Government making money off of students

RDZofWORDZCRAFT, post: 10572177, member: 875090"]fuck those rich mothafuckas and the liberal brainwashing they get learned
Not everything has to be politicised.
Access to quality education should be our number one priority. Far too often it's the last one in line when all the money gets handed out.

My city is always crying broke when it comes to schools yet they wonder why they have one of the biggest poverty issues in the country.
the other day I saw an article saying that jeantelle from the Trayvon case got her diploma and that bitch cant even write.
She heard wet grass for fucks're telling me someone like her is ready for college and higher learning?

Its simple. It goes like this.
Poor education; both the lack of resources and parental involvement = poor people.
Poor people = crime
Crime = prisons we have to pay for.

lack of quality education hurts our economy and weakens us as a nation.
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Not everything has to be politicised.
Access to quality education should be our number one priority. Far too often it's the last one in line when all the money gets handed out.

My city is always crying broke when it comes to schools yet they wonder why they have one of the biggest poverty issues in the country.
the other day I saw an article saying that jeantelle from the Trayvon case got her diploma and that bitch cant even right

yeah, lots of people like to use use. especially after a fail so deliciously ironic.
I see the irony trolly trollsalot, still pretty good considering i'm using my phone.
Seriously, how do we start to change our priorities, wake up and do some common sense shit without it being all partisan and silly?
Are there more people in scandinavia or Kentucky?

Don't google, just think...

We can't do what they do.

We have a permanent underclass that they don't have, and we're stuck with one.
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="BigNBushy, post: 10573166, member: 613618"]Is there more people in scandinavia or Kentucky?

Don't google, just think...

We can't do what they do.

We have a permanent underclass that they don't have, and we're stuck with one.
I don't see why not. That's the point, we don't NEED to have an underclass.
All it takes is lots of money.
We spent what, 2 trillion in Afghanistan and iraq?
That could have built and sustained a lot of top tier public schools.
If we invested in education, made it a top priority and we built a system which helps minimize poverty which in turn reduce the amount of money we spend on welfare and assistance it might be a net wash.
Its all about money, the past of marijuana and the war on the sick is more than enough to learn that right and wrong takes no torch. if you make it convenient for the government to do sumthing then it will happen. if they arnt getting paid it aint happening.
I can't wait for the student loan bubble to pop. Over $1 trillion in outstanding student loan debt. Income Based Repayment is only a band aid on a huge problem.
Those for profit schools are predatory and mire people in debt for life in exchange for a worthless degree that is only good for wiping your ass with.
Those for profit schools are predatory and mire people in debt for life in exchange for a worthless degree that is only good for wiping your ass with.

that's just the thing, of course, imvho, it all depends what one goes to college for and what they get a degree in as to how useful college is for the real world work force..
how many people go to college and graduate with honors and get a study four years in a subject like philosophy, or polical science, or sociology? yeah, great, they have a degree, good luck getting a job with what you just spent four years of your life studying for, or in the case of sociology, a lot of times, jobs in that field will only earn the person about $30k a year or so.. woo hoo. great choices here..
so sure, college sounds great and all, but in reality, unless you're going for something that's half way useful, it's a complete waste of time, and lots of money, again, imvho..
In Murrica where we have that thar merkin dream?
The American dream is that one can escape it, I'm making no claim that all could, any one of them could, but the reality is not all will.

We didn't have a true under class until the war on poverty.

collateral damage?
The American dream is that one can escape it, I'm making no claim that all could, any one of them could, but the reality is not all will.

We didn't have a true under class until the war on poverty.

collateral damage?
Right, all of those black people before the civil rights era weren't a "true under class."

How about depression era Americans? Why was FDR reelected so many times again?
The American dream is that one can escape it, I'm making no claim that all could, any one of them could, but the reality is not all will.

We didn't have a true under class until the war on poverty.

collateral damage?

we didn't have a true under class before the war on poverty? i disagree, what about for instance, hmm, hill people, poor dirt farmers, mountain men, crop farmers, swamp people, i could go on and on really...
sure, the lower, under class has grown by leaps and bounds, but i'm pretty sure so long as we've had rich people, we've also had people who didn't have a bucket to piss in..