Goin' Hydro. need some guidence!


Well-Known Member
old plants are filling out good. The bigger two of the group are starting to stink like fruit loops and bubblegum. sooooooo stanky haha. there forming bud already and i cant wait to see what theyll harvest like. starting to add big bloom and tiger bloom to the water schedule. Not sure what im going to do with them but for now theyre fine where they are,

Going to put the 8 clones into bigger pots this weekend. the other 8 clones that are still rooting ill leave alone for a couple more days and set em up in the flood and drain system. ill probably veg them with a 24 hour light cycle for about a week or two and then go straight to flowering.


Well-Known Member
man i know exactly the smell you mean. nobody ever agrees with me. there is weed around here that smells like fruitloops. i love that smell. looking good. nice colours to.


Well-Known Member
got all the clones in rockwool.
hope to get a cfl fixture tomorrow.
cant find my camera or else id put some pics up.


Well-Known Member
yah. take some pics. i'm going to do clones only now to. seeds is a hassle. my hempstars turned out ok. might just keep them. gotta save some money. i could just sell some of mine and buy some other kinds if i get sick of the same. but from seed def sucks. they all grow uneven. good luck man


Well-Known Member
yea i definatly hate growing from seed. it takes longer. i was going to do that with these but i cant believe how much problems im having with this grow its pretty ridiculous. next time im going to have one mother plant and clone the shit out of her like i wanted to do with this grow. Id like to get an easycloner for that too makes the whole process so much faster and less annoying!
just bought sooome kiilllla bud, smellls like a skunk shit out some fruit on a pine tree!
haha ima go smoke peace


Well-Known Member
nice. and yah many mother plants suck. as long as youve got 1 good strain and it yields ok you can just sell some if you want to smoke something different for awhile. i also decided just 1 mother. 1 clone of mine survived and is now doing good. hopefully in 2 weeks i can take clones off her. so much easier. i dont care if half die i just dont want males. after seeing how easily the pollen spread around my room i'm almost scared to grow in here again. there are so many seeds you wouldnt believe it. prob thousands. but that means huge outdoor grow i guess. who cares if it gets found. lol. i'll plant 500.


Well-Known Member
lol damn thats a lot of seeds, you should move on to cross breeding and create youre own dominant strain. id like to eventually learn how to do it. i understand the concept and everything


Well-Known Member
i'm reading mendels laws of geneticss right now. i now kniw how to get the certain traits from each plant to go into the new. if you read that it explains everything. i did make my own strain. my hempstars got pollinated by the lowryders. going to try and grow the new strain for fun. if you read that though it tells you everything. seeya


Well-Known Member
yeah i saw your post about it in your thread. ill prolly read about it when i have some time, i remember doing all that shit on genetics in school but can hardly remember the procedures and all that. One day when i get my own place though i plan on doing that. Ill take the characteristics of certain plants i like such as thc content and density of buds, aroma and color and all that and create my own strain thats perfect for me. A strain that has everything im looking for in bud, itll take a while sure but youre creating your own "species" of cannabis in a way and it would be worth the time and effort.


Well-Known Member
yah i cant wait to do that either. also i switch strains every grow so i never perfect 1. if we stayed with 1 kind it would prob turn out twice as good the second time and def more yield. i want a really small setup in my house when i get 1. like a 400 really nicely setup. in a vertical ebb and flow. i hate working around all this junk. i want an empty room just for growing. not to really fill though. but breeding could be amazing. nobodies done a white widow auto yet. cant wait. ive been harvesting. dont have to pay for buds anymore. lol


Well-Known Member
These clones were taken off of a mother plant who seemed to be an automatic flowering strain. I didnt know it at the time since i had gotton the seeds from a friend. Once i noticed that ther plant would flower no matter what light schedule it was on i decided to take my last cutting before it was too late. It was the first time ive tried cloning a plant that has already started to flower and about 6 out of the 8 clones survived. Although while i was cleaning and filtering the muddy water from the hydroton i left my door open and my cat got in and as you can see in one of the pictures 3 clones are gone...lol She ate the tops of of them which had a few white and orange hairs on them. LUCKIlY, two of the three were the ones i was about to throw out because they werent going to survive anyway, The other i really couldnt tell you if it was a good or bad looking clone but whats done is done i still got 5 that look decent and ill be adding the hydroton soon, probably in an hour, seting up the rockwool in their spots and i need to run to ace to pickup a timer for the pump. Any suggestions on water feeding schedule to use, obviously a have stregnth one. Take a look at the picks and let me know what you think

As you can see the three stems in the corner are the plants that had been eatin, Hope she got a buzz of em so they didnt go to waste :p



Well-Known Member
damn. they look nice. i need to get some clones going. i only kept 1 from the plants i flowered and never took care of it. i am now and its taking off. hopefully as soon as i harvest all the hempstars it will be big enough for 12 small clones. i didnt time this right. lol. 2 weeks could be a huge waste of time when i'm at 6 weks flower and will be thin king why didnt i start earlier. i want to flower my plants basically like your clones size aftr ou veg for about a week. how long are you going to veg those for? dont do monsters man they take too long. lol flower them little and do it again after. let me know


Well-Known Member
im going to try and veg these for about a week maybe two weeks of 24/hour light then im going to Put them into the flowering cycle if they look good. I dont want anything too big, I want short and dense. About a foot-2 feet is alright for me. get about a half ounce of each of some strong ass chronic instead of an ounce of a big plant that may get fluffy aand light bud and took a way longer time to grow. Ill probably be moving the two mother plants i use to have back here because i want them to get under the hps light to fill up the bud sites. Where they are now the have GNATS!!!!! again!
so annoying, I shall never go back to soil EVER!!!!!!

They do however look amazing and smell great. The shorter of the two first plants [the one with one mai stem and no branches] is filling out so nice, one long asss big bud its going to look like, theres already thc everywhere even on the fan leaves! and sticky ass fuck, still smelling like fruit loops :D

Im gonna try and get ya pics of those because theyre straight beastin!

I gotta make a trip to Home depot tomorrow to buy some 3 gallon bucket[$3.00 each]and some soil
and transplant the other 8 clones at the other grow op. :]

Many things on the to do list in cluding buying another timer from ace hardware

Hows everything coming along with your grow 1982, anything interesting going on?


Well-Known Member
Chicago Bears got Jay Cuttler :D
bears may finally have a good Qb, Although if orton didnt get hurt i think they woulda been great with him.
Hes gonna do great things in denver with that team. How ironic would it be if they win this upcoming super bowl with kyle orton. Id be pissed. But anyway GO CHIIIIITOWN ;]


Well-Known Member
hey man. at 2 feet youll get an ounce and a half. my hempstars stopped growing vertically alltogether after flowering and became branches of bats. i have 3 about 2 feet tall and will get 5 ounces dry. already picked 100 wet grams and it dried to 25 grams. theres still times that left. 1.5 ounces for 2 foot plants is about right. youll get that for sure. mine are uder 3 150 hpss. 1 ounce minimum per plant at 2 feet id say. id flower the same way. 1 -2 weeks veg then flower. sounds good man. i'll be around. seeya


Well-Known Member
Im about to read up on it i think, for a little just refresh my memory because i learned of this not too long ago