Goin' Hydro. need some guidence!


Well-Known Member
lol yea son. i set up my flowering room today. got da HPS goin. i fucking hate how hot it make my room tho. im working in a closet and its not near my window so its hard to vent. and my hps reflector isnt the kind that you can hook up one of those dryer tubes to. do they sell those those, where can i get a cheap one


Well-Known Member
you want a cooltube. everyone thats american says hgtsupply.com is very professional and cheap. i man i know the heat. i had to switch to t5ho cause i can't take it. just finishing these females and the hps has to go. works good though. the new t5hos work crazy. big plants are hempstar 30 days flower today. the other are 16 lowryder2s 22 days old today. seeya. i should have extra lr2 seeds in 30 days if you want some. they are a stable strain. and i'm doing a seed run so i'll have thousands. soog luck


Well-Known Member
200 somthing views and hardly any replies cmon people haha
maybe i should update this actually
god im so lazy


Well-Known Member
im going to have to take em tomorrow, my lights off right now i forgot about that lol
the clones ive take dont seem to be doin much, some were kinda bent and they arnt really straightening instead the first node under the cola is now starting to look like a main cola... if you know what i mean


Well-Known Member
these obviously are grown in soil even though it says hydro grow. ill be adding the next batch of clones to the hydro system


Well-Known Member
damn you got a few plants going. looks good. you'll be done a few and a few more will be almost finished. pretty big. you got awhile to go but theyll be monsters. i can totally see the diff from last update.


Well-Known Member
i'm finishing my first dwc grow in a few days, i'll
slap some pics on the bottom of em.

I think after trying the rubbermaid container idea
(would work fine for low rider or really small plants)
i would try using 5 gallon buckets for your hydro.
my next grow is going to be 2 feminized
(one white widow and one blueberry) in their own
5 gallon bucket with a fish tank bubbler in each
and net pot on the top. should be simple and give
the plants plenty of room to grow their root systems.



Well-Known Member
Those buds look amazing. Im trying a little flood and drain system probably only because im new at this and it seemed easiest to me. Im sure ill learn more as i move on. im hoping my next batch of clones to get into the system but they arnt look too good. unfortunatly the bigger plants began budding even though the light was on 18 hours so i had to hurry and take cutting which already had a decent amount of white pistols. Hopefully theyll make a comeback, Andill try and add some pics of them tomorrow and all my supplies and of my system.


Well-Known Member
if your having buig problems ive noticed a layer of perlite on top is hard for them to break through.
it works almost as well as sand but doesnt have the effect of sand on your plants. i noticed the bottoms of my leaves starting to die while having the sand in the pots. more than likely from salt build up or something im no expert but it began once i added it. that or the gnats were eating at them,
either way i took out the sand and added perlite and havnt really noticed any gnats in the pots.

also i found the fucking hive of these bastards, i had a bag or soil in my bottom dresser that i had completely forgotton about until i decided to take the sand out of the pots. i was going to add a little more soil but when i opened the bag i seen hundreds of the bastards in there so i hurried and threw it out. FUCKING SOIL. cant wait to go hydro


Well-Known Member
yah you wont be sorry with hydro. clean as can be with no mess or bugs. Plus its easier to dispose of. i dont know what i would do every month with a couple hundred pounds of soil. Going to try it this summer outdoors though with a few hundred seeds scattered around. good luck man.


Well-Known Member
so im basically almost being forced to rip up my plants because of some bullshit with the cops. they keep coming here because of some shit that ha aened with someone getting kicked out of my house and the ssnitch ass fucking ho bitch is trying to rat on me saying i have plants and just had the cops here walking through my house to make sure but the didnt check my room. i feel like theyre going to come back with a search warrent im so fucking nervous idk what to do i wanna rip em up so i dont get caught but i dont know for sure if theyre coming back and if they dont and i do rip em up ill be pissed!!!


Well-Known Member
naaa i dont have them HERE anymore if you know what i mean
gotta be careful what i say now on this i dont know what the person that snitched gave em
so im tweaking and who knows if they gave em my account somehow
this is just straight bullshit im gonna miss my babies!
but hopefully theyll survive ima wait things out

fucking pigs are always trying to fuck your shit up


Well-Known Member
This site is secure. its like paypal. unless you gave your password out it would be near impossible to do anything from this site. Plus if you dont have the plants on you anymore then you are not breaking th law. that sucks though. So you know who it was? your ex you said? really sucks man. Let her know whats up.


Well-Known Member
na my sisters lived with me and her bf lived here too but he got kicked out cuz hes been on some dumb shit lately and the bastard goes and tries and rat on me. had the cops here in my house looking around with me in the room with the plants i was tweakin hard. it kinda sucks that i wont be able to be the one thats mainly taking care of them doing it how its supposed to be done you know what i mean. i feel like i have no control over them anymore, but ima leave em out for awhile see how things go. stay on the low and if everythings cool go back to the way things were. I hate snitches. I hope every snitch dies slow hahaha


Well-Known Member
clones that had been cut off mother who had started to flower are beginning to root,

going to go in the hydro

update tomorrow to tired