Good seeds


Well-Known Member
put them in a cup of water until they crack...theres no right way lol just do something and figure out which way you like

newb weed grower

Active Member
wet a paper towel put seeds in it then wait its easy effective and so dam simple it hurts also a warm light over top will speed this process up

cajun rose circle

Active Member
AH, I have a good method for the desert. I put some test seeds in a humidity dome in some of those black compost plugs. They came up before everything else and were planted at the same time. There wasn't even a race. First one popped last night at just under two days.


Well-Known Member
A germination kit (Nirvana) is a great method along with a heated germ mat. If you use a paper towel method, just put you moistened paper towel with beans in a zip loc bag....then somewhere of water heater, top of fridge.... or heat mat.

cajun rose circle

Active Member
A germination kit (Nirvana) is a great method along with a heated germ mat. If you use a paper towel method, just put you moistened paper towel with beans in a zip loc bag....then somewhere of water heater, top of fridge.... or heat mat.
I think your right. I have my cloning dome on a heat mat I got at the garden store. Two more popped out since I got up almost two hours ago. No bullshit. The black compost plugs are the fastest method I have ever tried. I definitely think your right about the heat mat helping.


bud bootlegger
yah, the heat matt works great, as does the other methods that he mentioned as well.. top of fridge, cable box, stereo, w'e.. i think the temp, you want is like 82 degrees or so..


Well-Known Member
Take two or three paper towels. Fold them all up so they're a few layers deep. Wet them, wring them out, then put a seed inside them. I then fold them back up add a little more water for moisture and put them between two plates, one upside down on top the other. (picture a UFO...same shape). Then I take that plate concoction and put it on top my cable tv box, where it's warm. You want warm, wet & dark. 9 times out of 10, I go back the next day and have a tap root. Easy as pie.

cajun rose circle

Active Member
Take two or three paper towels. Fold them all up so they're a few layers deep. Wet them, wring them out, then put a seed inside them. I then fold them back up add a little more water for moisture and put them between two plates, one upside down on top the other. (picture a UFO...same shape). Then I take that plate concoction and put it on top my cable tv box, where it's warm. You want warm, wet & dark. 9 times out of 10, I go back the next day and have a tap root. Easy as pie.
Those little black compost plugs for cloning sprouted it's first one in less that 48 hours. Two days later the seeds in the towel began and were placed in plugs.

All you guys have given me reliable info on this subject. Even putting them in water put out a root a day or two afer the plugs, so they all work. The plugs I think are my way to go maybe because they get to stay in a humidity dome and on a heat mat i got at the ponics store.

You are correct though in all respects as the towels are working.