Going from HPS to LED. Worth it?

I'm sold on LED, so much so that I'm getting rid of all of my remaining HID lamps in bloom and most in veg. What's left will be T5 over babies, and maybe not even that.

I get better specific output (grams per watt per day), better quality, better reliability, lower maintenance costs and less power consumption from lighting and associated HVAC. I'm pretty sure commercial facilities would enjoy those benefits, too.

And the notion that LED tech isn't scalable to handle those commercial facilities is just laughable; in fact many commercial facilities are installing them now. Here in Colorado, there is serious talk of outlawing HPS for grow lighting outright, phased in over the next 3-5 years. Serious talk.
There's going to be a lot of good gear on CraigsList... :bigjoint:
Things got more and more legal over time here in Colorado so by the time the cops finally came to knock n talk I had nothing to fear!

I surely wish everyone the same luck. No one should go to jail for growing a plant.
Interesting. Not sure how it's going to work here in WA. My name & address are on file in the official MMJ database, so someone could stop by. Probably won't be the "real" cops. They don't bust people for cannabis unless something lands in their lap that they can't ignore. A few months ago I noticed the state was hiring special cannabis/liquor enforcement officers. Probably a lot like health inspectors.
You're severely overwatering. And slightly N toxic. Nice size, but you need to take better care of it. And you don't necessarily HAVE to train it, but I'd say you should have.
its not over watering its under watering and to much salt build up yes porky look at the leafs the claw is just not front leafs tipping over its the whole leaf that looks like a claw ..
If you take a look where the lock outs are starting to show is lower on the plant indicating macro issue meaning NPK

Trust me from someone that has run ppm levels over 2200 ppm your plants can not uptake water flush that plant out your ph is going to be low and salt build up high

Just trying to help
Another day in Riu. It seems most threads are turning towards arguments and conflicts.
You are the one who is now personally attacking me , even saying that I am becoming defensive .

Your attacks show me that you are the one who is getting defensive .

You do not justify your facts , you simply are saying that you are right and I so wrong .

If your diagnoses is 100 percent correct , then please explain to me why my plant is not clawing on the tips of the leaves ? As that is s sign of too much N.

You now mention hydrolic pressure, if you knew how hydrolic pressure affected the plant then you wouldn't say it was under watered , as the pressure is lower the higher up you go. Now however you seem to be an expert on the matter ? Your lack of knowledge in your first post and now your "high level" knowledge about hydrolic pressure makes me believe you are simply googling information to support your theories .

Gl to you too . I wish you and your plants the best of luck , you'll need it .
Trust me from someone that has run ppm levels over 2200 ppm your plants can not uptake water flush that plant out your ph is going to be low and salt build up high

Just trying to help[/QUOTE]

Wow 2200 ppm. What do you run with now?
Trust me from someone that has run ppm levels over 2200 ppm your plants can not uptake water flush that plant out your ph is going to be low and salt build up high

Just trying to help

Wow 2200 ppm. What do you run with now?[/QUOTE]

I have examined the plant further . . .

The lower leaves aren't as happy as the top leaves . . .

That being said , the color of the top leaves are a nice green and the lower leaves are a little bit darker green . . . Far from N toxicity .

I do seem to be suffering from a calcium deficiency and magnesium . . . .

I cleaned the bottom up nicely and removed the "sad" leaves . . . I am feeding @ 1.5EC using a formula of 1-1-2-1-0.5 (N-P-K-CA-MG)

Is there any way I can get calcium to the plant without adding nitrogen ? ?
Wow 2200 ppm. What do you run with now?

I have examined the plant further . . .

The lower leaves aren't as happy as the top leaves . . .

That being said , the color of the top leaves are a nice green and the lower leaves are a little bit darker green . . . Far from N toxicity .

I do seem to be suffering from a calcium deficiency and magnesium . . . .

I cleaned the bottom up nicely and removed the "sad" leaves . . . I am feeding @ 1.5EC using a formula of 1-1-2-1-0.5 (N-P-K-CA-MG)

Is there any way I can get calcium to the plant without adding nitrogen ? ?[/QUOTE]
If you don't mind a little phosphorous, you could use Indonesian bat guano (0-7-0 w/17% calcium). Just put 1 oz of powdered poop in a gallon and let it soak a day or two. I use a brand called "Down to Earth". Several stores carry it.
I have examined the plant further . . .

The lower leaves aren't as happy as the top leaves . . .

That being said , the color of the top leaves are a nice green and the lower leaves are a little bit darker green . . . Far from N toxicity .

I do seem to be suffering from a calcium deficiency and magnesium . . . .

I cleaned the bottom up nicely and removed the "sad" leaves . . . I am feeding @ 1.5EC using a formula of 1-1-2-1-0.5 (N-P-K-CA-MG)

Is there any way I can get calcium to the plant without adding nitrogen ? ?
If you don't mind a little phosphorous, you could use Indonesian bat guano (0-7-0 w/17% calcium). Just put 1 oz of powdered poop in a gallon and let it soak a day or two. I use a brand called "Down to Earth". Several stores carry it.[/QUOTE]

Calcium chloride is right for my purpose . . . I'm using chemical fertilisers , not organic .

This is also my first run with my home made nutes . . . I'm very pleased with the results so far, and only need to balance the CA:N:MG correctly , I'm going to switch out my calcium nitrate with the calcium chloride.
If you don't mind a little phosphorous, you could use Indonesian bat guano (0-7-0 w/17% calcium). Just put 1 oz of powdered poop in a gallon and let it soak a day or two. I use a brand called "Down to Earth". Several stores carry it.

Calcium chloride is right for my purpose . . . I'm using chemical fertilisers , not organic .

This is also my first run with my home made nutes . . . I'm very pleased with the results so far, and only need to balance the CA:N:MG correctly , I'm going to switch out my calcium nitrate with the calcium chloride.[/QUOTE]
---------- (what's up with the unbalanced tags? quotes are always hosed) ----------------
My bad. I hand water so I can use whatever makes sense.
Plants really dig bat guano. I gave my wife's Christmas cactus some poop tea and it exploded with blooms! It also helped increase brix.
Calcium chloride is right for my purpose . . . I'm using chemical fertilisers , not organic .

This is also my first run with my home made nutes . . . I'm very pleased with the results so far, and only need to balance the CA:N:MG correctly , I'm going to switch out my calcium nitrate with the calcium chloride.

---------- (what's up with the unbalanced tags? quotes are always hosed) ----------------
My bad. I hand water so I can use whatever makes sense.
Plants really dig bat guano. I gave my wife's Christmas cactus some poop tea and it exploded with blooms! It also helped increase brix.
View attachment 3826043
On top of my base ferts/nutes, I use Nitro and Phos bat guano in veg and seabird guano in Flower.

If you aren't organic, it's pretty useless to use guanos, though. You need beneficial bacteria, mycorrhizae, and trichoderma to break it down, take it up, and transport it. Bennies, at the very least.
You chew the kratom? I just looked it up. Where do you get it? Is it more like opium or speed? Carefull with it, don't die. ; )
You can't OD on kratom. It doesn't cause respiratory depression. Worst that will happen if you take too much is you puke. Been using it for 4-5 years.

It feels like Oxy, but it contains no opiate. It's from the coffee family, but instead of caffeine, it contains mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine. These chemicals bind to your Mu opioid receptors.

You don't chew it; you either capsulize it, make a tea from it, or toss and wash.
I was more concerned about the overwatering, bro. The N tox was mild, anyway, and you're right, it seems to be clearing up. You are still overwatering, according to the other pic. Severely.

Why are you still on that, anyway?

Is it a problem if I post a picture proving my facts?
No, but it does show that I was right about you getting overly defensive.

So if I prove a fact by posting a photo, its defensive?

You comment had a hidden agenda to it, you are still attacking me, proving my point that you are the one whom is getting defensive:)
In fact, the fact that you feel you have something to prove to me shows exactly how defensive you are being. You have nothing to prove to anyone.