Glen Beck's a Douche!

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Any organization that claims to have the moral high ground -and wants to dictate how members live- that then lies is indeed evil.I was born to a Jehovah's Witness and a parent who simply in the end could not reconcile himself with religion.I went to the Kingdom Hall until I was six or eight,then started staying home with dad.I can honestly say all religions who want to control thought and knowledge,even if they believe they are right, are doing evil.Having been dosed with my share of Christian guilt and then subsequently having to undo all that brainwashing as an adult,I can say with 100 percent certainty that,IMO,religion is nothing more than a means to control the population.Because people who feel they are sinful and unworthy have too much inner turmoil to really pay attention to what's really going on around them.:peace:
As a former Mormon myself indoctrinated from birth until I was 17. Yes the LDS church lies about their past, yes they gloss over the BS, yes they have outrageous claims. They are not evil though, misguided yes.

They are also the richest corporation west of the Mississippi.


New Member
"Beck's fear based claim that he would be on the human trash heap without Mormonism is a pathetic, but unfortunately well-used religious claim. It is designed to scare people into the fold, and into staying in the fold. I reject life lived on the basis of fear, and want nothing to do with organizations that promote that point of view. This is a virus that weakens human beings, and makes them dependant on manmade authority."

Whom ever wrote this is a freakin' idiot. Salvation is not about fear, it is about strength. Finding one's spiritual center has raised humans from the "trash heaps" throughout human history.


New Member
"Beck's fear based claim that he would be on the human trash heap without Mormonism is a pathetic, but unfortunately well-used religious claim. It is designed to scare people into the fold, and into staying in the fold. I reject life lived on the basis of fear, and want nothing to do with organizations that promote that point of view. This is a virus that weakens human beings, and makes them dependant on manmade authority."

Whom ever wrote this is a freakin' idiot. Salvation is not about fear, it is about strength. Finding one's spiritual center has raised humans from the "trash heaps" throughout human history.
Let me ask you VI, as a "Christian" (Your premis not mine), How do you feel about the less fortunate among us. Christ promoted taking care of the less fortunate, like for instance, health care. Would Christ be for single payer medical? Would Christ be for stopping wars? Would Christ be for aleviating starvation. As a Christian, how can you support politics that fly in the face of Christianity? Seems like you would have to make a choice, or be a hypocrite.

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
Let me ask you VI, as a "Christian" (Your premis not mine), How do you feel about the less fortunate among us. Christ promoted taking care of the less fortunate, like for instance, health care. Would Christ be for single payer medical? Would Christ be for stopping wars? Would Christ be for aleviating starvation. As a Christian, how can you support politics that fly in the face of Christianity? Seems like you would have to make a choice, or be a hypocrite.
Please allow me to answer your ignorant question: The Bible commands Christians to respect their leaders in government, because God put them there.

Why are you liberal/proo-gay blogger's/propagandizer's, so fearful of Christianity, that you spend all this time attacking it on message boards all over the web? You people need to get a life, instead of wasting your time here.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
No it hasn't.If you need to be threatened with an invisible,vengeful being in the sky in order to treat others with respect and kindness,it really doesn't say much for your character.Salvation most certainly is about fear.If you aren't "saved", you go to hell.If you aren't baptized(translation:Indoctrinated), you go to purgatory.If you don't do exactly as the scripture, priest,church dictates,you will burn for eternity.So people fall in line because they're afraid.People don't like to comprehend nothingness,that after death there is nothing more.They want to believe that they are "special", that a benevolent presence tends the fires at the end of the universe just for them.So someone offers them the answers,and they don't want to think of the alternative.So they get themselves a helping of "faith" and not "proof" or even "evidence".And that religion, like any abuser worth his or her salt,proceeds to isolate the person and make them feel unworthy.They should only marry into or associate with those of their faith.They were born sinful.Gawd sacrificed his son to save them from their wicked ways.Their thoughts are impure.Their money should be placed in the donation plate,because Gawd needs money,those solid gold bibles aren't gonna buy themselves.If they question the word of Gawd, they are blasphemers.But Gawd gave them free will.As long as they don't actually use it to think for themselves.That's why he does nothing when one of his priests rapes a two year old.Because it's free will.At least for the priest.And Gawd loves his children.That's why he stands by and lets his priests rape them and does nothing.Real fathers who were worth two shits would protect them.But not Gawd.His will and his ways are "mysterious".But he took the time to write a really big book which details everything you need to know about Gawd.And if you don't interpret it correctly,that's ok.Because you are imperfect,and only the Church knows for sure exactly what it means.By the way, the church was against the smallpox vaccine.And Jehovah's Witnesses aren't allowed to have blood transfusions.Two examples of salvation, strengthening mankind.:roll:
Whom ever wrote this is a freakin' idiot. Salvation is not about fear, it is about strength. Finding one's spiritual center has raised humans from the "trash heaps" throughout human history.


Well-Known Member
at least glenn beck knows how to address the problem that us american cannot see with the blind eye, he helps bring to our attention matters that can and possibly will change the fate of our country forever. so you my friend can piss off Glenn beck for PRES. BItch


New Member
No it hasn't.If you need to be threatened with an invisible,vengeful being in the sky in order to treat others with respect and kindness,it really doesn't say much for your character.Salvation most certainly is about fear.If you aren't "saved", you go to hell.If you aren't baptized(translation:Indoctrinated), you go to purgatory.If you don't do exactly as the scripture, priest,church dictates,you will burn for eternity.So people fall in line because they're afraid.People don't like to comprehend nothingness,that after death there is nothing more.They want to believe that they are "special", that a benevolent presence tends the fires at the end of the universe just for them.So someone offers them the answers,and they don't want to think of the alternative.So they get themselves a helping of "faith" and not "proof" or even "evidence".And that religion, like any abuser worth his or her salt,proceeds to isolate the person and make them feel unworthy.They should only marry into or associate with those of their faith.They were born sinful.Gawd sacrificed his son to save them from their wicked ways.Their thoughts are impure.Their money should be placed in the donation plate,because Gawd needs money,those solid gold bibles aren't gonna buy themselves.If they question the word of Gawd, they are blasphemers.But Gawd gave them free will.As long as they don't actually use it to think for themselves.That's why he does nothing when one of his priests rapes a two year old.Because it's free will.At least for the priest.And Gawd loves his children.That's why he stands by and lets his priests rape them and does nothing.Real fathers who were worth two shits would protect them.But not Gawd.His will and his ways are "mysterious".But he took the time to write a really big book which details everything you need to know about Gawd.And if you don't interpret it correctly,that's ok.Because you are imperfect,and only the Church knows for sure exactly what it means.By the way, the church was against the smallpox vaccine.And Jehovah's Witnesses aren't allowed to have blood transfusions.Two examples of salvation, strengthening mankind.:roll:
We are talking apples and oranges here Stoney. You're talking about organized religion ... and I'm talking about salvation. Two different animals, my friend. :)


New Member
Let me ask you VI, as a "Christian" (Your premis not mine), How do you feel about the less fortunate among us. Christ promoted taking care of the less fortunate, like for instance, health care. Would Christ be for single payer medical? Would Christ be for stopping wars? Would Christ be for aleviating starvation. As a Christian, how can you support politics that fly in the face of Christianity? Seems like you would have to make a choice, or be a hypocrite.
If I thought you were really interested in an answer, I'd answer your questions Med-'O'Mao. But as things have been recently, you post your nonsense, then disappear for a week or longer at a time, then never get back to the answer. So ... this time, I'll pass. I will say though ... that Christ never promoted mooching or theft.

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
Ask yourself this question god haters:

Would you rather have a nice Christian couple watch your child, or would you rather leave your child in the hands of devil worshipers?


Well-Known Member
I'm glad he tells his followers to do their own research, maybe you should follow his advice. I'll put my sources against yours any day. At least mine aren't a national joke outside of those that watch them. I have seen the video where Obama tells us our electricity bill will skyrocket a whole $35 a year. As far as the Olympics, that's just retarded to say. Yes, some people around them would have made money. It would also have brought in at least $22 billion to the region and created at least 350,000 jobs. But I'm sure in your world that's a bad thing. If you rooted against America getting the Olympics, you are flat out UNPATRIOTIC!

first off i don't care if we get them or not. 2 )if you put all ur trust into these statistics you are crazy. i dont care what you put up i can go find something to say the exact opposite. 3) those jobs
are short term not long term. every country that has ever had the olympics has had to fix up and do something to get ready for the olympics witch cost money, witch we do not have right now. 4) yeah some people would have made some money and others would have made a fortune hmmmmm wounder who? how about all the people surrounding obama that put in the bids to get chicago ready for the olympics. 5) i dont care if ur a dem or rep if you believe they are telling you the truth you are dead wrong. my self i am not willing to let my kids be forced to believe what the government whats them to believe. lied to every day at school. so the corrupt government gets what they want. so while we sit here and argue about who's Wright and wrong they win, because we are not doing a damn thing to stop them.


Active Member
Please allow me to answer your ignorant question: The Bible commands Christians to respect their leaders in government, because God put them there.

Why are you liberal/proo-gay blogger's/propagandizer's, so fearful of Christianity, that you spend all this time attacking it on message boards all over the web? You people need to get a life, instead of wasting your time here.
Where in the bible does it say anything like that? You better have chapters and verses to back up that kind of statement, preferably from the New Testament if you are using it in conjunction with christianity


Active Member
A big problem I have with christianity, is the whole absolution of sins thing. It basically allows you to live your life however you want and as long as you atone before you die all is forgiven. That's like giving a child molester a go ahead to rape kids (not that I'm saying the church condones that) because as long as they repent, they won't burn in hell


Active Member
first off i don't care if we get them or not. 2 )if you put all ur trust into these statistics you are crazy. i dont care what you put up i can go find something to say the exact opposite. 3) those jobs
are short term not long term. every country that has ever had the olympics has had to fix up and do something to get ready for the olympics witch cost money, witch we do not have right now. 4) yeah some people would have made some money and others would have made a fortune hmmmmm wounder who? how about all the people surrounding obama that put in the bids to get chicago ready for the olympics. 5) i dont care if ur a dem or rep if you believe they are telling you the truth you are dead wrong. my self i am not willing to let my kids be forced to believe what the government whats them to believe. lied to every day at school. so the corrupt government gets what they want. so while we sit here and argue about who's Wright and wrong they win, because we are not doing a damn thing to stop them.
temporary or not, hundreds of thousands of jobs to the midwest would be a great thing, my state would also have benefited with our proximity to Chicago. Not to mention the revenue St. Louis would have gotten from hosting all the preliminary soccer games (Not that I like soccer). With those upsides, I wouldn't have minded some Obama supporters getting rich; better than Haliburton, Xe (formerly Blackwater), or ExxonMobile who continue to get rich off of the American Taxpayer

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Well and good, Vi.I think anyone can believe anything they want to...but they should come to the conclusion on their own.When it really comes right down to it,YOU are your own god.:peace:
We are talking apples and oranges here Stoney. You're talking about organized religion ... and I'm talking about salvation. Two different animals, my friend. :)
I prefer relatives.Barring that, I'd say it would depend on the people, and how well I knew them.But neither couple had better start preaching their beliefs to my child.
However, reading a bit about Satanism, I'd say I like the satanists a lot better.Satanism isn't necessarily about worshiping Satan's more about NOT worshiping god and jeebus.
What Satanism Really Is:
A few basic concepts of Satanism
Satanists do not necessarily worship "Satan" as "he" is represented in the Christian beliefs. Satanism is more regarded as a concept. Satanism recognizes human beings as another animal, and encourages embracing human nature rather than denying or trying to overcome it. Responsibility to the Responsible is an important concept in Satanism. Satanism discourages self effacing practices and encourages people to defend themselves, and to take responsibility for their own lives and survival, rather than blaming others for their shortcomings.
Myths and facts about Satanism:
Myth: Satanists sacrifice animals/people in their rituals.
Fact: Satanists do not sacrifice anything. Satanism strictly forbids harming any animal except for food or in self defense. From the Eleven Satanic rules of the earth:
" Do not kill non-human animals unless attacked or for your food. "
This was written by Anton Szandor LaVey, Founder of the Church of Satan. The Eleven Satanic Rules of the Earth can be read in their entirety Here
Myth: Satanists Abuse Children
Fact: Again, from the Eleven Satanic Rules of the earth:
Do not harm little children
Myth: Satanists force people to participate in cult activities
Fact: The Church of Satan is not a "cult",does not force anyone to join and they do not solicit members. Members join of their own free will, and must pay a fee in order to join.
Myth: People have committed crimes in the name of Satan. they have confessed to doing things because they are Satanists, therefore, these things are a part of Satanism
Ask yourself this question god haters:

Would you rather have a nice Christian couple watch your child, or would you rather leave your child in the hands of devil worshipers?


Active Member
A little good news from the whole ACORN scandal BS

This past Tuesday, HuffPost's Ryan Grim posted a story that rivetingly demonstrated the comedy of the Law of Unintended Consequences. In its zeal to quickly and unthinkingly get on the side of hammering ACORN for its recent transgressions, Congress passed the Defund ACORN Act, a measure written so broadly that it could apply to just about anyone! In other words, Congress made a decision to apply robust oversight to all manner of government contractors by mistake.
In a postscript to his blog post on Tuesday, Glenn Greenwald wrote: "Along those lines, if we had a real media, what [Grim's] article reports about the bill to de-fund ACORN would be huge news." He's absolutely right! This is actually an extraordinary story, that ably illuminates the dysfunction at the root of our government and the scintillating stupidity of a culture more interested in preserving seats than actually serving constituents.
First, let's go back and look at what happened:
The congressional legislation intended to defund ACORN, passed with broad bipartisan support, is written so broadly that it applies to "any organization" that has been charged with breaking federal or state election laws, lobbying disclosure laws, campaign finance laws or filing fraudulent paperwork with any federal or state agency. It also applies to any of the employees, contractors or other folks affiliated with a group charged with any of those things.
In other words, the bill could plausibly defund the entire military-industrial complex. Whoops.
To his credit, Representative Alan Grayson, a rookie Democrat from Florida, out-thought and out-maneuvered all of his colleagues and quickly went to work with the Project of Government Oversight (POGO) to compile a list of contractors that "might be caught in the ACORN net."
Lockheed Martin and Northrop Grumman both popped up quickly, with 20 fraud cases between them, and the longer list is a Who's Who of weapons manufacturers and defense contractors.​
Did you know that Lockheed Martin and Northrop Grumman had 20 fraud cases between them? And that your Congress didn't care? It's true! Furthermore, let's allow POGO to put all of this into perspective:
Bear in mind that, since 1994, ACORN has reportedly received a total of $53 million in federal funds, or an average of roughly $3.5 million per year. In contrast, Lockheed Martin and Northrop Grumman respectively received over $35 billion and $18 billion in federal contracts last year. (Their totals since 2000 are $266 billion for Lockheed and $125 billion for Northrop.)
Congress should clamp down on contractor fraud and waste, but it needs to keep a sense of proportion. If ACORN broke the law it, should be punished; however, Congress also needs to crack down just as rigorously on the contractors who take an even larger share of taxpayers' money and have committed far more, or far more egregious, acts of misconduct.
And consider this! A taxpayer-funded contractor for Blackwater USA got drunk and murdered an Iraqi in the Green Zone back in October 2007. That's a month after Blackwater employees went on a killing spree in Nisour Square in Baghdad. The taxpayer-funded contractors who guard the State Department facilities in Kabul spend their time taking photos of each other "peeing on one another, simulating anal sex, doing 'butt shots,' and 'eating potato chips out of ass cracks.'" Halliburton, another government contractor, bilked the Pentagon to the tune of $100 million dollars, and basically covered it up through lies and accounting tricks.

And while we're on the subject of ACORN, which had a handful of employees busted for offering assistance to a fake pimp and his fake prostitution business, let's consider the case of taxpayer-funded contractor DynCorp -- its employees actually, LITERALLY, did service a prostitution ring in Bosnia in August of 2002. Girls between the ages of 12 and 15 were involved. And then six years later, employees of the very same contractor went to Iraq and DID IT AGAIN! And this time somebody got killed.

That's one government contractor, two war zones, two continents, two prostitution rings, one known death, zero consequences. What has your member of Congress done about it? SOD ALL, that's what! And DynCorp is still "supporting U.S. interests worldwide."
Now, this isn't to say that the measure passed offers the authority to pursue all of these scofflaws to the ends of the Earth. But Congress surely ought to do whatever it takes to end this wrongdoing and abuse, if for no other reason than that it's done on the taxpayer dime. Aggressive oversight of government contracting and procurement should not be something done on special occasions. It should be the default position of your representatives. When scandals like these bloom, there should be no foot-dragging or excuses or shrugs. But that's what you're getting, in all of these cases.
Oh, but they rushed, tripping over each other in a frenzied panic to be the first and best and loudest person on Capitol Hill to stick it to ACORN, whose transgressions and funding are so paltry by comparison as to be comic. Do not be fooled for a minute that these actions stem from a genuine desire to preserve the integrity of how taxpayer dollars are spent or to preserve your interests. The primary rationale -- the only rationale -- behind your representatives' decision in this matter was to ensure that their electoral hopes don't founder because of a media-driven scandal.
And the proof of this is in the pudding. The only reason the American people have earned a potential tool in guarding against contractor fraud is because Congress created it BY ACCIDENT.
And this is why this is an important story to cover: if the recent ACORN scandal proves anything, it proves that when the media wants to, it can spur and shame legislators into doing their job. And now, by pure happenstance, the media is afforded the opportunity to unleash the hounds of Hell on Congress and get them to use this legislation to go after all sorts of malefactors and fraudsters for widespread abuse of taxpayer trust. And even if every single abuse cannot be prosecuted under this new legislation, the press can hound Congress into doing even more.
This is a moment the media should seize. If they fail to do so, if they fall back on the pose that this is "not their role," if they merely demonstrate that their only interest is the raw political wrangling that drove legislators to mistakenly do some actual good, then the bottom line is this: the media will have aided and abetted far more prostitution than they have pretended to prevent.


New Member
If I thought you were really interested in an answer, I'd answer your questions Med-'O'Mao. But as things have been recently, you post your nonsense, then disappear for a week or longer at a time, then never get back to the answer. So ... this time, I'll pass. I will say though ... that Christ never promoted mooching or theft.
So Viroid, you skate on the answer, figures. Everytime I put you to the task of answering a simple question, you use the right wing ruse of switching the subject. You claim to be a Christian and act like a selfish pompous ass. The reason I don't come here as often is that I'm tired of arguing with brickheads like you and your right wing buddies. Truth is fleeting at this venue, bullshit rules.


New Member
So Viroid, you skate on the answer, figures. Everytime I put you to the task of answering a simple question, you use the right wing ruse of switching the subject. You claim to be a Christian and act like a selfish pompous ass. The reason I don't come here as often is that I'm tired of arguing with brickheads like you and your right wing buddies. Truth is fleeting at this venue, bullshit rules.
I'm not skating the answer at all. If you look through various recent posts where I've addressed your positions, you haven't responded. Hell man, you only come into the forum once every two weeks now, so you're even more vacuous than ever ... and that's saying a LOT.


Well-Known Member
temporary or not, hundreds of thousands of jobs to the midwest would be a great thing, my state would also have benefited with our proximity to Chicago. Not to mention the revenue St. Louis would have gotten from hosting all the preliminary soccer games (Not that I like soccer). With those upsides, I wouldn't have minded some Obama supporters getting rich; better than Haliburton, Xe (formerly Blackwater), or ExxonMobile who continue to get rich off of the American Taxpayer

my state also would have benefited from them. part time jobs never benefit anyone. as far as obama supporters hahaha their just as bad as haliburton ect. just different names same type of people though. different prez but the same shit, different name same game, from the look of it we both agree that the gov. is f ed up but i dont think obama is a new beginning, i think he's trying to Finnish what they started.


New Member
I'm not skating the answer at all. If you look through various recent posts where I've addressed your positions, you haven't responded. Hell man, you only come into the forum once every two weeks now, so you're even more vacuous than ever ... and that's saying a LOT.
Still no answer!!!!!! You are so evasive, but you've always been like that. I should expect no less. This is one reason I don't miss this venue. Your pomposity and holier than thou attitude pervades your every post. I can live without Roll-it-up. Arguing with a windbag is not my style. I'm giving you a gift, appreciate it you old fool.