Global Warming My Ass


Well-Known Member
it's high noon and in the 40's. there is snow on the hills. snow on the ground at 2000 feet. they say it will be down to 1000 feet in the next 2 days. i'm gonna go out and get some pics sometime this week. it's too cold right now.

when's it supposed to get HOT? :confused::confused:
i shouldnt be able to ride a motorcycle in manhattan in the middle of January. It used to get to 5 degrees. Weve had 50s. something is wrong.
shit like two weeks ago we got about a foot and a half of snow, then the next day it was over 50degrees out!! the fog in the air was the steam coming off the snow!! that was fucked up!
i know dude im from 707 and its crazy cold here

i just went to walmart in windsor and the hills are covered. it looks really pretty. we always get a little but this year it looks pretty heavy. i have to figure out what road goes up the mountain. last time i went up 101 and never got to the snow. it was on my left and right. i needed to exit and head east but i don't know where. time to google some maps. :blsmoke:
i think mother nature is retaliating.

a single butterfly.... a single butterfly.... a single butterfly, flapping it's wings.....

it's high noon and in the 40's. there is snow on the hills. snow on the ground at 2000 feet. they say it will be down to 1000 feet in the next 2 days. i'm gonna go out and get some pics sometime this week. it's too cold right now.

when's it supposed to get HOT? :confused::confused:

Bummer. I wish it snowed here. I'm at 52 feet and it's foggy and raining. Guess where I am...

But in all seriousness, global warming has the be the most overstated phenomenon of the 21st century.
The general temperatures of the areas the scientists are testing are getting hotter, but what about all of the places they haven't tested.
There is always a warming period before an ice age and I think we might be in for a cold surprise in the future.
Yeah dude, I'm in Butte county and I'm snowed in. This fucking sucks:evil:. What's the point of living in California if it's cold and miserable all the time?......God, I can't wait to get back to Florida. 1 more month to go. Global warming isn't happening fast enough if you ask me.
Bummer. I wish it snowed here. I'm at 52 feet and it's foggy and raining. Guess where I am...

But in all seriousness, global warming has the be the most overstated phenomenon of the 21st century.
The general temperatures of the areas the scientists are testing are getting hotter, but what about all of the places they haven't tested.
There is always a warming period before an ice age and I think we might be in for a cold surprise in the future.

you're within an hour. :mrgreen:bongsmilie
Yeah dude, I'm in Butte county and I'm snowed in. This fucking sucks:evil:. What's the point of living in California if it's cold and miserable all the time?......God, I can't wait to get back to Florida. 1 more month to go. Global warming isn't happening fast enough if you ask me.

So do you know where Paradise is?
anyone who believes in global warming is ignorant.. just because there is no scientific proof saying that GLOABAL WARMING is in fact real and its only getting warmer.

why do you think greenland is called... greenland, it's because it was fucking green. and WARM.

maybe its not normal to have continent sized hunks of ice in the water..

earth was once full of fucking goes through diff. cycles and gets back to normal.. even though we dont actually know what normal is..

global warming... LMAO.
The town? Yeah...I'm close to there...We should burn one. I just moved out here and don't know anybody.

I grew up there. I'm further up the coast now in WA state. It's just there are a few N. Cal growers here and when I see them talking I start getting homesick. I've also lived on the coast Eureka/Fortuna.
I grew up there. I'm further up the coast now in WA state. It's just there are a few N. Cal growers here and when I see them talking I start getting homesick. I've also lived on the coast Eureka/Fortuna.
Oh cool. Yeah I live about 20 minutes from there. I don't why it's called Paradise, tho. It doesn't seem like Paradise to me lol. But, hey that's just me. I'm from Florida and I get cold if it's 70.
could be global warming is a natural occurance we dont truly know what the temps were 200 or 300 years ago or 10000 years ago every thing they say is an educated guess.

or maybe mother earth is starting her reclaimation process
No global warming here..we hit a record Maine had a low of 34 below zero monday night!Thats not wind chill temp but actual temp.It took your breath away. It was actually hard to breath outside.