Grandaddy purp outdoor grow pics!


Well-Known Member
Ya man it was a rough start but they are really impressing me should be a good fall! Thanks dizz1e!


Well-Known Member
Idk man there probly is i mean aslong as the plants look green thats all that matters right? well heres a pic i took today enjoy!pic19.jpg


Active Member
Wow they got big. They are coming along great. I'm kicking myself for not planting outside earlier in the summer like you and my grow would be goin


Well-Known Member
You're stuff is coming along great bro. I can't wait to see this harvest. That dream truck you want would be nice ha.


Well-Known Member
Thanks G37kush and 420bongrips ya should get a good 2 pounds from this plot and 2 from the other atleast.. i hope :) ya i mean i planted the grandaddy purps late but there looking fine.


Active Member
Hey wassup guys. My cousin was being stubborn and wanted to put one of the sour OG clones in a 5 gal pot outside today at 11am when the sun was breaking through the clouds. I told him it was a bad idea cuz the clones have been under 24hr light for a week now. But that sour og clone did have the most roots coming out of the rockwool. Im thinking it might flower early. Am I right?


Well-Known Member
Ya it might but it will revert back to veg when it notices the days are still to long for it to flower just stick them out in the shade in a 5 gal with soil and after a few days move out of the shade and into the sun.


Active Member
Aight. How's the weather been over there in norcal? It's been overcast for most of the afternoon and then the sun comes out bright for max 6 hours.


Well-Known Member
ya shitty weather for about 2 days suppose to be sunny tommorow though :)
It's been 90+ for about a month or more here. My girls are getting GIANT. I have one strain called Mango and it does not like the heat at all, it will start to wither if it has more than 4 hours of direct sun. kind of odd but it stinks like rotten candy.


Active Member
Its been 80-90 this past week in san jose. I also have a mango, seems like its doing fine, not sure if its a male or female. I had a 10 pack and killed all but 1, probably from over watering Also have 2 grand daddy clones outside, the were sucking at first, but they've bushed out a fair amount now, have about 3 or 4 times as many leaves as when they started. Hopefully cools down some tho