Got my 3590's. Look different....

Just saw this as I've ordered from Cutter some 4000k and 3000k cxb2530's.

The 4000k has black writing and the 3000k everything is in gold.

Legit source.
@Rahz gotta hand it to this Guy.
He has been SO awesome in this whole process for me and so understanding of my questions. Thanks again man.
I think he's suggesting Cree makes less money through grey market transactions.

Yeah, I understand what he's saying but that's vanishingly rare with gray market items. He's not underCuttering (see what I did there?) authorized dealers and, unless they're stolen, the same wholesale price was probably paid by both sources. Companies hate gray market because they potentially lose control of MSRP and that's not happening here.

He hates Gray market because he got ripped off by someone else. I get it.
So all is well. One thing though, on your 4000-'s top right corner. Does it say 3590N?
I don't have the 3590N I've got the 2530's but was trying to let you know my experience based on different colour cobs.

They have B2530N on each one in small text in a silver colour.

Hope that helps
Along with this ,yes,old news ...
View attachment 3598954

Soon ,I guess,there'll be some fresh news ,also ...
You are a Sailor Moon type lol hating so hard it's like fuck everyone else. You don't even know who I am. Remember I live in the US and your feeble attempt to drag us Cree users down with your lies will not work but nice try. Aren't you a Vero guy so why hate? Oh yeah you are just a

hahaha. Lets see your plants if not please set off. I harvest every month what about you. @Greengenes707 you are in my area now I can't wait until we run across each other Socal isn't as big as you think. Don't worry I have no intentions of doing any harm too you. I just wanna ask why the hate? Remember it's only a year of me doing what I do and have made major achievements. Just image if I was doing it as long as you. Btw I have knowledge in areas you don't and it's vise a verse a. I need not to fight anymore.
You are a Sailor Moon type lol hating so hard it's like fuck everyone else. You don't even know who I am. Remember I live in the US and your feeble attempt to drag us Cree users down with your lies will not work but nice try. Aren't you a Vero guy so why hate? Oh yeah you are just a

View attachment 3599087
hahaha. Lets see your plants if not please set off. I harvest every month what about you. @Greengenes707 you are in my area now I can't wait until we run across each other Socal isn't as big as you think. Don't worry I have no intentions of doing any harm too you. I just wanna ask why the hate? Remember it's only a year of me doing what I do and have made major achievements. Just image if I was doing it as long as you. Btw I have knowledge in areas you don't and it's vise a verse a. I need not to fight anymore.
So.... what's your input on these CREE Cobs? :/ Is one of them a CXA3590? Cause there definitely isn't a "B" printed before the 3590N like all the rest.
So.... what's your input on these CREE Cobs? :/ Is one of them a CXA3590? Cause there definitely isn't a "B" printed before the 3590N like all the rest.
Have you tested the voltage? You are the only one here that can find out what you actually received
Good luck guys. I'm not saying anything anymore. I'll just step back and watch lol. @stardustsailor you win and everyone else loses now Cree CXB 3590 are still better than Vero 29 and I'm working on dealing with Cree directly. I've been in sales for over 20 years and I'm good at what I do. That's why I say @Greengenes707 and @AquariusPanta stop arguing, that's not gonna get you sales. @Airwalker16 that sucks you didn't get what you ordered. Did you address the issue? And when did you receive the order?
Isn't it possible to test them yourself very easily? That should clear this up. I'm about to order a massive amount and would like to hear what happens
Good luck guys. I'm not saying anything anymore. I'll just step back and watch lol. @stardustsailor you win and everyone else loses now Cree CXB 3590 are still better than Vero 29 and I'm working on dealing with Cree directly. I've been in sales for over 20 years and I'm good at what I do. That's why I say @Greengenes707 and @AquariusPanta stop arguing, that's not gonna get you sales. @Airwalker16 that sucks you didn't get what you ordered. Did you address the issue? And when did you receive the order?
So I DIDN'T get all CD? Jerry wrote me back. I'll PM you his reply since you are friends with him.
Good luck guys. I'm not saying anything anymore. I'll just step back and watch lol. @stardustsailor you win and everyone else loses now Cree CXB 3590 are still better than Vero 29 and I'm working on dealing with Cree directly. I've been in sales for over 20 years and I'm good at what I do. That's why I say @Greengenes707 and @AquariusPanta stop arguing, that's not gonna get you sales. @Airwalker16 that sucks you didn't get what you ordered. Did you address the issue? And when did you receive the order?
Received thsee cobs today.