Global Warming My Ass

That's funny... i always thought it was the world that was the determining factor of the worlds temperature... BUT it is just the sun....

ah ha.. now I get it.... thanks again for the brilliance and deep perception you bring to those that are still grappling at the big ideas of life...

Is is my mom or my dad that is repsonsible for my existence... or is it my grandparents... or is it the sun......

oh.. now I am all confused.. again.. can you give me a formula or teach me how to think like you... so I can have all the answers too...? please ?


Sure fella'. Graduate High School + continue your education via job training and/or college + work hard - (associating with Liberals whenever possible) 2 = What your not. :mrgreen:
Im a pothead to tell the truth. I do not agree with the government stripping innocent people of their rights and freedoms but as long as they dont come fucking with me personally i dont give a fuck.

So why are you fucking with me? It hurts, real bad.
Haha you're a funny one. Too bad with my newly-gained computer confidence you're insults do NOT AFFECT ME!!!!!
So, the Earths temperature is cyclical, rising and falling over many, many millennia. Contributing factors are also many, but the one overriding factor is the Sun. Mans influence over the environment is negligible at best, and the worlds most affluent/capitalist societies are by far the cleanest. Are we still together?
For the most part're trying to say man may play a part but a very insignificant part.

Mans ability to affect the environment depends wholly on his/her ability to clean up his/her messes, or the ability to pay for it. People, when given the choice, choose overwhelmingly to live in a clean environment. But how clean? Would you rather have the purest air you've ever breathed but only be allowed to drive 10 miles a week, or have your ability to drive be restricted at all? To have smoking in public as a punishable offense, for pristine air? CA!! In other words, to relinquish freedom at a cost. A pristine environment. Not me. Man Made Global Warming is a move in that direction. It is a political movement based on a communistic approach to governance. The government is all wise and will look after it's people. Bullshit. The people are responsible for the cleanliness of their environment, not the government. Not more government oversight, not more government restrictions, not more government taxes. Prosperity/capitalism brings an incentive to keep your planet clean, its good business. America is the example. Comparatively, we are among the cleanest, most pristine countries on earth. In summary, drill ANWR already!!