Giving sexual aides to children...


Well-Known Member
So I was watching Oprah yesterday (Yes I was watching oprah..Assholes), and she was discussing how we should give our children sexual aides to help them learn more about there bodies. First thought that rolls through my head is "How is some broad with no kids, gonna tell someone how to raise a child?".
I understand the birds and the bees, but this is taking things way too far. What happened to learning the old fashion way? Curious kid touches themselves only to find out it feels good. That's how I learned. A young adult should make that decision on there own, and not a child. I bought my first toys on my own. Without my parents knowledge or intervention. Which is how it should be.



Well-Known Member
Sexual aids or visual aids. I doubt Oprah would be suggesting handing out dildo's. The old way of figuring shit out on your own makes no sense though, it's time to grow up and see sexuality as a normal part of human life, not something to be ashamed of and just not talk about.

That's like saying just say no worked, or the abstinance campaign worked. They didn't.
I definitely have to agree with you on that. The constant perversion that our children are surrounded by is truly a disgrace and some of the people on the left want more of our kids exposed to more of it. Vermont has legislation in process to let kids the age of 13 text nude pictures of themselves to a person under 18 that they are "involved in a committed relationship with." I think that is absolutely insane. They are making Child Porn Legal. It's just plain ridiculous. I don't have any children myself but I was raised in a good home and I know what a bad one looks like and Vermont is looking like a very bad home.


Well-Known Member
Sexual aids or visual aids. I doubt Oprah would be suggesting handing out dildo's. The old way of figuring shit out on your own makes no sense though, it's time to grow up and see sexuality as a normal part of human life, not something to be ashamed of and just not talk about.

That's like saying just say no worked, or the abstinance campaign worked. They didn't.
I didn't say anything about being ashamed of sexuality. Parents play roles, and handing them toys, and yes she did say "TOYS" is wrong. That's a decision that the individual makes, and not for the parent to make. It's one thing to talk about it. It's a tottaly different story to drop a pocket pussy in your sons lap.


Well-Known Member
I gave my boys playboy magazines and told them to stop using their socks...:shock:
I view that differently. My dad did that to me as well. But it's not like he said "use this to help explore your body better". I think parents should discuss sex with there kids, but not hook them up with "toys".


Well-Known Member
I definitely have to agree with you on that. The constant perversion that our children are surrounded by is truly a disgrace and some of the people on the left want more of our kids exposed to more of it. Vermont has legislation in process to let kids the age of 13 text nude pictures of themselves to a person under 18 that they are "involved in a committed relationship with." I think that is absolutely insane. They are making Child Porn Legal. It's just plain ridiculous. I don't have any children myself but I was raised in a good home and I know what a bad one looks like and Vermont is looking like a very bad home.
Sex or any kind is an individuals choice, and just because someone is going to do it anyway doesn't make it right or acceptable. Now when teen pregnancy spikes dramatically in VT. They'll know the reason why.


Well-Known Member
A lot of this depends on whether or not your family is open about sex. Mine is...We talk about it all the time,lol. My thinking on it was this, I got sick and tired of them (my boys) stealing my husbands porn made everybody uptight around here. I also got sick of washing sticky socks! So, I eliminated the problem by giving them old playboys we had and told them to stick with wash cloths and to rinse them when done. They were just like, "Cool, thanks Mom" End of story.


Well-Known Member
A lot of this depends on whether or not your family is open about sex. Mine is...We talk about it all the time,lol. My thinking on it was this, I got sick and tired of them (my boys) stealing my husbands porn made everybody uptight around here. I also got sick of washing sticky socks! So, I eliminated the problem by giving them old playboys we had and told them to stick with wash cloths and to rinse them when done. They were just like, "Cool, thanks Mom" End of story.

Yeah but how old were your sons when you became more open towards sex? My folks were not open to sex, but they made sure I knew of the risks and that was the end of it. My children will be different, but I sure as hell aren't buying my kids vibrators for there 10th birthdays.


Well-Known Member
Yeah but how old were your sons when you became more open towards sex? My folks were not open to sex, but they made sure I knew of the risks and that was the end of it. My children will be different, but I sure as hell aren't buying my kids vibrators for there 10th birthdays.
Well, it was different for each of them. They all matured at different ages. We just never treated a morning stiffy as a bad thing! Little boys and girls are going to explore their bodies...I just would never want my kids to think it is a dirty thing to do.


Well-Known Member
Well, it was different for each of them. They all matured at different ages. We just never treated a morning stiffy as a bad thing! Little boys and girls are going to explore their bodies...I just would never want my kids to think it is a dirty thing to do.
I don't want people to think I'm against exploration. Because I'm not. I think sex is a great thing whether it's with a partner or on your own. I just think it's wrong for parents to force the issue. If your child is hitting puberty and confused and wondering where all these feelings are coming from. It's appropriate. If they're a child...let them be a child until they have questions.
You know?


Well-Known Member
I don't want people to think I'm against exploration. Because I'm not. I think sex is a great thing whether it's with a partner or on your own. I just think it's wrong for parents to force the issue. If your child is hitting puberty and confused and wondering where all these feelings are coming from. It's appropriate. If they're a child...let them be a child until they have questions.
You know?
Well of course it should never be forced! But, you need to keep the door open with any discussions they may want to have. As a parent my priority in raising my children was to preserve their innocence for as long as possible. You know when it is time to take the discussion to a different level, they show you signs! Open communication, with no limitations! That is my motto!


Well-Known Member
Well of course it should never be forced! But, you need to keep the door open with any discussions they may want to have. As a parent my priority in raising my children was to preserve their innocence for as long as possible. You know when it is time to take the discussion to a different level, they show you signs! Open communication, with no limitations! That is my motto!
That's a great motto to live by, and I wish my folks took that route. Now it's up to me to give my children opportunities that I wasn't afforded. Like an open door policy. So hopefully I can establish a better relationship with my kids.


Well-Known Member
If they really were talking about actual sex toys then I'm sure they weren't talking about 10 year olds. Child can mean 17, the same age you can go into basic training so that by 18 you're off killing people or being killed. Certainly not an inappropriate age to open up the doors of knowlege and yes, show them actual toys.

For all I know she could have been referring to anatomically correct dolls which are barely even really anatomically correct and completely appropriate for the younger ages like 12 or even younger.


Well-Known Member
If they really were talking about actual sex toys then I'm sure they weren't talking about 10 year olds. Child can mean 17, the same age you can go into basic training so that by 18 you're off killing people or being killed. Certainly not an inappropriate age to open up the doors of knowlege and yes, show them actual toys.

For all I know she could have been referring to anatomically correct dolls which are barely even really anatomically correct and completely appropriate for the younger ages like 12 or even younger.

They were on air when Oprah, Mom , Physician, and 10 year old had this conversation. This isn't some shit I just made up. So you taking detours to what I'm really trying to say isn't gonna work. It happened in living color. 17 is a much different age. I wouldn't have said anything if she was referring to young adults. 17-18 year olds buying toys or contemplating purchasing a toy isn't newsworthy whatsoever.


Well-Known Member
I didn't see the show, I'm not trying to detour what you're saying i just found it hard to believe and people DO tend to exaggerate so I was looking for more specifics.