got my shed robbed

Where in the hell am I?

Well-Known Member
That is exactly why I make damn sure that everyone in my neighborhood knows I have many guns. I like to sit on the front porch and clean my guns. I also have a sign on the front fence stating " This house protected by Smith and Wesson" People look at me like
I am some crazy ass redneck......which I am
So, wen ya leave yer house, are ya afraid n-e1 is gonna steal yer many guns? That kid who robbed yer shed wasnt scared of yer guns

Where in the hell am I?

Well-Known Member
Posting signs & brandishing firearms in public is not advised. It makes it harder for your lawyer to use the poor scared citizen defence. You look like you invited trouble.

They'll know I'm armed when they hear the safety, click, BOOM!

Don't draw your weapon unless you plan to pull the trigger! And if you do draw it, be sure you do pull! Don't play!

I've carried a gun for 25 years & no one has ever seen my gun. That's how it's done. This way, I WILL have it, when I do finally need it.

So, you recommend that instead of (possibly), legally displaying a fire-arm, ya would have this guy break the law w/a concealed weapon. Hmmmm, there's a reason I like knives


Active Member
That is exactly why I make damn sure that everyone in my neighborhood knows I have many guns. I like to sit on the front porch and clean my guns. I also have a sign on the front fence stating " This house protected by Smith and Wesson" People look at me like
I am some crazy ass redneck......which I am
I want a sign like that!!! Where can i get one? (if you want mail me)
I really want that sign, also it may be colt or beretta because i like those designs to.. maybe even taurus...


New Member
I had custom signs made for me.

It simply says


When I picked the signs up, the owner of the shop told me he never made any up like that before... :lol:


Well-Known Member
to the OP-
if he admitted to the crime in a written statement (such as a signed police report) you can get restitution, damn near a sure shot in any civil court, probably would get settled befor eit even hit the courtroom. any legal fees will be part of the compensation, plus damages for loss of time...


Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear about that bullshit he was trying to get another robbery charge on the asshole probably my house got robbed a couple years back but we found out who did it.


Well-Known Member
That is exactly why I make damn sure that everyone in my neighborhood knows I have many guns. I like to sit on the front porch and clean my guns. I also have a sign on the front fence stating " This house protected by Smith and Wesson" People look at me like
I am some crazy ass redneck......which I am
I had a crazy neighbor like that he had about 5 different signs like that it said we dont dial 911 on one and had a revolver on it but he eventually snapped and pulled the gun on a kid and got booked he had to sell so much of his shit to get out on bail because of it.I fucking hate people who think there tough shit cause they got a gun.


Active Member
Posting signs & brandishing firearms in public is not advised. It makes it harder for your lawyer to use the poor scared citizen defence. You look like you invited trouble.

They'll know I'm armed when they hear the safety, click, BOOM!

Don't draw your weapon unless you plan to pull the trigger! And if you do draw it, be sure you do pull! Don't play!

I've carried a gun for 25 years & no one has ever seen my gun. That's how it's done. This way, I WILL have it, when I do finally need it.

bullshit jj
2nd amendment
AND I grow


New Member
Posting signs is the ONLY way to protect urself LEGALLY from trespassing.

In Florida, you must have ur yard fenced with at least 5 bobwires, Signs need to be spaced out in plain sight along the entire perimeter, not just at the entrances.

Once this is properly done, a citizen is allowed to protect his entire property from intrusion, including police (unless they have a warrant). No person without specific permission may cross my threshold. It used to be that you could only protect urself in ur own home, but Florida saw the light and extended it to ur entire property.

Walk on unannounced and you may get carried off. Walk on armed, and it's a guarantee.


Well-Known Member
I had custom signs made for me.

It simply says


When I picked the signs up, the owner of the shop told me he never made any up like that before... :lol:

I have a couple like that that my old boss gave me...

One says.

No Trespassing
Violators will be shot
Survivors will be shot again


Well-Known Member
You have to sue him! If you dont, then i dont feel that bad for ya... sorry

Your garden variety burglar doesn't have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of.

I'd be surprised if this punk even has a permanent address.

A lawsuit would be an expensive/time consuming exercise in futility. You simply can't squeeze blood from a stone.


Well-Known Member
exactly you'd only be punishing his parents...
Who've probably gone through enough crap with that kid if he's going around stealing from sheds. Probably stealing from them too.


Well-Known Member

Your garden variety burglar doesn't have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of.

I'd be surprised if thus punk even has a permanent address.

A lawsuit would be an expensive/time consuming exercise in futility. You simply can't squeeze blood from a stone.

You can create nice chess pieces out of them though:hump::hump::hump:

God Dam

when you say "robbed" i think you mean "theft".
did you see them steal it? if no, then it was "theft".
if you saw them and they had gun, knife, etc, or just used threats and or intimidation it would be robbery.