Government an there lies,deception.

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The government gated off access to probably 90% of the roads that lead up into the mountains (public land BTW) around the entire state, which is almost all mountains. They can't seem to budget all the money for some reason, and sell off large public land trusts right out from under everyones feet. Now days you have to pay for some BS discovery pass just so you can park next to some over crowded bathroom that cost millions of dollars, and worry about organized thief rings from busting your windows out just to go on a hike. Putting the pass card in your window is basically an advertisement to the thieves, and why I will never buy one. Its my land, and I don't need the government telling me where I can and cannot go.

Now, if they would just add a large garbage container towards the bottom of every gated off road (so losers don't dump their trash), and stop taking my roads away, I would gladly pay a little extra to be able to visit my land again, and poop in the woods in peace.
At the same time though, I believe everything is as good as it is bad. There is nothing stopping me from getting a horse, and barebacking it all around the countryside they gated off, without worrying about all the extra people in the way.
At the same time though, I believe everything is as good as it is bad. There is nothing stopping me from getting a horse, and barebacking it all around the countryside they gated off, without worrying about all the extra people in the way.
Well I'm stuck on a island in the middle of no were does my country even exist they say
They turned to the law of the jungle not the land
I put the bible down a long time ago. Is that a biblical reference? In any case, who are they and jungles are as much of a part of the land as you and I are. We are all of this planet we call Earth or however people with other languages and in cultures refer to it. Even flat earthers call it something.
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I put the bible down a long time ago. Is that a biblical reference? In any case, who are they and jungles are as much of a part of the land as you and I are. We are all of this planet we call Earth or however other languages and cultures refer to it. Even flat earthers call it something.
All related one or another maybe very distantly but related brothers sisters all
Im very glad everyone getting the gist of what i post how i like the interaction to go down its very cool to see all y'all get on the same page with me …
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