Government an there lies,deception.

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If i remember most of the guys that did the coupe where arested.even your pressident.anf whats better somr states dont allowe to vote for him and some allowe....
But the protestors where hit and arrested




They were most certainly not beaten and thrown in jail. “We love you,” Trump said. “You’re very special.” Then he told them to go home in peace and the police just let them walk away. Thousands took part in that act of sedition and only a few hundred are in jail for it. Almost all are in jail for beating a policeman, not for participating in an attempted coup.

We are dealing with a violent movement right now that calls itself MAGA and Republicans. They answer to a wannabe dictator. Our democracy is threatened and yet, the wannabe dictator is being treated with kid gloves. We are even going to let him on the ballot and he has a good shot at winning in November. So, don't even try to compare what Russia, China and Israel are doing with what's going on in the US.
Sorry the Russia bots are beaten by facts if someone wants to read, everyone deserves a view and respect but when someone vouches for hate and also anti democracy for favor of separatist and supreme power . If someone in China or Russia could vote (without “consequences “) the country in just one voting process wouldn’t be that way. it’s not that they don’t have a good view, it’s they don’t have the voting power to and this is why I def don’t ever want gop and MAGA freaks to win more than they have and have usa as a anti democracy and their actions and also words def show that’s actually why they want. We in USA have as citizens one big gain and that’s voting power. I think if I was a president I would demand the removal of senate vote over population vote . The people should be the only vote power to make a leader , would have trump won 2016? Hell no

also having a supreme judges have if not more power than president cause they can’t be fired is a major issue and flaw we made and we as a nation shoupd demand that to be reverted cause obviously it’s def not bipartisan and also abusive to whole system . things need to change in those ways and also make it obvious these positions in government need to be addressed as a honor position vs cemented lobbyist and criminals if they want to and also be able to make our country hostage if they want something. i realize they want these powers but as people we are allowing the obvious flaws be stuck like it’s non fixable and it def should be addressed. They changed these rules so easily why is it so hard to reverse . It’s greed and the people in power who are wrong and should never have such power like non democracy base made 100% of it such.
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Sure I really like our American road system. It is very nice to be able to get to places easily.

Running potable water is pretty sweet too.

There are a lot of things that we enjoy without thinking much about how they came about that would not happen without our federal/local/state governments.
Totally agree
Our political forum is for legitimate political discussions not light hearted joking, ..
there are a few meme threads in the political area your random post might be better suited too
Yeah i get that i see lots of posts lije this random threads on all tyoe things nit trying to upset admin or that just creating conversation
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They were most certainly not beaten and thrown in jail. “We love you,” Trump said. “You’re very special.” Then he told them to go home in peace and the police just let them walk away. Thousands took part in that act of sedition and only a few hundred are in jail for it. Almost all are in jail for beating a policeman, not for participating in an attempted coup.

We are dealing with a violent movement right now that calls itself MAGA and Republicans. They answer to a wannabe dictator. Our democracy is threatened and yet, the wannabe dictator is being treated with kid gloves. We are even going to let him on the ballot and he has a good shot at winning in November. So, don't even try to compare what Russia, China and Israel are doing with what's going on in the US.
Totally with you not that i consider that a coup but the supreme judges an things that don’t work like violence to get your way i agree on . Society needs to be held by society to account an government by society
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Sorry the Russia bots are beaten by facts if someone wants to read, everyone deserves a view and respect but when someone vouches for hate and also anti democracy for favor of separatist and supreme power . If someone in China or Russia could vote (without “consequences “) the country in just one voting process wouldn’t be that way. it’s not that they don’t have a good view, it’s they don’t have the voting power to and this is why I def don’t ever want gop and MAGA freaks to win more than they have and have usa as a anti democracy and their actions and also words def show that’s actually why they want. We in USA have as citizens one big gain and that’s voting power. I think if I was a president I would demand the removal of senate vote over population vote . The people should be the only vote power to make a leader , would have trump won 2016? Hell no

also having a supreme judges have if not more power than president cause they can’t be fired is a major issue and flaw we made and we as a nation shoupd demand that to be reverted cause obviously it’s def not bipartisan and also abusive to whole system . things need to change in those ways and also make it obvious these positions in government need to be addressed as a honor position vs cemented lobbyist and criminals if they want to and also be able to make our country hostage if they want something. i realize they want these powers but as people we are allowing the obvious flaws be stuck like it’s non fixable and it def should be addressed. They changed these rules so easily why is it so hard to reverse . It’s greed and the people in power who are wrong and should never have such power like non democracy base made 100% of it such.
Lots of interesting points on what needs to be rewritten or updated
Totally with you
Thanks but I completely disagree with the premise of this thread.

I don't think the US government is lying or deceiving the public. Not saying the US government does not have its faults. The political system is open to corruption through its system of campaign funding as well as the rotating door between political offices and corporate lobbies or so-called "think tanks" like the Heritage Foundation. In recent history, the US's engagement in international conflicts has been downright malignant, such as establishing dictators during the cold war (Pinochet and The Shah in Iran for example), the abandonment of Afghanistan to religious zealots (we did that twice), the war in Iraq, and Trump's attempts to weaken NATO while selling out Ukraine for political favors from Putin. The way the US has treated Mexico is completely odious too. Our form of capitalism is downright rapacious in the third world. The recent striking down of the civil right to bodily autonomy that women held for the past 50 years was made possible by the democracy that I strongly want to protect. So, I'm not saying the US's society or government is pure.

But lies and deception? The above criticism of the US by a US citizen indicates otherwise.
Thanks but I completely disagree with the premise of this thread.

I don't think the US government is lying or deceiving the public. Not saying the US government does not have its faults. The political system is open to corruption through its system of campaign funding as well as the rotating door between political offices and corporate lobbies or so-called "think tanks" like the Heritage Foundation. In recent history, the US's engagement in international conflicts has been downright malignant, such as establishing dictators during the cold war (Pinochet and The Shah in Iran for example), the abandonment of Afghanistan to religious zealots (we did that twice), the war in Iraq, and Trump's attempts to weaken NATO while selling out Ukraine for political favors from Putin. The way the US has treated Mexico is completely odious too. Our form of capitalism is downright rapacious in the third world. The recent striking down of the civil right to bodily autonomy that women held for the past 50 years was made possible by the democracy that I strongly want to protect. So, I'm not saying the US's society or government is pure.

But lies and deception? The above criticism of the US by a US citizen indicates otherwise.
Well yes but well government do use lies an misdirection all the time . Nit just American but all governments in my opinion they do things like eg take soldiers to Vietnam to take control of opium fields when publics told to stop the spread of communism lies . Many other places we all go to help said country funnily you ever see them invade to help said people when nothing to be gained no . Your right i was wrong

Writing out loud stoned i was thinking of government an lies an deception but i wasnt really that serious i was just thinking. Wanted to start conversation an well I’ll adjust thread name the premise …
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I completely disagree with the premise of this thread.
Same, but for the simple reason 'government' is already a way too broad brush, regardless of what country but especially in democracies where they change periodically. And then there's the different branches, layers, leaders, parties, factions, individual politicians and elected and unelected officials. Some lie and deceive, some try to be good at their job, some actually are. I think you gave the only answer that somewhat works: I like my government is democratically elected. Though I don't share @compassionateExotic's faith in humanity when it comes to making the right choice, the alternatives seem worse.
I cant see how to change thread name now i have done before but next time ill make sure to add the other side that would be good things an or truths we all enjoy like roads an much more fresh water all type positives too not just negative
Same, but for the simple reason 'government' is already a way too broad brush, regardless of what country but especially in democracies where they change periodically. And then there's the different branches, layers, leaders, parties, factions, individual politicians and elected and unelected officials. Some lie and deceive, some try to be good at their job, some actually are. I think you gave the only answer that somewhat works: I like my government is democratically elected. Though I don't share @compassionateExotic's faith in humanity when it comes to making the right choice, the alternatives seem worse.
Your right i was joking more then serious but i can see where its named wrongly.
the premise incorrect as in should be both sides an there are good people in government but you ever heard statement the road to hells paved with good intentions well kinda happens to most especially the good ones
Well yes but well government do use lies an misdirection all the time . Nit just American but all governments in my opinion they do things like eg take soldiers to Vietnam to take control of opium fields when publics told to stop the spread of communism lies . Many other places we all go to help said country funnily you ever see them invade to help said people when nothing to be gained no . Your right i was wright

Writing out loud stoned i was thinking if government an lies an deception but i wasnt really that serious i was just thinking. Wanted to start conversation an well I’ll adjust thread name the premise …
take soldiers to Vietnam to take control of Opium fields? lol That right there is what I'm talking about in one of my posts in this thread.

That said, if you wanted a conversation, mission accomplished. Stick around, it's been getting boring lately with everybody being so god damned agreeable. Threads rarely go the way the OP might have intended. Just saying, you might find the conversation gets sharp but you'll get a conversation. But stick around. We don't bite much.
take soldiers to Vietnam to take control of Opium fields? lol That right there is what I'm talking about in one of my posts in this thread.

That said, if you wanted a conversation, mission accomplished. Stick around, it's been getting boring lately with everybody being so god damned agreeable. Threads rarely go the way the OP might have intended. Just saying, you might find the conversation gets sharp but you'll get a conversation. But stick around. We don't bite much.
I like conversations an im all for open conversations. Im sorry im not sleeping well an im kinda just looking fir to fill with some open conversations but yeah shit never goes the way it’s intended an i am writing up my argument badly i need sleep
take soldiers to Vietnam to take control of Opium fields? lol That right there is what I'm talking about in one of my posts in this thread.

That said, if you wanted a conversation, mission accomplished. Stick around, it's been getting boring lately with everybody being so god damned agreeable. Threads rarely go the way the OP might have intended. Just saying, you might find the conversation gets sharp but you'll get a conversation. But stick around. We don't bite much.
What i should of started with is oil fields wars iraq kuwait in particular but what i was really trying to argue is the wars are as we just stated never as they where intended
My opinions an my views are always open to re education ir another’s perspective enlightening my opinion or view i realise in life you get nothing good with out hearing all to be heard an being prepared to change your stand when educated better
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Same, but for the simple reason 'government' is already a way too broad brush, regardless of what country but especially in democracies where they change periodically. And then there's the different branches, layers, leaders, parties, factions, individual politicians and elected and unelected officials. Some lie and deceive, some try to be good at their job, some actually are. I think you gave the only answer that somewhat works: I like my government is democratically elected. Though I don't share @compassionateExotic's faith in humanity when it comes to making the right choice, the alternatives seem worse.
I was stating what should be done, not what will cause of obvious power and greed being allowed what happens. I’m sure majority of people and even the corrupt woild agree on many things. It’s the “rules” to make us all sheep and slaves is what shows on our history on this p,ant as such easily controlled
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LOL, at the provacative and sweeping statement. We don't even beat and jail former presidents or their lackeys who attempt a coup after they lose their bid at another term in office. "allways ... beaten abd jailed" is more of a Russia and China thing. We don't jail them without a trial, that is.

I must say though that Russia and China are benevolent compared to Saudi and African dictators who don't "allways" bother with jail, they just kill the protester. @Sergeant420 Please note that I just said something good about Russia and China too.
I just read that ending it got laugh out of me an yes even among the uncivilised nations under tyranny you get better or worse depending if its your country an you have to live with the putins an what ever the crazy china mans name is mao isnt it :bigjoint: bongsmilie :hump:
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Friends in russia say shit going very well fir the people lots of prosperity atm an thats kinda strange isnt it . Id think with all the supposed international pressure shit be getting real there
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