Global Warming My Ass

No global warming here..we hit a record Maine had a low of 34 below zero monday night!Thats not wind chill temp but actual temp.It took your breath away. It was actually hard to breath outside.

yeah man, watch for that global warming.

it tells you about global warming on tv, it must be true.. tv would never lie..
Yeah global warming is bullshit. I actually wish it was really happening, though. I hate the cold with a passion...It's snowing like a mofo as I type this too. LoL
anyone who believes in global warming is ignorant.. just because there is no scientific proof saying that GLOABAL WARMING is in fact real and its only getting warmer.

why do you think greenland is called... greenland, it's because it was fucking green. and WARM.

maybe its not normal to have continent sized hunks of ice in the water..

earth was once full of fucking goes through diff. cycles and gets back to normal.. even though we dont actually know what normal is..

global warming... LMAO.

is that why about 81% of greenland's land mass is covered in ice miles thick?

i'm just saying. you should research things before you make general statements. :mrgreen:
Are you sure there's going to be snow down to 1,000 feet? It's starting to melt up here and I'm at about 2,800.

it's just starting to rain again this morning. it was nice yesterday but cold and cloudy. i'll go out today and see what's up.

iceland is green and warm.

greenland is frozen.

go figure.

I heard on a tv show some scientist have found a warm cycle that lasts for 15 years and that we are at the end of this cycle. According to them, we are instore for a colder than normal cycle that will last a few years, then back to normal conditions. They did not see any signs that the atmosphere had any more pollutants in it now than at any other time period before. They do not believe in global warming at all. I guess we shall see.
Yeah nevermind what I just said. It snowed about an 1 1/2 to 2 inches last night and it's coming down hard right now...Man, I alsmost died coming down a hill a little while ago. I was coming down the hill and there was a dude coming up that got stuck in my lane and couldn't move. I slammed on my brakes and jerked the e-brake but there was no stopping at that point. So, I swerved around him and started hydro-planing back and forth across the road. If there were any other cars on the road I would have hit them for sure.
thr reason you think its cold when its called global warming is because the cold and snow come from warm air meating cold air. with global warming places that should be warm are cold cold places warm. its due to the fact that the glaciers are melting and falling into the ocean thus totaly fucking up the the normal temps of the currents and gulf stream and such. what is happening is just what can be expected too. reaserch it abit and you will see that this is the begining of the end and sea lvl is going to raise faster and faster. once the glaciers are gone then it will be the end of winter and snow for a few thousand years. think of the glaciers as medicine the earth is giving its self to balence the effects of the warming out. here in west virgina where i have had maybe 2 christmas in my 28 years that havent been white christmas it was 68 degrees on christmas this year. in my area in december we bet the record high temp by more than 5 degrees for 2 weeks strait this year. you will eventualy have no choice but to believe this is happening.
Yeah nevermind what I just said. It snowed about an 1 1/2 to 2 inches last night and it's coming down hard right now...Man, I alsmost died coming down a hill a little while ago. I was coming down the hill and there was a dude coming up that got stuck in my lane and couldn't move. I slammed on my brakes and jerked the e-brake but there was no stopping at that point. So, I swerved around him and started hydro-planing back and forth across the road. If there were any other cars on the road I would have hit them for sure.

lol dont slam your brakes and deffinatly not the ebrake. tap the brakes and when you feal it slide let them go and tap them again. locking them up is the worst thing you could do.
is that why about 81% of greenland's land mass is covered in ice miles thick?

i'm just saying. you should research things before you make general statements. :mrgreen:

lol yea greenland is named greenland because noone would have went there when it was descovered if they had called it fucking frozen wasteland.:D but yea grean land is one of the coldest places on earth and has been since ppl landed on it. my pap pap was stationed there during the korean war at a airforce bace in toolie or w/e spelling and he told me that you had to hold your breath when you went from building to building because if you took a breath the moisture in your lungs would freeze and you would die. he said winter was -70 on a warm day:D
lol you think thats cold? thats maybe spring to me!

lol its never really that warm here...guess the lowest temp...

its -52 :O!!! lol and to think all of you thought 5 degrees was cold!

lol so its kinda hard for me to make my plants grow best they can!

there only 1 foot and few inches but its all gud im a beginner at growing so i need help! xD ill upload a pic of my plants tomorrow cause today i already visited them and they seem to make that room have the big smell! i got stoned just by smelling it and forgot alot of things to do xD lol so if you think 5 degrees is cold think about here!

its lowest temp i've recorded was -55 BRRR cold
lol dont slam your brakes and deffinatly not the ebrake. tap the brakes and when you feal it slide let them go and tap them again. locking them up is the worst thing you could do.
Oh alright. Thanks for the advice, man. This is the first time I've ever drove in snow so trying to stop the car was my natural reaction. I'll do that next time. At least, I didn't try to over-correct, though. That's how a lot of accidents happen.
lol yea greenland is named greenland because noone would have went there when it was descovered if they had called it fucking frozen wasteland.:D but yea grean land is one of the coldest places on earth and has been since ppl landed on it. my pap pap was stationed there during the korean war at a airforce bace in toolie or w/e spelling and he told me that you had to hold your breath when you went from building to building because if you took a breath the moisture in your lungs would freeze and you would die. he said winter was -70 on a warm day:D

what a small world. my dad knows your dad. they were up there in a tiny radio station trying to intercept radio communications between the enemy. :blsmoke:
I was in Floriduh recently, the wind chills where in the teens and it snowed. Kids were out looking at the icicles on the monkey bars. Global warming...VV
seems to be getting lower and lower every year. i got to the top of one hill and there was a little spot here and there. not enough to pull over and park for though.








its jesus, hes messing with our heads, what a joker

Friday it was 26 and icing outside, by Sunday it was 60, and its sleeting outside now. When I was a kid winters were cold summers were hot. Not so much anymore.