how did you find out about the two bolded claims you made?
how did you find out that college admissions officers "denied a slot" to you to "someone else with a different skin color"?
how did you find out that "we" (you and the other applicant) "came from similar socio-economic backgrounds"?
who told you that?
how did you determine the socio-economic background of the other applicant? how did you determine the skin color of the other applicant?
these are things that no college admissions officer, especially of a "top national university", would disclose to a rejected participant.
i want answers to my questions.
the claims you made are not even remotely believable without a photograph of the rejection letter or e-mail.
This is what you said: "you said the college admissions office specifically informed you that you were rejected in favor of someone of a diffewrent race and a similar socio economic status."
I never said that. You did.