
Well-Known Member
The piece of wood you see there is a strong bar for the lights. It is held up there by a washer and a screw on each end and two zip ties, tied around the wood to the top.

Lights need to be placed properly.

Mylar at the corners of the box need to be taped down because the fan is blowing them around too much, was hoping I could overlap them and leave them like that.

Mylar needs to be taped down in the corners.

A few very small light leaks in the front of the box need to be fixed, as well as replacing the exhaust fan.

What's in bold are some minor things that need to be done. As well as doing something to drop the heat a few degrees.

Seeds have been dropped, and I await their taproots.


Well-Known Member
nice man! good to see you back on track :) looking nice. But I do not get it, how many plants are you planning to grow? what size is the grow box? looks good! and don't think about the temp just yet. It's better to prepare your infrastructure, you can always simply remove some bulbs, but it would be a struggle to add some once the grow starts :)

It'w been few weeks for me as well since I grew something. But will be starting pretty soon. Within 3-4 weeks.
Hopefully you'll keep this pics taking thing and will not switch back to that old 1megapix cam :))


Well-Known Member
I will be running two plants, 1 Pure AK and 1 Lemon Kush. They'll be in 4" pots at the start and as soon as she fills that up, I'll be transplanting into 2 gallon pots and they'll stay there til' the end.


Well-Known Member
Not showing me anything yet, sadly. Still early though.

Working on the heat for now, probably going to remove the reflectors from the lamp(s), at the very least that should help the heat rise. Going to run it for a few hours like that and see if it makes a difference. I'll be sure to run the small intake fan too, and test it out with all 5 bulbs.


Well-Known Member
No root yet. But I did notice I forgot to label them, and now I don't know which is which. Hopefully within the next 24-48 hours they'll show me something.


Well-Known Member
Always the paper towel method. Usually at room temp. This time I sat it on my laptop in a dark case to speed things up. 10 hours later (when I got home from work) I saw roots. They are both now ready for soil.bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Good to hear that. I was using paper towel and trying to put seeds on something warm. After I destroyed two seeds while trying to put in a warm place now the only thing I do - drop it into glass of water for 24 hours and then put it in soil for nature to do the rest. Don't wanna mess with that tap root :) If I feel that it takes too long, I just scratch with a needle soil around it without disturbing the seed so I know that seeds germinated. but they never took longer than 72hours.

So finally man :) quite a break you made I'd say :)


Well-Known Member
I had a Skunk #1 seed take a week before. The majority of the time though they're done in less than 48 hours for me.


About a 70/30 (soil/perlite) mix, since the soil already contains an okay amount of perlite. No food was added. Soil was thoroughly drenched probably close to 24 hours now, before they were planted. Tap water was used, and will continue to be used throughout this grow. No pHing.


Well-Known Member
what i meant that for me both in towel and planting directly in soil i see cotyledon leaves in less than 96 hours


Well-Known Member
what i meant that for me both in towel and planting directly in soil i see cotyledon leaves in less than 96 hours
Oh ok, gotchya.

I got to think of a better way to light proof around this badly cut door I did on the side of this box. Mylar overlapping didn't work as well as I'd hoped. Any ideas? I'm thinking of getting a piece of cardboard cutting it to be 2 inches bigger than the hole I cut for the door, taking the door off..leaving the hole, and use velcro to apply the new piece of cardboard. But, would that be light tight?


Well-Known Member
Actually, I just might do that. I forgot about the obvious solution which is to just push it flush to the wall during lights off, which will do for now. Lights will run 18/6 starting tonight.


Well-Known Member
That plants show hermies more due to genetics rather than tiny light leak stress if that's what you are afraid of. as long as those light leaks are not from intensive light. I had serious temp problems, room temp was raising to 85-95, so I kept my grow room doors open. Light was indirect, still there was plenty getting in. So if you put a chair or something to block direct light you should be fine..


Well-Known Member
Well yea, stealth and prevent hermies. But it doesn't matter, I'll probably have to leave the door on it cracked/open to help with the heat.

Good news is one of them already shed its shell and showing coty leaves. Probably a little hard to see....


Well-Known Member
And the other has made its way up. I have these under 1 - 40 watt bulb, with the reflector. Tomorrow night I'll be adding a few more bulbs and taking away the reflector. More pictures to come in a day or two.


Well-Known Member
Well, they ended up stretching a bit since I was late on making my adjustment to the lights. But they're doing good otherwise. Going to take out that fan I currently have in there, the next day I have off, and put in two smaller fans to pull air up towards the exhaust and put another smaller fan to replace where that fan is now.

Going to go take some pictures in a few minutes, I'll be back to post those.

EDIT: Going to add 2 more bulbs tonight, forgot to mention this. Kind of testing the heat with 4 bulbs again, first time didn't go so well.