Good soil?


Well-Known Member
Honestly, I've used miracle grow organic soil, with some added pearlite, and some vermiculite into the mix, with good results. I actually like this stuff. Just make sure it is the organic soil.


Active Member
I've heard that if you use miracle grow where there in germination, its sometimes has to much nutes for the plant to handle and sometimes dies.


Well-Known Member
Welcome Matt

The miracle grow will work fine.
You can mix with perlite as Video said.
I like a 40% perlite to 60% mg soil.

I would think the organic would be the best mg product though.
I have not seen it.
I really want to move toward organic soil myself.

From what I understand it is alot harder to get nute burn with the og soil.


Well-Known Member
I believe that you are referring to there time released soil, not the organic, two different products.

I've heard that if you use miracle grow where there in germination, its sometimes has to much nutes for the plant to handle and sometimes dies.


Active Member
I'm with Video for the soil. I've used MG Organic for seeds and clones. Works great. Make sure its the Organic though. It has a giant tomato on the packaging, and its about 5.50 a bag.

I used the garden soil, not the potting mix. The potting mix had a high PH and didn't seem as loose as the garden soil.

There should be enough nutes in it too last you a few weeks.

Also, while you're at home depot. Buy the 5 gallon buckets they sell, drill some holes in the bottom. Get some 1 inch gravel to put in the bottom. Fill the bucket with about 2 inches of stones, and the rest soil. Rinse your stones first! Who knows what's in that dust. With the stones, holes and MG soil, it makes for really sweet drainage. You will never over water. When I harvest my plants, I always find a huge tap root going down into the stones, with a very advanced root system. I've had a 4 foot plant in this setup. I since changed my lighting setup/room configuration and I'm confident I will get more height.

Good luck.

beenthere donethat

Well-Known Member
IMO, flushing soil with added nutes will only release more nutes.

It's best to not have the nutes in the soil in the first place...unless that is you follow a proven recipe and mix your own.

good luck

bt dt


Well-Known Member
MG Organic in the brown bag kicks ass. Very little for plants to feed on in the its easier to manage feeding. Just watch out for the fungus gnats.