Going from HPS to LED. Worth it?

In fact, the fact that you feel you have something to prove to me shows exactly how defensive you are being. You have nothing to prove to anyone.

It's not to prove anything to you mate, you dont know what your talking about, as PROVEN by my photo.

You are upset that I have shown you up, that your advice is wrong and now you are upset.

Your only defense is to say im being defensive...lol

Im doing this purely because I want to help another grower and perhaps if he can see that your advice is bad advice, then he may choose someone else to take info from.

Trust me...forums has a LOT of bad info on it....and its only getting worse.
It not to prove anything to you mate, you dont know what your talking about, as PROVEN by my photo.

You are upset that I have shown you up. That your advice is wrong and now you are upset.
No, your current photo shows the issue is resolved. The other photo proves you were just barely getting N toxic, but my concern was for the overwatering, not really the N as much.

I definitely know what I'm talking about. Those finger leaves were curling sideways and were extremely dark.

I'm not upset about anything. I was just trying to help you.
No, your current photo shows the issue is resolved. The other photo proves you were just barely getting N toxic, but my concern was for the overwatering, not really the N as much.

I definitely know what I'm talking about. Those finger leaves were curling sideways and were extremely dark.

I'm not upset about anything. I was just trying to help you.

I am not sure if you READ what I wrote YESTURDAY, I am growing in COCO and PERLITE. That information was a GIVEN. You cannot over water in coco.....yet you still say its over watered??

Also, how can N toxicity be resolved in a day? By saying that you are contradicting yourself. Yesturday it has N toxicity and is over watered, today the issue is fully resolved??
Plants don't just claw like that for no reason, man. And the plants were dark. N tox effects older foliage first. It wasn't severe, it was mild.
And you can overwater coco if you are watering it too frequently. Coco holds water for a pretty good amount of time. You must be watering it too soon.
And you can overwater coco if you are watering it too frequently. Coco holds water for a pretty good amount of time. You must be watering it too soon.
You sure about that? I used an auto watering system when I ran coco in a 4x4 flood tray, constant water/nutes, huge yields, very healthy plants, watered with nutes 2-3 times a day or whenever they would become a little dry.

This here is an overwatered cannabis plant with droopy leaves curling in in itself. And do you notice the yellow, chlorotic leaves at the bottom? Because yours is showing that, too.
Of course you can. Dude, I have always grown in coco. You can overwater coco by watering too frequently, because coco HOLDS WATER. It's that simple. You aren't waiting long enough between waterings.
I've never heard of someone over watering in coco, unless you used pure coco and even then...
Of course you can. Dude, I have always grown in coco. You can overwater coco by watering too frequently, because coco HOLDS WATER. It's that simple. You aren't waiting long enough between waterings.

Overwatering a plant has nothing to do with how much water a medium holds. it has to do with how much AIR it holds. COCO always holds air. So you cannot overwater.

With your logic that means you can over water in DWC.
"Overwatered Marijuana Plants

  • Drooping / Curling is the first sign of overwaterd marijuana plants

  • Plants start drooping after watering

  • Leaves are firm and curled down all the way from the stem to the leaf

  • Will eventually lead to leaf yellowing and other signs of nutrient problems if not corrected

"Overwatered Marijuana Plants

  • Drooping / Curling is the first sign of overwaterd marijuana plants

  • Plants start drooping after watering

  • Leaves are firm and curled down all the way from the stem to the leaf

  • Will eventually lead to leaf yellowing and other signs of nutrient problems if not corrected

That's for soil grows noob, coco is a hydroponics substitute.