this recirculating system, I'd say it takes maybe 5-7 minutes for nutes to mix in fully and equalize the solution when I add them to the control. Tundercat, get that meter, you won't regret it, it makes life SO much easier. And yea Newby, I'm expecting a big push anytime now! Let's hope I don't run outta room. Don't know if anyone has noticed or not but I pulled the 3rd girl I had going, she wasn't doing so well so I took like 7 clones off her. Anyway, check out the pic, good shot of both the undercanopy as well as the screen, I wish the HPS didn't distort what they truly look like, but whatcha gonna do.. I'll try and take some pics tonight once the lights go off so ya'll can see the mean green!



Active Member
The push shouldn't be too bad for you cause your buckets don't rise em up that high, my table is about 2 feet high so with light that only gives me about 36" for plant height and they're already 31"! Lol. I hope mines done stretching. I'm stoked to see yours start forming up into some nice colas, expect a lot of main colas. This is a pic of my outdoor and I didn't top it or anything.



Active Member
Oh damn that outdoors looks killer, absolutely perfect! Yea I hear ya about the height issues, on my previous grows I was dealing with that, you want em to get as big as possible but at the same time not too big where they're gonna get burned by the light. Keeping em restrained under the screen is great cause I've got loads of space to work with. But boy do I love to look at a nice 5 footer indoors, its a thing of beauty! Maybe you should try some LST if you're worried they're gonna get too big, tie them bitches down!


Active Member
Ya it turned out awesome! I'm still smoking it every night lol. I think I may try putting a screen on mine for my next grow unless I can find a strain that stays relatively short. If I was doing soil than I could deff have some 4 and 5 footers but now that I've done hydro the only way I'd do dirt is outdoor lol. I think I'm gonna tie my one GSC a little bit, I'm in my third week of flower so I don't wanna mess with her too much. And boy I wish my other one didn't herm on me but with seeds it's impossible to get females all the time.


Well-Known Member
What up tcat! This threads got more pics of everyone elses stuff than yours lol hope you and the wifey are well and all that jazz. Ttyl ninja :):):)


Well-Known Member
Ha, oops im outta the loop, i was lookin for your thread and i was too stoned to find it.......i found this one though ;) thats gotta count for somthing right. Well whosever thread it is the plants look good fo sho. Ill find my way back through the weeds soon enough i recon. Ttyl bro :):):)


Active Member
Welcome alien, glad to hear you like the grow, stay tuned for the flowering phase, currently the girls are at day 5 flower.

Had a minor leak from one of my buckets last night, hopefully got it all sealed back up but we'll see when I check em in a bit, good thing I built a flood barrier just incase I have something catastrophic happen it won't go everywhere and flood my room..


Active Member
Had a power outtage the other day, good thing it was during the dark cycle. The only pain in the ass was that with no power, the air stones weren't running which means no bubbles in the buckets. Thankfully it was only out for a few hours, I am certainly not trying to have these girls shit the bed now! Regardless, they are coming along nicely, haven't stretched too much yet although I have to say that every day I'm having to reposition them under the screen and do lots of tucking to keep all the budsites in the direct light. It's hard to measure how much growth you've got going on when it's all horizontal and under a screen, but I'd imagine they've got to be at least 2 1/2 feet or so. I'll probably have to give em another good trim sometime soon. Tomorrow will mark the end of week 1 of flower. Got one more week of pulling em back through the screen then it's time to let em ride and see how they bud up! It just so happens that tomorrow they're gonna get their first taste of Big Bud, let's hope they like their Christmas present!
