Good Morning/Weather Report Suite

It's mostly cloudy this afternoon. At 1325, it's 90F with 62% humidity. Forecast high of 90F {that will be changing} with 60% chance of thunderstorms this afternoon, and a low of 72F tonight.

I got out of here at 0100 this morning, but left lots of work yet to be done. My customers are in the other end of the building, so I can work on it while their event is going on. Hard to get motivated 'the morning after'. Especially with a long safety meeting, and a slice of cana bread.

We normally get frost in these parts beginning of September brother, totally normal. These last few years I've been really lucky and chopped my last plants first week of October. So hard finding very fast flowering strains that I can work with. I'm blessed that getaway gifted me with some of his genetics.
Into Indian summer here, it hasn't quite frozen but we're getting cool mornings.

October is coming, my HVAC tech is racing the clock to get my unit built and installed!

One of my heat pumps picked Saturday to go toes up. When I walked into the living room, I noticed it as hotter in one room than the other. Looked at thermostat and it was 80F. We ran fans blowing from the cool end of the house, but it still got up to 84F yesterday. My AC guy came this morning. Needs a new unit outside and air handler inside. As luck would have it, Tuesday is his delivery day. So they are going to be back bright and early tomorrow. With luck they will be done in time for me to make my weekly run to town.

About $4K that I hadn't planned on spending this week. It is 13 years old though.
It's spitting rain here this afternoon. At 1655 it is 75F with 91% humidity. Our forecast high had been 86F but the rain came before it got that hot. Low for tonight is forecast to be 71F with 40% chance of more rain.

I had to dress up the resting place of my dear old departed aunt so my still living aunt would rest better. The grave had settled and was needing a little dirt added. I took 25 gallons of dirt and filled the "giant sink hole right on top of her grave," in the middle of a huge thunderstorm this afternoon. Snapped this out the truck window on the way to shovel the dirt, before it had started. It opened up on me right after I got the buckets filled. I emptied them in the rain as it was almost time to go to work and I couldn't wait for it to stop. Good thing was, I didn't have to shower.

DSCF1265.JPG My five gallon bucket and tape measure rain gauge said we got an inch and a half in about 30 minutes.
If I was a religious man, I would be drawing some kind of parable with that story. That being said, I'm sure this was a comfort for still living aunt.

The living aunt was worried from the start about the fact there wasn't a vault. But my Mamma was in charge of her sister's affairs, and Mamma is cheap. The wooden casket is rotting and the dirt is sifting down into it. I knew it would be happening, but it's in a different graveyard that the one I keep up, so I hadn't thought of it until I got a call to go fix it. I'll go by there ever couple of months and add a little dirt for the next year or so.
I'm out of here for a few days. See you guys on the weekend.

I baked a dozen canna muffins here at work tonight. The plan was to let them cool, then pop them out of the pan and into the freezer. I didn't use liners, just sprayed with the nonstick stuff. Well, they stuck anyway. I dug a couple out with a fork and ate them. Taste pretty good. Will see how high I get. The other ten of them are going home with me.
So today is the coldest day this week. Good thing, it only made it to 63F. My HVAC guy is feverishly working on my system, trying to get my system installed and beat winter's cold. It's going to be a fun ride, as neither of us has ever built as system quite like this before... LOL
This year has been an amazing one weather wise for me. We've only been getting rain once every two to three weeks which normally would be a big deal as I grow guerilla style but I have unlimited access to them this year to water as I moved and have spots close by that I can easily treck to. I got a super late start and didn't think I'd get any going this year but I managed to get a couple gong late in the season. I only wish I had started more. My strains are going to go very late, into frost season so I was stoked to find out the weather is predicted to be unseasonably high temps for the next two months and unseasonably low precipitation which means o should be able to go till November whereas I usually see frost the end of September. Crossing my fingers everything makes it