huhhhhhhhh? Do you know what a bud is composed of? Nodes? Each node can be clipped off the "main cola" into more managable sized buds (see the bud I'm holding on to in the picture (it separated from the cola)

I guess you've never done anything commercially, but shake, popcorn crap and larf is totally unacceptable. My buds were rock hard solid and awesome size when they were cut off that main stem. Can you show me a bud of yours so I know what they should look like?
But if that was true, wouldn't they not touch a leaf? That was something I learned as a newb, not to pluck them unless your ready for a disaster. There seems to be way more people in the no defoliation herd
About a GPW per light (per table) 2 tables and 2 lights in each 3.5x7' room. 2000grams+
I ran the tables with out trimming leaves for a while, 70% of the yield, only 700 grams a light. Ran it that way for over a year before I started taking leaves off. I'd love to see a GOOD side by side as well. But, when I do trim leaves it never has an effect on my yield negatively, only positively.
Oh, yes, you are the greatest by far. No one is arguing with you about that. Yield? But you don't define yield.
And I am setting up, a commercial size after, a successful year, but I will not ever take leaves. I will have grades of produce and oil, etc for my co-op.
What is yield? I get a lecture on the difference between a cola and a bud?
So, what is yield? Is it profit? No. That takes cost control. Is it total weight of all dried flowers to 55% RH/ plant? Yes, that's a start. How about total assayed THC per gram? That's yield. Notice the "per."
So, don't go all smarmy balloon, and forget who you may be talking to. To do a side by side is so easy it is not even funny. But, you have to design, and define, control, etc. And most of all you have be willing to kill your sacred cow.
We design an experiment to prove it wrong. That's how confrontational science it. We don't set out to prove anything but to rule it out as a simple superstition. If a conjecture survives the attempt to stamp it out, then it can be accepted.
The Higgs Bosun qualifies. They almost blew up the Large Hadron Collider, to be able to rule out, all else we can think of.
De-foliation for yield does not qualify as there have been no experiments that count. First you must define define Yield per ?