Global Warming My Ass

Amen Brother!!!!!!! I Like Smoking Cigarettes Inside The Bar!!!!

Got back from Vegas a few months ago, there for a week......Blew My Mind. Fucking loved it, smoking everywhere, drinking everywhere. Not for long though, I guarantee it. People, after being told for so long that they had the power to positively affect their environment, went wacko with the "power". Liberals are feeding them this "power", and people are eating. It doesn't matter until it personally affects them. "In order to get your "free" national health insurance, you have to prove you don't smoke, don't eat junk food, excercise regularly, etc etc". Wait and see.
i'm gettin' 8.5 miles to the gallon and fuckin' lovin' it. burning SUPER at that.:hump::hump:
oh, and my smogs disconnected......shhhhh

Snow at night and ice / frigid wind every day for a week. Thunderflurries this weekend. -8 wind chill right now... global warming my ass!
ok ppl cant stress this enough where supose to be going into what is called a ice age every couple hundered thousand years the polar caps shift either cause extrem heat or cause mini ice ages well supose to be heading into a ice age now but with all the pollution in are air the greenhouse gasses are preventing that if the global temps rise 2 degrees the polar ice caps will mealt causeing massive flooding in major cities nyc will be completly under water up to the 3 floor thats fucking crazy now 4 degrees and massive hurricans the size of states and at 6 to 7 degrees the south american rain forest will turn to nothing but desert we are having global warming and it only going to get worse in my opion its far to late to dp anything we fucked are selfs
Wow, now I can better understand your username. Breath. Sounds like you just watched "An Inconvenient Lie"? I'll take on 1 of your premises. It has been recently concluded that warmer water temps will diminish the number of hurricanes produced. Warmer surface water temps. will create wind shear which will blow the tops of the storms "off", if you will, before they have had a chance to form. I'll find the study.:mrgreen:
how u figure a hurrican is a warm tropical storm why would warm water die it down two u didnt touch is the fact when the polar caps shift the world will go into mayhem cause even the slightest tip of the axis will cause monster storms of all kinds all over the world hurricans as big as the red spot on juipter and just think all this could happen in 4 years at that time the planets are supose to be perfectly alined they beloive the planets gravity on each other might cause are polar caps to shift and if they do we all fucked they also speculate that it could be far worse than that when that happens the sun and every planet will be alined with the hudge black hole in the milkyway galaxy even the aztects say they are distruction with be a big black thing in the sky aka a blackhole but what i want to know is when that time comes if the plants all do go are axis will move and 1 degree is bad what happened if it started to bounce around
"So, from the results of Wand and Lee, it seems that global warming results in more wind shear in the main development region of the Atlantic ocean and more wind shear means fewer/weaker storms. We’ll let you extend this logic as to what a globally-warmed future may hold in store."

World Climate Report » Warming Reduces Landfalling Hurricanes (Again)

Here it is. The piece is by Chunzai Wang and Sang-Ki Lee of NOAA’s Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory in Miami and the Cooperative Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Studies at the University of Miami; the research was funded by NOAA.
how u figure a hurrican is a warm tropical storm why would warm water die it down two u didnt touch is the fact when the polar caps shift the world will go into mayhem cause even the slightest tip of the axis will cause monster storms of all kinds all over the world hurricans as big as the red spot on juipter and just think all this could happen in 4 years at that time the planets are supose to be perfectly alined they beloive the planets gravity on each other might cause are polar caps to shift and if they do we all fucked they also speculate that it could be far worse than that when that happens the sun and every planet will be alined with the hudge black hole in the milkyway galaxy even the aztects say they are distruction with be a big black thing in the sky aka a blackhole but what i want to know is when that time comes if the plants all do go are axis will move and 1 degree is bad what happened if it started to bounce around

Honestly, I couldn't get past here.
Jupiters great red spot, Wiki-

The oval object rotates counterclockwise, with a period of about six Earth days[11] or 14 Jovian days. The Great Red Spot's dimensions are 24–40,000 km west to east and 12–14,000 km south to north. It is large enough to contain two or three planets the size of Earth. The cloudtops of this storm are about 8 km above the surrounding cloudtops.
the earth goes through random weather cycles
its like a bipolar manic depressive woman on her period
im sure that the world will end not within our lifetimes but maybe our grand kids
but i believe within a few million years the human race will be exactly back where it was even better
history repeats itself
one of my theories is that the universe repeats it self
the universe is ever expanding and i believe that the universe expands and expands until it collapses like a rubber band snapping back
this collision of immeasurable forces would crush everything into a single ball of pure energy and matter
eventually this ball of shit would become unstable and explode i.e. the big bang
thus the universe would repeat itself
yes there are flaws but thats true with every theory
I believe our universe is like a bubble in an infinitely large glass of Sprite. Lots of bubbles (universes), all forming and dissipating. And that glass of Sprite, is one of an infinite number of glasses of Sprite in a larger glass of Sprite. And so on and so on. Everything is infinitely large and infinitely small. Circles and spheres seem to be "important". Yada yada yada............:mrgreen:
you probably thought of that while you were baked watching men in black...

Nah, just makes sense.:mrgreen: It is actually a theory, a multiverse theory, but they stop at the multiple universes. Why stop there. The bigger the scope, micro or tele, the more we are amazed. Scale is only relative to how "big" you are.
Jupiters great red spot, Wiki-

The oval object rotates counterclockwise, with a period of about six Earth days[11] or 14 Jovian days. The Great Red Spot's dimensions are 24–40,000 km west to east and 12–14,000 km south to north. It is large enough to contain two or three planets the size of Earth. The cloudtops of this storm are about 8 km above the surrounding cloudtops.
hahaha well i did go a little over board u get what im saying tho there going to be big problems
hahaha well i did go a little over board u get what im saying tho there going to be big problems

No, I don't get what your saying because I believe it to be absolutely false. There has been a lot of fear mongering going on, and contrary to popular belief, its coming from the left. Those who choose to live in fear are not locked in to these feelings. You can educate yourself on the subject and come out of the shadows. It's as easy as that,........ maybe.:mrgreen:
I believe our universe is like a bubble in an infinitely large glass of Sprite. Lots of bubbles (universes), all forming and dissipating. And that glass of Sprite, is one of an infinite number of glasses of Sprite in a larger glass of Sprite. And so on and so on. Everything is infinitely large and infinitely small. Circles and spheres seem to be "important". Yada yada yada............:mrgreen:

i agree i mean think about it space no one seen the end of it and i beat there isnt one but what i do beat is there a space with no stars no planets just a empty void i mean look at black hole its common knowlage that matter can never be compltely destroyed now the gravity in ones so high that light cant esacpe but they just found out in mini black holes that they creat on earth when they did they actualy give off a small amount of radiaton but like u said i think theres no end and other times and space its self:spew::hump: