Girl Scout Cookies RDWC Scrog Grow


Active Member
Man that sounds a tad bit scary having all that electrical and water above your head in the attic. How are your temps btw? Where I live an attic would be a highly unsuitable place to grow, extreme heat and extreme cold. Either way, sounds like you've put the time in and created a solid setup so I trust it's all safe and sound. I think you're going to run into trouble getting in there under the screen. Pulling the stems where you wanna put them might not be too difficult but when it comes time to trim off everything under the screen you might be in trouble.

I as well got my seeds from Cali Connection, I had two die on me, so not super happy about the reliability of the genetics but man are my girls looking good so the ones that did take I am happy with.

I would go with a metal halide for veg, you'll get tighter internodes, that HPS will make em stretch too much. I run my girls under the 600w MH as soon as they pop, obviously I keep the light higher than the 20" I keep it at now when they're that young. But I'd imagine the GSCs would do well in coco. I've only done coco once but I liked it as a medium and it would be great for keeping a mother or two.

lemon and herbs

New Member
im an electician so all electric is pretty much taken care of, ballests on wall and that kind of stuff. the temps are between 70-71 btw. as you can see im new to this site, or any site. been reading for years but was always too scared of signing up to something like this due to the leagal threat...... but well im here now!! could you be able to explain how the hell i set up my own grow journal? it might be staring me in the face but i just cant figure it out.


Active Member
Nice well it sounds pretty awesome from everything you've described, I look forward to seeing what your setup looks like once you get your grow log up and running. To make a grow journal just go to the forums main directory and click on grown journals, then post new thread.


Active Member
Alright so today is DAY 20 of 12/12, the pics I'm attaching are from DAY 19 however. Checked on em this morning and the bud sites are finally starting to open, nothing too epic yet but man are there a lot of bud sites! It's gonna be a bud carpet up in here! That topping did good things for these girls, I'm glad I went that route. Nothing much to report though, been topping em off with fresh H20 and gave em another shot of Big Bud. Just gonna run Connoisseur from here on out with maybe some Overdrive thrown in at the end. The name of the game with this grow is to keep it simple and produce the best bud possible, I'm not trying to go overboard on nutes and additives, that shit'll getcha in trouble if you're not careful. Current stats as of this morning: 5.8 pH, 890 ppm, 67 degree nutrient solution.


lemon and herbs

New Member
Well everything you've done so far has been spot on, so keep going. Can't wait to see them swell up. I'll be the first around my area with the GSC so I'm hoping the shit is the real deal. In the uk, once cheese and blueberry hit the borders that's all has being getting grow. Well mostly cash croppers over here to be honest. I just hope the cookies give the cheese a run for there money. You say you smoked some of it before? I keep asking guys over here and noones ever heard of it, let alone smoke some hahahahaha.


Well-Known Member
Its definitely a West Coast US thing. Where I'm at no one has heard of GSC unless maybe they are really into the scene.


Active Member
Nah I've never smoked it before, so it's gonna be a first for me as well, but I'd imagine it's gonna be top shelf gear. I'm an east coaster myself and I certainly haven't come across any. I tell ya though, the only way to go is growing your own stash. You know EXACTLY what you're getting, everything that's been put into it, and you get the freshest most perfectly cured bud possible (providing you do it right obviously). Screw buying bags, grow ounces!

Today is DAY 21 of 12/12, pics are from DAY 20. They're getting there slowly, they seem to have mostly finished their stretch and are now starting to focus on opening up those bud sites. I run a pretty cool environment (around 68F during lights on and slightly lower during the dark period) so that could be why it's taking these girls a little bit to get those buds going, but I'm hoping to see some nice color outta these girls once they really get rockin. Only time will tell however!



Active Member
Haircut! Took off the remaining growth beneath the screen, and trimmed the top a bit to allow more light to all the bud sites. Shouldn't have to do any more maintenance on em so now it's just sit back and watch em plump up. Topped up the nutrient solution to about 940 ppm and it's sitting at 5.9 pH.



Well-Known Member
I dig it man, I was just wondering earlier if you had trimmed out the lower stuff. They are looking good and happy for sure :).


Active Member
Yea man, I took off like an arm load! I was in there on my hands and knees for like a solid hour! But hey, you gotta put your time in right? I've found that with this RDWC setup I've got going, the maintenance is relatively minimal. Do I check on them everyday and do a little tucking here or a pH adjustment there? Sure, but does it take me any longer than it does to smoke a nice big joint while I'm doing it? Nah!

Anyway, it didn't really seem like there was that much left under the screen but I guess appearances can be deceiving sometimes. I took off a lot shoots that weren't competing with the other main bud sites as well, was thinking about cloning some of em out but I just don't have to room for it right now. It was getting a little bushy up top too so I figured they could use a good trim. Hopefully they don't shy away from their slight nutrient bump. I'd imagine with all the growth I took off they're gonna need a day or so to recover and then it's blast off!


Great grow! I have 12 Platinum Girl Scout Cookiesin the cloner now getting ready for my RDWC SCROG adventure..... I will watch and learn!


Active Member
Thanks legalnug! I'd love to see your setup once you've got em all up and running, sounds awesome, 12 plant scrog, that's gonna be massive! Start a thread or grow journal so we can all follow along.

Today is DAY 23 of 12/12, buds are finally poking their little heads out! They seem to have responded favorably to the trim and hopefully should now be focusing all their energy on bud production. They're drinking lots of water, I'd say a couple gallons a day now. Had to top off my system with fresh H2O, didn't put any more nutes back in, gonna see how they fair, the fresh water only brought my ppms down a tad which is ok by me considering my ppms have been slowly rising due to the plants taking in more water than nutrients. Kinda weird really considering they're showing no signs of nute burn or over-fertilization, my guess is that they'd be happier around the 800 mark but will put up with a bit higher. For these girls, the 800-900 ppm range seems to be the sweet spot. On previous grows I've always pushed it a bit higher, usually over 1000 ppm during flower, but then again, on my previous grows I certainly had nute burn issues, and I'm not trying to have that with these girls, so 800-900 ppm it is! Screw nutrient charts and calculators, the only way to grow is to watch your girls closely and adjust accordingly. Anyway, enjoy the pics!



Active Member
DAY 25 of 12/12. I added in some supplemental lighting, I don't expect to see a huge difference outta it aside from maybe the buds directly in front of the light, but I actually purchased it for a small veg box I'll be setting up sometime real soon, so I figured what the heck. Looks cool if anything! Buds are coming along nicely, they're really starting to open up now. I am definitely looking forward to the coming weeks, it's gonna be real purdy in there.


Well-Known Member
Nice new light, I recently got a large version of a similar light for my veg area. I eventually am gonna fine tune the bulbs in it to maximize the spectrum. There is alot of great info around on t5 lighting, and using various differnt bulbs to really get outstanding growth.


Active Member
Plants are looking killer Dsa! I can't wait to see those things start forming up. What is the humidity in your closet? My GSC is plumping up pretty nicely, I got like 4 weeks more I think and she's almost 3 foot tall lol


Well-Known Member
Welcome biglittlejohn, this is an exciting time for you! I personally would go with the DWC, it's relatively easy to dial in, especially if you have a constant read meter, and the growth rates are simply explosive once the roots hit the solution, I think you'll be happy you went that route if you do. What seed company you manage to get your beans from? My girls are from Cali Connection.
Hey man, thanks for the welcome. Your GSC is looking great!

Yea, I am pretty much a DWC grower, but I have been dabbling in Hempy buckets just to have something going that should I lose power for an extended time or something I wouldn't be completely out a grow cycle.

My GSC was from BC Bud Depot and unfortunately did not pop, though I am still holding out some hope, so I am running currently in veg, White Widow (clone, mother is almost done flowering) in a Hempy Bucket and a Somango Widow (Advanced Seeds) seedling in DWC. I also have a Bomb Seeds Berry Bomb sprout that I will be putting in a DWC bucket very soon. So depending on what happens with this GSC seed, I am either going to grow it along side Berry Bomb, or I am going to clone Somango Widow and do the same with it. Kind of bummed that GSC is looking like a dud, that was the one freebie I was really looking forward to.

The strain by Cali Connection I really really really want to try is Blackwater.

I am currently flowering the White Widow I mentioned earlier (2 more weeks for her) and an OG Kush Clone (4 more weeks for her). WW is G13 and OG is Reserva Privada.

Anyway, sorry to ramble. I'd post some pics, but my camera has been acting up.


Well-Known Member
Ya. She look likes like a winner. I've kept this OG around for over a year, but I am letting her go with this last run. I've found that I need strain diversity even when I find one that I really like.