Well-Known Member
If i remember most of the guys that did the coupe where arested.even your pressident.anf whats better somr states dont allowe to vote for him and some allowe....
But the protestors where hit and arrested


They were most certainly not beaten and thrown in jail. “We love you,” Trump said. “You’re very special.” Then he told them to go home in peace and the police just let them walk away. Thousands took part in that act of sedition and only a few hundred are in jail for it. Almost all are in jail for beating a policeman, not for participating in an attempted coup.
We are dealing with a violent movement right now that calls itself MAGA and Republicans. They answer to a wannabe dictator. Our democracy is threatened and yet, the wannabe dictator is being treated with kid gloves. We are even going to let him on the ballot and he has a good shot at winning in November. So, don't even try to compare what Russia, China and Israel are doing with what's going on in the US.