Well-Known Member
Its used to combat depression, ptsd, and anxietyI could find no studies implicating ketamine in the precipitation of chronic mental illness.
Its used to combat depression, ptsd, and anxietyI could find no studies implicating ketamine in the precipitation of chronic mental illness.
I’ve seen a number of intriguing therapeutic uses for ketamine, notably as an antidepressant of unusual mechanism. I’m having trouble verifying what the poster does not document but claims “is widely known”.Its used to combat depression, ptsd, and anxiety
I don't understand why the two of you are so bent on disproving anything I post. To sit there and say that the abuse of drugs is not a cause of mental illness is a rather naive stance to take. You were unable to completely refute what I've posted so you decided to single out one drug that I mentioned because that wasn't in the studies I've previously posted. YOU couldn't find anything regarding it's abuse causing psychosis.I could find no studies implicating ketamine in the precipitation of chronic mental illness.
SAINT TMS..they locate the area of your brains happiness. It's within the same tissue but in different places on everyone. They use MRI to locate then the zero in the magnets.I don't understand why the two of you are so bent on disproving anything I post. To sit there and say that the abuse of drugs is not a cause of mental illness is a rather naive stance to take. You were unable to completely refute what I've posted so you decided to single out one drug that I mentioned because that wasn't in the studies I've previously posted. YOU couldn't find anything regarding it's abuse causing psychosis.
Well just because YOU can't find any studies doesn't mean they don't exist. It took me mere seconds to find some.
As I said previously, you obviously have no experience or have not been exposed to the rampant drug use on the streets that is turning previously normal individuals into nutcases. Maybe instead of spending your time trying to disprove what I say you should spend that time actually educating yourself. But I think that you're not concerned with educating yourself as much as you are in trying to do you're silly "You're Wrong!" nonsense. Well in this case you're the ones that are wrong. I suggest you stop trying to discredit me and instead take the time to learn about things you obviously don't know anything about if you're going to comment on them and say that others are wrong.
"The use of synthetic drugs such as methamphetamine and ketamine has been recognized as an increasingly serious and important public health issue in China and other countries (1–3). A series of studies indicate that chronic use of both methamphetamine and ketamine can lead to psychotic symptoms (4–6), which are mainly manifested as persistent hallucinations, delusions, and negative symptoms."
"Subanesthetic doses of ketamine produce a range of cognitive and behavioral effects similar to those of PCP, including psychotic symptoms"
"Similar to our previously reported findings (11), ketamine produced significant increases in psychosis, beginning moments after the bolus injection and persisting throughout the hour-long infusion period (table 2). The individual psychotic symptoms that were significantly affected were conceptual disorganization, unusual thought content, and hallucinatory behavior"
Psychiatry Online
"Scientists know that the drug ketamine – street name “Special K” – can induce schizophrenia-like symptoms in drug abusers."
It's only 4 pages.Could you be more specific, id be glad too
See? You found scrolled back just like the lefties here.None just Simply keep making new ones
'Nut case' is all I could come up with.What did I miss?
Or there have always been underlying mental illness issues made worse by drugs. Drugs that are used to help self medicate and quiet childhood/adult trauma/PTSD but in reality, causing more harm.homeless on the streets are mentally ill due to their excessive drug use.
I never said they are there to party and define "Party". When I think of partying I think of having a good time with friends as I suspect most do. I see nothing related to having a good time the way the hundreds of homeless meth, fentanyl, etc... drug users I see just driving a few miles from my house. The homeless camps around here are filled with drug addicted criminals and piles of trash, stolen bikes, stolen cars, and anything that isn't bolted down.Or there have always been underlying mental illness issues made worse by drugs. Drugs that are used to help self medicate and quiet childhood/adult trauma/PTSD but in reality, causing more harm.
I don't agree with your opinion that the majority of the homeless are there to party. Yeah sure some are there to shirk responsibility, but you're a smart dude. You know it goes deeper than that.
There is no need for you to respond to anything I post. Just skip over my posts.I would respond to this, but with what constitutes acceptable speech in forum being undefined and evolving, I am in risk mitigation mode.
I never said they are there to party and define "Party". When I think of partying I think of having a good time with friends as I suspect most do. I see nothing related to having a good time the way the hundreds of homeless meth, fentanyl, etc... drug users I see just driving a few miles from my house. The homeless camps around here are filled with drug addicted criminals and piles of trash, stolen bikes, stolen cars, and anything that isn't bolted down.
It doesn't matter if anyone agrees with my opinion but I can guarantee that if you come to Portland Oregon and ask normal people trying to go about their daily lives that a vast majority feel exactly the way I do. If you don't have hundreds of homeless camps scattered across the city that you live in then you really can't understand anything other than some talking points you've read somewhere that were written by homeless advocates.
They've spent close to $500 million dollars in the last decade here on the homeless problem. That's half a billion dollars with nothing to show for it.
And another thing, these homeless advocates have an incentive to make the public think that these are just down on their luck people displaced by rising rents. Those peoples income relies on the homeless. They make large salaries running organizations that are focused on helping the homeless. Much of that money is siphoned off to enrich the well connected. For example, they give tax breaks to developers to include a percentage of homeless units in their developments. The problem with that is that they only have to offer those low rent units for X amount of years. After that they can charge market rate so they kick out the low income tenants and charge market rate.
The publicly funded housing is also a joke. They'll build a low income housing complex and by the time they're done a small studio apartment costs more than building a 3 bedroom house because the developers with connections charge insane rates but yet those contracts are approved. The amount of grift going on is unbelievable.
It's easy to think you know what you're talking about but unless you see it every day you don't really. Apparently many seem to think that these are just normal people living in tents. They are not. Normal people don't have piles of stolen bikes, piles of trash, stolen cars, used hypodermic needles, etc... surrounding them.
I have camps like this just down the street from my house. You can see the young males more than able to work but choose not to and instead live a life on the street stealing and doing drugs by choice.
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Homeless camp chop shop. It looks like they've even got a stolen boat. Those vehicles are also going to be stolen. They just took over some vacant property. It's just a few miles from where I live.
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I-205 camp. Notice all the trash scattered around. These thing don't care. Max tracks to the left and a trail in the middle of the photo that goes all the way to the Glenn Jackson bridge and continues into Vancouver WA on the other side of the Columbia river. It used to be a nice green space until the drugged out homeless moved in. Now most people are afraid to use it even though they paid for it with their taxes.
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Longtime Portland company says it's losing customers due to large homeless camp - - Oregon News
The Impact Reduction Team has assessed this property seven times in the last 60 days. Each time it is scored well above the matrix required for
‘It’s scary’: North Portland families sell their homes to escape homeless camps, crime
Homeless camps along the Peninsula Crossing Trail have prompted some nearby families to sell their
Fed-up Portland homeowners are selling up as homeless set up camps
Residents of once picturesque neighborhoods in Portland, Oregon are now selling their homes to escape the worsening homeless crisis as more encampments pop up on the
As long as you don’t post obvious moo plop.There is no need for you to respond to anything I post. Just skip over my posts.
If you're up in the Seattle area then you know exactly what I'm talking about.Imagine for a second... how miserable the encampments around the greater Seattle must be right now (the ones that aren't under bridges anyway), as they finally get hit with actual rain for the first time in months. It's pretty much been bone dry all summer, and I'm almost jealous of camping that much myself, when its been this nice. FFS, even i'm not prepared for this typical rainy weather, and been tarping things off all morning in it.
Tent cities across the land are likely turning into a toxic, wet, rotten & moldy paraphernelia\trash stew... while many scramble around, but can't really do much except figure out how to get the next xylazine fix. watch their shopping carts full of stolen posessions, which they haven't hawked for dope yet, all take on water. I take that back, they're probably @ tent city depot snagging up all the tarps. No wonder the shelves were bare.
It wasn't ever this bad before fentynal showed up, then banned in China (if I remember right), and now being laced with other shit to make up for the lack of the "clean" stuff. If that's what you would call it. Maybe it is better, but I sure as heck don't think it should be completely decriminalized, like some propose as the ultimate solution.
There is no documentation of the precipitation of persistent psychosis in those not “previously disposed”.If you're up in the Seattle area then you know exactly what I'm talking about.
Some seem to think these people are just down on their luck or out on the streets because of high rent. Some may be but the vast majority living in these filthy camps are hard core drug users. They're homeless by choice.
Some seem to think that all you need to do is give them access to affordable housing. You have to want to work and earn a paycheck to afford anything. The only thing these people spend their money on is more drugs.
Some seem to think that if we have more programs and more treatment that these people will get off drugs. They won't.
Some seem to think these people can be saved. Most can't because there is nothing left. Their brains are cooked to the point of no return. I posted that video of the lady that was injecting xylazine that had already had her leg amputated and her arm was half rotten and likely to be amputated. Yet she's still injecting xylezine. If you're body is rotting from within and your limbs are being chopped off because of your drug use and yet you still continue to use there is nothing anyone can do to help them. Treatment won't help. Housing won't help. The only thing that can save them is to lock them away and keep them from the drugs. That's not going to happen so they're just going to waste away and die on the streets. That's reality.
Some think there is some program, some treatment, spend more money, etc... and the end result is rainbows and unicorns. That's a pipe dream and is never going to happen. The only thing that will solve the issue is to get these nasty drugs off the streets. Instead here in Oregon they decriminalized their use. Even now though there are efforts to repeal that ridiculous law. Many of those that voted for it are now against it after they've seen the complete failure of the law and the exorbitant amount of money that has been spent on treatment without any meaningful success.
Some are completely naive to the effects of the drugs these people are using today. This isn't 1980's Peruvian cocaine. They are not Keith Richards that can get the good clean heroin. These people are buying and injecting cocktails of very potent synthetic drugs off the streets without a clue as to what's in them.
Someone mentioned ketamine is used to help treat mental illness and that is true. But that treatment is done under medical supervision in much smaller doses and monitored. These people are injecting high doses of it multiple times a day and it has a much different effect than when it's administered in a clinical setting by trained medical professionals.
Anyway, some just don't understand and never will.