global warming is killing people

jeff f

New Member

hmmm, global warming in india, chicago, north carolina, and britian is creating record cold and freezing people to death.

well at least the global freezing is limited to a small geological area....LIKE THE WHOLE F'N NORTHERN HEMISPHERE.

hey mr. global climate control preacher man, when will it be warm enough for me to pee outside again?

and they call me an idiot...:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:


global warming = droughts, and floods, n tornadoes, and hurricanes... earthquakes?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
haha, jsut in from the shops and totally agree, really feckin cold weather, this should be flip floppable weather in britain normally!


New Member
Its normal in SoCal to have a short period of 90 degree weather in January. We'll see ...


Well-Known Member
it was very cold in the UK just b4 christmas day. i dont really give a shit about global warming cuz its not gonna affect me in this life time and if my kids turn out anything like me they aint gonna give a fuk either and as for this kids well i just wouldnt give a crap


Well-Known Member
Hey, whaddaya know......ANOTHER thread on global warming. And by the spammer, of all people. Keep on using up the real estate buddy. You gotta get attention somehow...
Global warming is not real. it was made up by the government along with many other things to stimulate our econemy, and to bring fear into your home. Don't believe it, its -8 where I am right now, i've seen way colder, normal winter if you ask me, and I thought global warming meant it was getting warmer?


Active Member
I don't think planet Earth isn't the only planet in our solar system experiencing global warming.


Well-Known Member
This is like watching a fat guy say that the doctor is wrong about this heart, because he feels great today.


New Member
Or like watching the doctor change his diagnosis after other doctors call him a quack .

Global warming is now in the "quack" science category.

Credibility = shattered.


Well-Known Member
This is like watching a fat guy say that the doctor is wrong about this heart, because he feels great today.
this is like the Dr telling the fat guy that he will be dead next week due to a heart attack.

then fat dude gains 80 pounds and lives 30 more years.



Well-Known Member
Or like watching the doctor change his diagnosis after other doctors call him a quack .

Global warming is now in the "quack" science category.

Credibility = shattered.
Wrong that still belongs to the intelligent design people.

This is more like a doctor telling you that you need to loose weight, but you don't. And they tell you that you can get a heart attack, but still you don't care, so you continue, and now you need a knee replacement.

But now you say that the doctor doesn't know shit, see I only need a knee and you said I need a heart, your a dumbass.

But hey I guess if you want to not be open to shit that we may be doing to the planet it is up to you. It really doesn't matter, because we are not a species that like to change from things we do before disaster strikes, we like to ride it to the end, then come up with something new to survive.


Well-Known Member

You are the only one that can possibly have information. You only know what the denyers tell you to know or have you researched much on the opposite view?

And is the view that you research come down to al gore? Or have you actually taken the time to see what the actual scientists are saying?

Because you will find that like everything else on these boards the truth is somewhere in the middle. But unfortunantly the middle is not what is sexy, so what gets reported is either all doom and gloom or all a hoax. But whatever you seem to understand how insignificant we are as individuals in respect to how huge the earth is, but yet you refuse to see that as a whole we can mess things up with our pollution.

FYI most of the actual science points to America actually being better off with some climate change. It may lead to a longer growing year for us and that is a good thing. But to the places that are holding onto a thread those are the places that are not going to be more devastating.

But the old "This winter is warm, this one is cold" is garbage. You cannot stick your finger in the air and come up with a climate model. There is a lot of math that is involved and most of the actual data that we can trust is new (because of new technologies) Eventually we will have a much better grasp of everything, but not by sticking our heads in the dirt and saying there is no such thing.

We need to have the science help us to do things better and cleaner. And if the people that are going to ride the backs of scientists have to try to scare the shit out of people to get the ball rolling, it is sad that we are such a stupid group of people that we cannot just make the changes without that urging.