good question about growth!!!!


Well-Known Member
i had a 10 inch plant that did 36 hours dark and then wen i put 12 hourl light on it, it grew to 21inches in jusr 12 hours and showed the female hormones so it definutly works lol


Active Member
who really cares. Besides they probably grow the same ammount in the dark and light. I see it this way in the dark the plant isnt using as much energy soaking up the light instead it is using its energy for photosynthesis, and in the light its using its energy on not photosynthesis but on soaking up the light. probably same ammount of energy so same ammount of energy put on growing for the plant
Were you dropped on your head as a child, or beaten on the head?

I don't know if you smoked too much weed but last time i checked plants don't have solar panels and batteries to store that light energy like you might think.

Photosynthesis occurs during the day light hours. If anything the cellular respiration occurs during the night more.

The fact of the matter is that photosynthesis is only active with light. Just don't want anyone else learning this wrong.



Well-Known Member
LOL plants dont have solar panels but put the science onto paper and they are very like solar panels pritty much


Well-Known Member
im sorry but im trying to find the understanding of it..
how can you find out whats more efficient plants or solar panels.
WTF i dont understand


Well-Known Member
Solar panels are actually a rather inefficient means of converting suns rays into usable energy.

They are only 12% efficient.

Nature is amazing in what it can evolve.


Well-Known Member
whats NRG, and I only meant in terms of converting light to energy, regardless of plant energy or stored electrical energy.


Well-Known Member
god this dibate is getting stupid i onloy posted it to see ppl opinions on growth not fucking solar systems!!!!!!