Going from HPS to LED. Worth it?

That's for soil grows noob, coco is a hydroponics substitute.
It is a soilless mix. You CAN overwater a plant by watering too frequently in any media.

You guys really don't know? This is too funny. Because you guys keep saying I don't know. Dude, the fucking leaves are screaming to you what I'm telling you.
Read any good coco growers grow log you will see they hit their plants everyday with nutes/water until probably around 10% runoff, I used coco for a year until I bought my rdwc system, its a great hydroponics substitute. I have put coco in my hydro rez instead of hydroton and it worked great, it was watered all day every day because my system has a drip feeder that runs non-stop.
You can use coco in a drip feed system that doesn't stop feeding all day everyday and get huge plants ,coco has way more than enough oxygen in it especially if you cut with perlite, this olive guy is such a noob it's kinda funny.
I've never heard of someone over watering in coco, unless you used pure coco and even then...
Hey bro have you heard of having a spine? Cowardly bitch, I'm still waiting for the Trump, holocaust racist material you spoke of.

Or admit you're a shit talking pussy.
It is a soilless mix. You CAN overwater a plant by watering too frequently in any media.

You guys really don't know? This is too funny. Because you guys keep saying I don't know. Dude, the fucking leaves are screaming to you what I'm telling you.

Its not about how much you WATER it. It is how much OXYGEN the roots have. COCO always has air pockets so you CANNOT overwater!

Im telling you the truth!!!
Again, for the last time, if you water too frequently in coco, you can overwater in Coco because it retains water for so long. Let's ask others.

@Gary Goodson
@cat of curiosity
I ran coco in my rez in a RDWC system that drips water all day long thru the top bucket that was filled with coco, it never dried out at all it was wet for a few months and my plant grew beautifully, you don't know what you are talking about once again, lack of knowledge and experience, you are ignorant.
You can put your entire pot of coco underwater. And aslong as the water is moving and oxygenated, your plants will be fine, EVEN IN WATER 24/7.
That's because you're aerating the water. If you are handwatering constantly, you are going to drown or rot your roots. If you were to sit coco in a bucket of water with no aeration, it will drown. Your leaves are 100% waterlogged, it's obvious.

I feel so sorry for both you and Yoda, because you guya REALLY have no idea how to properly read a plant. Or how lights work.
Everywhere you are in this forum you leave a trail of diarrhea. You are by far the most annoying person I have ever come across here. Just shut up and learn something. Stupid inexperienced loud mouth kid.
You, too? Now I know three people who have no idea what they are doing.
You, too? Now I know three people who have no idea what they are doing.
Remember when you grew your first 1/2 oz plant swearing up and down at me telling me I didn't have a clue??? Your EBay special lights were talked about like some sort of prized possession. Since I have read plenty of your disgusting comments all over this forum. I don't care what is wrong with this poor guys plants this is about your childish attitude here.