Sick Of Scrapin Rez...
Are you serious? Ever heard of ketchup, pizza, salsa, or spaghetti? I don't have the numbers with me but I will guarantee the demand for tomatoes exceeds the demand for marijuana many times over.
And what i'm saying is that it is the illegality of marijuana which creates a black market which creates such high profit margins. If it was just another plant that anyone could grow with no legal repercussions it wouldn't be the boondoggle that it is. If people are making mad amounts of cash selling it, that means other people are spending mad amounts of cash buying it. And who the fuck is going to spend hundreds of dollars per ounce on a plant that could be grown so easily in the back garden along with their tomatoes?
rich lazy people. and theirs more rich ppl in the world now than ever. they'll always be a market for weed legal or illegal. Just like how rich lazy people don't grow their own tomatoes, they go to a fancy restaurant. Check the facts on colorados sale of legal cannabis. Because if what your saying is true… Then why isn't everyone in Colorado and Washington growing their own shit. Why are the legal dispensaries over there booming bigger than ever, making so much money and selling so much product that at one point all the dispensaries practically ran out?
Explain that to me?