Good ISO hash


Well-Known Member
OK cool, yea i cant wait to try this method. I have only had the alcohol method hash which is ok but looks nothing compared to the results of seen of BHO stuff.
yea im kinda wondering if this is safe and i dont rteally believe all the iso alcy is gonna get evaporated and i dont wanna smoke rubbing alcohol i put my dish of brownish green light liquid into a dish of really hot water and a fan pointed at it on low and imm not sure does anyone know if this will work the same and if its actually safe??


New Member
Yes, every bit of the alcohol evaporates off. Personally I have a large thick glass pie pan with a custom screen lid. I simply take it outside when I know it's going to be sunny....and it is ready to scrape by the afternoon. No fuss, no muss. Tastes great if you don't strip the plant too long with the iso.
i was wondering where you get 99.9% iso? i can only find 91%. Also do you just hand press it to get it into those balls? O and u said u hit it off a safety pin what do you mean by that? how do you smoke hash off a safety pin?
distill it. that last 1%-.01% is water and can be safely removed by a still.