Gnats in hydro

Bron-Y-Aur Stomp

Well-Known Member
I used 2 and half cups of hydrogen peroxide in 5 gal of water and dipped the roots into the bucket and then put them back in their regular buckets. Will this harm the plant ?
Hope you cleaned the original bucket before putting the 'cleaned' plant back in or you wasted your time...besides killing what was on the surface.
May want to look into a few drops of bleach if root rot starts...use it sparingly. :)
You may be able to attract and kill some bugs with some simple safer traps too...

In a small bowl, mix a half cup of warm water plus two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar, a tablespoon of sugar, and about six drops of liquid dish soap. Gnats will be lured in by the sugary mixture, but once they dip in for a drink, the sticky dish soap will trap them.

Oh and don't forget to find and try to stop where they got
Just use yellow sticky traps and stop overwatering. I don’t know why people go to such extreme measures to kill gnats.
You may be able to attract and kill some bugs with some simple safer traps too...

In a small bowl, mix a half cup of warm water plus two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar, a tablespoon of sugar, and about six drops of liquid dish soap. Gnats will be lured in by the sugary mixture, but once they dip in for a drink, the sticky dish soap will trap them.

Oh and don't forget to find and try to stop where they got
That's for fruit flies. Fungus gnats don't give no fucks about that stuff

Just use yellow sticky traps and stop overwatering. I don’t know why people go to such extreme measures to kill gnat

That's not how gnats work man. One adult female will lay at least 100 eggs. If you have 20 adult females it's way too late for just sticky tape
Dumbest shit I went to 3 places and they all say they only sell fly tape in the summer. And the fly tape will not work on the eggs eh cause they don't fly
Gnatrol. Only thing that keeps them out of my aero gardens. And if I don't they will infest my coco in no time

Order the sticky sheets. They are like 5x7. Cut half way through a sheet and then put your stem into the cut so the sheet is perpendicular to the stem. Not sure if that makes any sense but it's most effective
That's for fruit flies. Fungus gnats don't give no fucks about that stuff

That's not how gnats work man. One adult female will lay at least 100 eggs. If you have 20 adult females it's way too late for just sticky tape
Yea I actually already did that because I thought it was drug flies. Got a bunch of fruit flies in the bowl before I realized there was both
amazon sells it all year :lol:
Yea want to go to flower was hoping I wouldn't have to wait a week or so more
Gnatrol. Only thing that keeps them out of my aero gardens. And if I don't they will infest my coco in no time
Is that something you add right into the Really?