Good low cost vape?


Does anyone suggest a good low cost (ideally under $50.00 but def under $100.00) vaporizer? I see a few around but then see others for $500.00 and more and I don't want to get screwed with a shitty one. I'm sure this has been posted before. If you have a link to another thread that'd be great too. Thanks!


Well-Known Member
100% you will get a shitty one if you are looking under $100.

the Closest vape I would suggest (Based on your aforementioned criteria) would be the IoLite. (I've got 2 of them and LOVE THEM! )

I GUARANTEE that you will be Pissed off if you buy one of the really cheap ones. (Garbage!)

Good luck!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
From what i've read with vapes, you kinda get what you pay for and cheap ones are pretty prone to self-destructing after a fairly short period.


Active Member
not neccesarily....i got my Vapor Prince for 75 bucks, have had it for quite awhile with repeated use and no problems and does quite well :blsmoke:


Thanks - That's what I was afraid of.

100% you will get a shitty one if you are looking under $100.

the Closest vape I would suggest (Based on your aforementioned criteria) would be the IoLite. (I've got 2 of them and LOVE THEM! )

I GUARANTEE that you will be Pissed off if you buy one of the really cheap ones. (Garbage!)

Good luck!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
That's kinda the opposit to the point being questioned :D For $299 before taxes you're damned right it should still be working ust fine after 2 years :D


That was my thought too after checking out the website with some excitement only to see its $300. One day I'm sure I'll get a good one, just not right now.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I know the feeling fella. I've always wanted to get a vap, but i have a habbit of only buying the best i can find to get the real experience, or some other mind shit i like to convince myself with, so as such, i'd only really look at a Volcano and whoaaaaaaaaa, don't think i can afford one of those for a while, let alone justify it. Crikey, i could buy a motorbike for the same money (althoug ironically i had a friend who spent £400 on a top of the range paperless motoX bike, only to lend it to a friend a week later who in turn demolished the engine :lol:)

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
trust me, once you get a vape you will never go back.
That is nothing but a personal preference. By EVERYTHING i've read, once i bought a bong i'd never smoke a joint again, they are just that BOMB! First post giving links to procuts always shouts ADVERTISING to me :)


Well-Known Member
im about to order one of those easy vapes...thats cheap..and if it breaks in a year o well is was only 60 bucks and u get a grinder and whips to smack yo lady's ass with


Yeah I really want to give it a shot. My best friend says he doesn't like it but I still want to give it a shot. I think I might give that a go - $50 bucks is doable.


Well-Known Member
don't overlook the DIY forum, if you inclined to build your own, very cost effective
i built the halogen bulb vaporizer, i find it to be excellent


Active Member
well guy vaps are a different high altogether yes...i cant really describe it in words, but a "clean" feelin high comes to mind, for me anyway...there is as big of a difference as joint vs bong, but for me, theres only so many ways a vap or any kind of smokin device can work, and its all the same principals from 50 bucks to 900...its heated enough to vaporize the thc but leave the you dont care to shell out a bunch more for some digital whatnot thats all shiny, go for it..i myself can just find alot more things to buy with that other 850 (one of them bein more weed :bigjoint:)


Well-Known Member
Trust me dude, save another paycheck or 2 and just get top of the line. Buy a volcano, you wont be disapointed!


Well-Known Member
its like 600 for the volcano's and dont u gotta keep buying bags and mouth pieces? i'd check out the cheaper boy had one when they first came out in like 02 and it was hella tiny with a tube and a mouth piece but worked hella the cheap ones come wit bags or the tube?