Well-Known Member
I think girls should be confined or at the least, force medicated, from the ages of 13 to 25 because 95% of them are f'ing CRAZY, during that age.
Boys are stupid around that time too, but only sporadically do they do any real harm. I had sisters, nieces, and friend's kids who unfortunately for them, were females...I've seen it in them all.
Self-harming, depressed, moody, disrespectful, anorexic, pregnant, screamingly argumentative/straight-up crazy. sound familiar?
It seems to subside when they turn 25ish~USUALLY...
Flame on.
Boys are stupid around that time too, but only sporadically do they do any real harm. I had sisters, nieces, and friend's kids who unfortunately for them, were females...I've seen it in them all.
Self-harming, depressed, moody, disrespectful, anorexic, pregnant, screamingly argumentative/straight-up crazy. sound familiar?
It seems to subside when they turn 25ish~USUALLY...

Flame on.