Going to Jail - Charged with Grand Theft :(

Are you serious? Ever heard of ketchup, pizza, salsa, or spaghetti? I don't have the numbers with me but I will guarantee the demand for tomatoes exceeds the demand for marijuana many times over.

And what i'm saying is that it is the illegality of marijuana which creates a black market which creates such high profit margins. If it was just another plant that anyone could grow with no legal repercussions it wouldn't be the boondoggle that it is. If people are making mad amounts of cash selling it, that means other people are spending mad amounts of cash buying it. And who the fuck is going to spend hundreds of dollars per ounce on a plant that could be grown so easily in the back garden along with their tomatoes?

rich lazy people. and theirs more rich ppl in the world now than ever. they'll always be a market for weed legal or illegal. Just like how rich lazy people don't grow their own tomatoes, they go to a fancy restaurant. Check the facts on colorados sale of legal cannabis. Because if what your saying is true… Then why isn't everyone in Colorado and Washington growing their own shit. Why are the legal dispensaries over there booming bigger than ever, making so much money and selling so much product that at one point all the dispensaries practically ran out?

Explain that to me?
this, THIS, is a TnT thread. Great responses, for the most part.

OP, clearly you are too intelligent for this type of behavior. Take the 4 months, you will do half of that, if not less. They are counting on you taking the probation, and making more money off of you instead of paying much more to house and feed you. Once you take the time, they may even offer you less. Sweat them out. When they flinch and say "maaaaan, we were only bullshittin", throat the DA and tell that bitch, "pay me for half the time and I won't go, AND give me my GD $200 back for the investigation you didn't need to do since I "confessed" in the car". Trust me, I've done it twice. Last time I was picked up for pimpin, the DA just dropped the charges.

Reflect and find your happy place so you don't feel the need to do things that you know will hurt you further.

Oh, and yelling "Mr. Sunshine" is a sure way to get yourself a blanket party, AFTER getting raped. You need to walk in proud, stop as soon as you know everyone is sizing you up, slowly turn your head side to side to look everyone over and announce in your man voice, "Niggers, Jews, Homo Sexuals, Mexicans, Arabs, and all sorts of Chincks stink!..........and I hate 'em". Then strut directly to your cell like you don;t have the time or patience for a response. The first MF that shows up to your cell, say "bring me a soda, clown".

Trust me

Everyone from all over the world are going to colorado and washington just to purchase weed legally. If it was legal everywhere it would not only generate more jobs for everyone, but in a sense it would be the new alcohol. And we know people love to drink, but you don't see them brewing their own whiskey in their bathtubs prohibition style, do you?
Everyone from all over the world are going to colorado and washington just to purchase weed legally. If it was legal everywhere it would not only generate more jobs for everyone, but in a sense it would be the new alcohol. And we know people love to drink, but you don't see them brewing their own whiskey in their bathtubs prohibition style, do you?

Yes I do brew my own alcohol and so do millions of other people. And no they don't to whiskey, or any spirits, because distilling alcohol is illegal. I can only legally brew beer or wine, I can't make liquor.

Also beer and liquor are significantly cheaper than buying weed. Again, econ 101.
For and you the million of ppl who are like you who brew they're on shit, theres 100 million people unlike you that would prefer to go to a liquor store and buy it. Those odds are 100-1.

So you pretty much just proved my point for 100 people who consume weed, 99 of them would prefer to buy it legally from a store, than any other way.

- Enough Said -
Yes I do brew my own alcohol and so do millions of other people. And no they don't to whiskey, or any spirits, because distilling alcohol is illegal. I can only legally brew beer or wine, I can't make liquor.

Also beer and liquor are significantly cheaper than buying weed. Again, econ 101.

No matter what at the end of this condo it comes back to the fact that people are lazy and rather do it the easy way 9 times out of 10. But hey i take my hat off to you and the 1% of people who do shit the hard way. Atleast you guys aren't sitting on your ass complaining, your getting shit done.
For and you the million of ppl who are like you who brew they're on shit, theres 100 million people unlike you that would prefer to go to a liquor store and buy it. Those odds are 100-1.

So you pretty much just proved my point for 100 people who consume weed, 99 of them would prefer to buy it legally from a store, than any other way.

- Enough Said -

You totally glossed over my point about alcohol being significantly cheaper than weed. For the $20 that a gram is going to cost me I can purchase a lot of beer or liquor. If I go bottom shelf liquor I can get a gallon for $20. If I don't go bottom shelf I can get a fifth of decent liquor for under $20. A fifth of alcohol will go way farther than a gram of weed, hence it is significantly cheaper per unit of "buzz". If you make weed cheap enough then sure people will go buy it from the store, the same as they do for alcohol and tomatoes.

Supply and demand. I highly suggest you talk to your econ 101 professor, or possibly your high school teacher. Maybe he will give you a juice box and explain it all to you after nap time, since you seem to not understand the most basic of economic principals.
so good to see you, Kemo

I don;t know why you come down here messin with THESE people!

You totally glossed over my point about alcohol being significantly cheaper than weed. For the $20 that a gram is going to cost me I can purchase a lot of beer or liquor. If I go bottom shelf liquor I can get a gallon for $20. If I don't go bottom shelf I can get a fifth of decent liquor for under $20. A fifth of alcohol will go way farther than a gram of weed, hence it is significantly cheaper per unit of "buzz". If you make weed cheap enough then sure people will go buy it from the store, the same as they do for alcohol and tomatoes.

Supply and demand. I highly suggest you talk to your econ 101 professor, or possibly your high school teacher. Maybe he will give you a juice box and explain it all to you after nap time, since you seem to not understand the most basic of economic principals.

Im a grown dude you make think your cool or w.e for saying some shit like that thru a computer but i guarantee your a punk in real life. All this time we been going back and fourth i never said one disrespectful thing, not one. If anything i went out of my way to try and not say anything argumentative, i actually complimented you. And then you make some stupid little comment like that to make it try and seem like your so much smarter or cooler idk either way if you gotta do some shit like that over the computer you aint worth talking to. So with that being said I'm done with this little convo, but just know theres a whole stadium of people like you who are all taught to think the same way and if adult or authority figure says something then you think oh it has to be true. But theres only a handful of people like me, who think on our own, like we want, without the man programming the way we think, one way or the other. Not having to listen and believe whatever a suit says because he's wearing a tie. Hope you see the light before it's too late my friend. Take care.
this, THIS, is a TnT thread. Great responses, for the most part.

OP, clearly you are too intelligent for this type of behavior. Take the 4 months, you will do half of that, if not less. They are counting on you taking the probation, and making more money off of you instead of paying much more to house and feed you. Once you take the time, they may even offer you less. Sweat them out. When they flinch and say "maaaaan, we were only bullshittin", throat the DA and tell that bitch, "pay me for half the time and I won't go, AND give me my GD $200 back for the investigation you didn't need to do since I "confessed" in the car". Trust me, I've done it twice. Last time I was picked up for pimpin, the DA just dropped the charges.

Reflect and find your happy place so you don't feel the need to do things that you know will hurt you further.

Oh, and yelling "Mr. Sunshine" is a sure way to get yourself a blanket party, AFTER getting raped. You need to walk in proud, stop as soon as you know everyone is sizing you up, slowly turn your head side to side to look everyone over and announce in your man voice, "Niggers, Jews, Homo Sexuals, Mexicans, Arabs, and all sorts of Chincks stink!..........and I hate 'em". Then strut directly to your cell like you don;t have the time or patience for a response. The first MF that shows up to your cell, say "bring me a soda, clown".

Trust me
very good advice
Hope you enjoyed losing that $350. What happened in 2008 had nothing to do with him losing his present day job, unless he lost it because of Obamacare. Getting high isn't excuse either. I have never been high enough to think that stealing was an ok answer.

And for the board room comment I've been self-employed most of my life and worked very long hours and anyone else who is self-employed knows the sacrifices that are made. An employee that steals, steals from us all.

And somehow you think I'm responsible for the 2008 implosion? Grow up little girl.

you're being ignorant..you didn't even read his post.

my analogy to 2008 is that a thief is not a thief unless you are the RIGHT kind of thief..

you got on your soap box to tell him he should eat cake..how out of touch you are..
Still dont understand what state lets you steal shit, do a little time, and no probation! They always stick that shit on you afterwards!